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How are people finding the current economic climate?


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Hey All


I know from talking to the locals here in Hobart that the Tassie economy has never been as strong as the main land but recently I have been getting the nagging feeling that the local economy here is feeling more and more like the UK 4-5 years ago when I first decided to move over.


The economic down turn, around 2008-2009, was a tough time so hoping things are not slowly going that way again down here.


I just thought I'd raise this as a discussion here and see if this was something that others were thinking and would like to talk about.






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I'd like to know what people thought of the Tas economy too. We haven't moved to Tas yet (move set for December) but it is a worry. 4-5 years ago, when we first started to properly consider moving to Australia, it seemed like a no-brainier really. The UK was in such a state, with such a bleak outlook. Now the UK economy's on the up and Australia seems to be struggling. And will Tas suffer more than the mainland? Worrying times.

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None of us have any control over the economy, but we do have control over how we prepare ourselves for leaner times, saving money up for instance. There have been times when I did not even realize there was a recession on, because I had a job, and no debts.

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We're all doomed I tell ya.................dunno why I bother though as flag has had that corner of debate pretty much stitched up for a long time.............................but we're still waiting.


"We'll all be rooned said Hanrahan" Kev, I am sure the sky will fall hardest on inner city Perth :wink:

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We're all doomed I tell ya.................dunno why I bother though as flag has had that corner of debate pretty much stitched up for a long time.............................but we're still waiting.


You may smirk but the situation is rather grim over the horizon. Australia has been spared through good luck to date, something rapidly dissolving. You seem to forget Rudd at great cost prevented an earlier meltdown.

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You may smirk but the situation is rather grim over the horizon.


Just wonder when some of us will manage to get over the horizon considering that the doomsayers have been preaching alarm and despondency for umpteen years..................never mind..................capitalist economic history ensures that the horizon will be reached sooner or later so you'll be able to say "I told ya so" then

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After thinking about emigrating to Oz from the UK in 2010, we started the emigration process in 2011 and got our visas in 2012.

Over the past two years I have seen nothing on the job front in Australia (even Perth) that sounds a solid investment and worth the very costly move from the UK. It's a bit disappointing but the hard financial facts of it, I'm better off staying here, for now, where the UK appears to have come through their recession and is now quite strong!

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Some interesting feed back.


I have seen the economy in Tassie take a sharp turn over the last couple of years as well as seen a number of friends out of work. Thankfully up until now finding a new jobs hasn't been too much of a challenge but in recent times it just seems to be getting more and more difficult. Manufacturing and construction are the worst hit and definitely not industries I would recommend any one who is thinking of moving here. Government jobs are being squeezed too and cutting of funding is an issue.


I am not clear on the rest of Australia but I am concern for Tassie over the next year or two. Thinking it could feel a lot more like Europe soon, for better or worse!

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After thinking about emigrating to Oz from the UK in 2010, we started the emigration process in 2011 and got our visas in 2012.

Over the past two years I have seen nothing on the job front in Australia (even Perth) that sounds a solid investment and worth the very costly move from the UK. It's a bit disappointing but the hard financial facts of it, I'm better off staying here, for now, where the UK appears to have come through their recession and is now quite strong!


I'd say likely better off in UK although only you know what's best for you. Jobs are becoming very competitive for several reasons and it would appear the movement is downwards with regards to wages. They are certainly not keeping up with cost of living. Still in early stages of the down turn with regards WA so the extent is still a little unclear. Pretty much assume lower living standards are part of the plan though, regardless of what the deniers sprout.

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The grown ups are in charge now, so all will be well.


Seems to have been going south since this lot got in. Unemployment is rising already...

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Just wonder when some of us will manage to get over the horizon considering that the doomsayers have been preaching alarm and despondency for umpteen years..................never mind..................capitalist economic history ensures that the horizon will be reached sooner or later so you'll be able to say "I told ya so" then


Meanwhile others prefer a Disneyland scenario where the good times will always roll and nothing bad ever happens. WA sadly is prone to a major correction in living standards. It's called economic forecasting based on events unfolding. As you may be aware we have had the biggest boom in our history. The unravelling of the excesses from this boom takes a few years. Just as it took a few years at the start for the changes to impact.


This is different to a normal economic cycle of high's and low's but hardly unique for WA of boom and busts. Apart from those declaring that those periods had ceased and WA would be in a perpetual boom.

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From a personal point of view, I would say prospects here in Adelaide are a lot worse than prospects in the UK are at the moment. Hardly any real jobs out there (and by 'real', I mean not ones that a job agency has made up!) compared to the UK which seems to have no shortage. Rising prices. Low consumer confidence. And to make it worse, it's bloody cold at the moment here too!! Tassie and South Australia may be similar as the "poor relations" in the country.

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From a personal point of view, I would say prospects here in Adelaide are a lot worse than prospects in the UK are at the moment. Hardly any real jobs out there (and by 'real', I mean not ones that a job agency has made up!) compared to the UK which seems to have no shortage. Rising prices. Low consumer confidence. And to make it worse, it's bloody cold at the moment here too!! Tassie and South Australia may be similar as the "poor relations" in the country.


More and more on short term contracts. Employers abusing the 457 scheme in bringing in limited skilled workers. High youth unemployment. Government solution stop the dole for the first six months of unemployment for under 30's. Wonderful times ahead.

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More and more on short term contracts. Employers abusing the 457 scheme in bringing in limited skilled workers. High youth unemployment. Government solution stop the dole for the first six months of unemployment for under 30's. Wonderful times ahead.


Gillard attacked the 457 visa scheme to curry favour with her union backers, creating a problem when none existed. I don't want to see young people on the dole but how do you stop the mindset that 'the world owes them a living?' I can't get the dole when I'm out of work? I don't get sick leave when I'm off work because I'm employed on a casual basis.


Here's you chance Flag. Convince me that it is fair for young people to get the dole forever, and for many people who are not THAT disabled, to get a disability pension for life, whilst it IS fair that I do not get any help from the state?


And who pays for it? You want the tax payer to fund all these schemes, and to keep up foreign aid, probably increase it, and to pay for unlimited numbers of asylum seekers to come in, but who pays for it? And why? Big Business I suppose. Tax, tax and more tax.

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We're all doomed I tell ya.................dunno why I bother though as flag has had that corner of debate pretty much stitched up for a long time.............................but we're still waiting.


Well, we were OK until Juliar and Rudd lost the last election, and our only chance of avoiding the end of the world is for Abbott to lose the next election.

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