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BREAKING NEWS: the boats haven't stopped


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What is so bad about Australia's new policy anyway? No boats means no drownings. Why should we care what the rest of the world thinks about us? "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone?" Does Russia care what we think? Does China?


Australia does not have infinite space for all the people who want to come. How would you have allocated spaces on the lifeboats on the Titanic? Everybody had a right to a seat on a boat, after all?


You know what, I don't care what the UN says. Since when does it have binding affect on us anyway? It is as corrupt as any third world nation, big countries like Russia and China blocking blocking blocking.


And finally, explain to me why Australians have to sell their homes to pay for nursing home care and carers are unable to access either sufficient govt funds, despite saving the govt billions, and also unable to access sufficient nursing help, yet you say we can look after how ever many people want to come? Where are the doctors, the therapists, how do we deal with the mentally ill, the phsycially ill? You don't care what happens after they arrive, as long as we just let them in.

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Tink, we cannot allow uncontrolled illegal immigration to flourish.

It has and will overwhelm us.




.......how sad......!

........when the truth is.......Poor countries host vastly more displaced people than wealthier ones. While anti-refugee sentiment is heard loudest in industrialised countries, developing nations host 80 per cent of the world’s refugees.”



.........no room....?

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See the last lot that were sent back to "terror and poverty" when interviewed complained that the muesli bars they were given by the Aus Navy were days out of date and, shock horror, one actually had her iPhone 5 confiscated along with another chap who had his gold credit card confiscated. This is a despicable industry risking thousands of lives for people who want to access the economic benefits of a western democracy. If much rather ship these back and give places to the truly displaced - how about we open our doors to the poor Christians fleeing Mosul at the minute especially the girls being required to undergo FGM. Nah these boats are not the real McCoy! Good on Tony Abbott I say, more power to him and long may he succeed.

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First boat in 6 months - we have been told about . The blanket silence on exactly how many boats have been turned or towed back means we will never know how many tried to make it to Aus.

These new arrivals will be interviewed by "Indian" officials to see if they should be returned to India I think we all know the answer to that question.

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See the last lot that were sent back to "terror and poverty" when interviewed complained that the muesli bars they were given by the Aus Navy were days out of date and, shock horror, one actually had her iPhone 5 confiscated along with another chap who had his gold credit card confiscated. This is a despicable industry risking thousands of lives for people who want to access the economic benefits of a western democracy. If much rather ship these back and give places to the truly displaced - how about we open our doors to the poor Christians fleeing Mosul at the minute especially the girls being required to undergo FGM. Nah these boats are not the real McCoy! Good on Tony Abbott I say, more power to him and long may he succeed.




........so often this kind of ...reporting is used to fuel hatred.....

........how dare these refugees asylum seekers challenge our views....

........they should be cowed,....

.........grateful for any thing thrown at them,....

.........in date or not.....!

.........good grief are they not desperate.....

..........and they own an iPhone....

..........they dont have a home......clothes....a place to feel safe.....

...........but an iPhone....

............perhaps to acess news...?

............tide times....?

............or face book....?

............you choose......not the gutter press....!

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You have no interest in whether Australia can cope with endless numbers of illegal immgrants, do not care how we find the resources, do not care if other Australians, senior citizens for eg have to pay for their nursing home care, or people who are unpaid carers for their handicapped children. You do not care if the Tamils are former Tigers (ie terrorists) just as you would not care if Russian rebels from Ukraine came here on a boat. All they need to do is come and then you suspend all belief. They MUST all be allowed in. You would allow in former Nazis if they came illegally without paperwork.


And the bottom line is that I am not against legitimate refugees from official camps coming in, but, in affect you are, rather that they wait longer so the illegals can come in first.


Well it seems that I directed the question to the wrong person. A genuine question it was too, and an attempt to get to the heart of why this particular issue seems to generate so much anger. Instead, I was met with a lot of accusations and assumptions for simply asking a question about where the anger towards these people comes from. You assume a great deal, and your comment about former Nazis I find fatuous. Is this the modus operandi of the political right-wing these days, to answer a question with a series of assumptions and accusations?. And I thought it was us Lefties who were meant to be guilty of haranguing those we don't agree with?


You do understand Dave that I was asking for your views on why supporters of the Australian Govt's policy on this issue feel so strongly about it?. That this wasn't some kind of personal attack, but an attempt to see where the 'other side' are coming from? I'm still no closer to an answer to that, but I will answer some of your assertions.


I believe that every country receiving asylum- seekers by whatever means they arrive, has a duty to assess their claims fairly, open-mindedly and as promptly as can be effected, and that whilst in their care, their treatment should not be detrimental to their health and welfare. That's not an arguement for putting them up in The Hilton, it simply means safe, clean accommodation which doesn't threaten their physical or mental well-being. If I was seeking asylum, this is what I would hope for for myself. It costs the Australian tax-payer?, well yes it does, as does paying for the RAN to patrol waters and tow boats back, as do the off-shore camps. Stuff happens, we (meaning the world community) need to respond to it, whether we want to or not. Do I think we should let dangerous people into this country?, of course not. Proper assessment would hopefully weed out those who are not genuine claimants. I really don't know why the word 'illegal' gets used so often in these discussions, as I didn't think it was illegal to seek asylum in another country?. Is that not the case, or perhaps we should use the term 'ineligible' instead?

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all of this slating of migrants is fuelled by the media, the same media who 20 or 30 years back were the correcting factor in government.

they told us the things the politicians didn't want us to know so we could do our jobs, be educated voters and run our democracy.

now with the media being in cahoots with the government we only hear what they want us to. the system is sick.


i'm yet to meet and chat to anyone in Australia who isn't a migrant or descendant of one. nor have i met any daily mail scroungers, it seems a higher percentage of Australian's than Brits are willing to work hard to make a life for themselves. i don't feel hatred to anyone with those morals.


truth be known, we likely have far more in common with those refugees than we have with the government who are trying to alienate them.

i love migrants me; hell, i am one! ;)

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I am perfectly happy with our present official refugee intake, and do not want that stopped but I do want an end to people smuggling and leaky boats and hundreds of people drowning.


Perhaps we should charter cruise ships to moor off various S E Asian countries and invite anybody who claims to be a refugee to make their way to a ship. And where ships are impractable, then charter aircraft too, in fact use both of them. We can then start a 'ro-ro' service to safely bring anybody who wants to come to Australia.


Then, as they disembark, we should have teams of public servants from the various departments to issue them with Medicare, TFN, Centrelink, etc documents, then for a fleet of buses to take them to blocks of units especially constructed for them. For any who are sick, mentally, physically or both, then we need to build special hospitals and recruit and train more doctors, nurses and specialists to look after them.


I think that would be an excellent system, humane, fair, free from prejudice, and easy to finance.

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My final comment on this thread is what I read in paper today, saying that perhaps the Australian Govt is playing a longer game, going back on current policy, to smooth relations with India, particularly as India wants to triple its nuclear power capacity. I guess that is because, although we don't use our own uranium, we may as well dig it up and sell it to someone who does.

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My final comment on this thread is what I read in paper today, saying that perhaps the Australian Govt is playing a longer game, going back on current policy, to smooth relations with India, particularly as India wants to triple its nuclear power capacity. I guess that is because, although we don't use our own uranium, we may as well dig it up and sell it to someone who does.


That's true and in addition to that, there's a Free trade agreement in Progress.


There are also combined Naval exercises between US, Australia, India and Japan and it was during the last BJP government in India did all the four democracies teamed together to aid millions affected by the Indian Ocean Tsunami.


Australian relationship is too important for India too, especially in the world view of the current Indian government as an energy supplier and strategic partner. So there is no controversies between the government and both of them are handling it silently. There is not much about this in Indian media too.


Also, if the refugees started from India where they had got asylum already, then it doesn't look like they were fleeing persecution as the people of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu and the Union territory of Pondicherry are of the same ethnic and linguistic background.

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You have no interest in whether Australia can cope with endless numbers of illegal immgrants, do not care how we find the resources, do not care if other Australians, senior citizens for eg have to pay for their nursing home care, or people who are unpaid carers for their handicapped children. You do not care if the Tamils are former Tigers (ie terrorists) just as you would not care if Russian rebels from Ukraine came here on a boat. All they need to do is come and then you suspend all belief. They MUST all be allowed in. You would allow in former Nazis if they came illegally without paperwork.


And the bottom line is that I am not against legitimate refugees from official camps coming in, but, in affect you are, rather that they wait longer so the illegals can come in first.


The bottom line is actually that these bleeding hearts hope they will be future Labour voters.

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First boat in 6 months - we have been told about . The blanket silence on exactly how many boats have been turned or towed back means we will never know how many tried to make it to Aus.

These new arrivals will be interviewed by "Indian" officials to see if they should be returned to India I think we all know the answer to that question.


Please clarify why you feel it appropriate to use inverted commas around the word "Indian."

There is no grammatical reason to do so, what do you mean?

Do you mean Indians are good, bad, honest, dishonest?

Given the underlying theme of your thread is against this action, one has to assume that in some way you think "Indian" means bad.

I loathe and detest all forms of racism, and look forward to either a coherent and believable explanation from you, or a grovelling apology.

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First boat in 6 months - we have been told about . The blanket silence on exactly how many boats have been turned or towed back means we will never know how many tried to make it to Aus.

These new arrivals will be interviewed by "Indian" officials to see if they should be returned to India I think we all know the answer to that question.

So if a refugee in Australia flies to Italy or sails to New Zealand for asylum and the Italian government/New Zealand goverment rejects the asylum request, would Australia take back the refugee?

The interviewing was after the immigration minister met the Indian officials in New Delhi. So we don't know who requested it.

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I hate racism. You can change just about everything about yourself, except your sex, (without major hassle), and your ethnic origin.

But it isn't racist to say an equitable "no."

Every sovereign country should be able to control it's own borders, especially if as here, the immigration policies being followed are those contained in a manifesto of a government democratically elected under a Universal Suffrage.

In all fairness to the government here, all they are doing is keeping their promises..................no wonder the Carbon / Mining / Any Other Tax loving lefties hate them.

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Thank you @Endless Winter among others for restoring some of my faith in the humanity of people. My husband used to work with a guy (when they both had jobs, ah happy days!) who had come into Australia on a boat as an immigrant. He was from Vietnam. He had horror stories of when the boats engine died and he had to dive into shark infested waters to fix it by hand, and of the horrors he was fleeing, and how most of his family had been killed which was what led him to the level of desperation to leave his country and head to Australia in this way. He was an amazing, inspiring, courageous and bloody hard-working man who had gone on to build a life for himself through hard work and determination, never relying on handouts or expecting anything other than that he be given a chance of a life lived without constant fear for his life.


I am sure the vast majority of asylum seekers are the same, and calling them "illegal" is just repeating back the propaganda that is put about by this government and the main stream media.

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They're not though unfortunately. Most are just free loading scroungers trying to beat the system.


They won't win though.


The bit of your post that I've highlighted, is that a fact based upon evidence, or just an opinion based upon your prejudices towards this particular group of asylum-seekers?

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EW youre up early


Jet-lag mate. Just got back from a holiday back home and I'm going to bed at 9:30 at night and waking up wide awake at 2:30 a.m.! I need to find an old episode of 'Columbo' or 'Murder She Wrote' to watch to send me back off to sleep!

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Jet-lag mate. Just got back from a holiday back home and I'm going to bed at 9:30 at night and waking up wide awake at 2:30 a.m.! I need to find an old episode of 'Columbo' or 'Murder She Wrote' to watch to send me back off to sleep!

Nice one, the holiday that is, I assume you enjoyed it? Great weather here at the moment, I'm loving it

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