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Won't be going back any time soon.


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I completely understand how you are feeling; was diagnosed 3 months ago and have just started chemo after surgery. We were planning to be moving back right now but will be delayed into next year now. It is a horrible time and worse being away from family, although my friends here have really been fantastic. My poor kids have had to readjust and this has been particularly tricky for the older one, who will be going back into the middle of GCSEs. Thankfully her school have been very supportive and she is preparing a bit for them before we go.


Feel free to message me with questions or anything. There is so much to take in I know but if I can help I will.



What at horrible timing for you. I hope the chemo goes as smoothly as possible for you.

I don't know if it'd be any help, but my youngest has just finished her GCSEs and I have a few revision books I'd be happy to send for her at no cost, depending on which subjects/exam boards she'll be doing. Just pm me if you think they'd be useful.

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I completely understand how you are feeling; was diagnosed 3 months ago and have just started chemo after surgery. We were planning to be moving back right now but will be delayed into next year now. It is a horrible time and worse being away from family, although my friends here have really been fantastic. My poor kids have had to readjust and this has been particularly tricky for the older one, who will be going back into the middle of GCSEs. Thankfully her school have been very supportive and she is preparing a bit for them before we go.


Feel free to message me with questions or anything. There is so much to take in I know but if I can help I will.

I hope everything goes well for you. Hugs for you.

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Thanks guys. It just shows that when you think you're going through something unique you rarely are. At the moment months of treatment seems like it will go on forever, but in reality it will be over by mid February and then we will get going with the next phase of life. It's a bit daunting to think about organising the move with all this going on and selling the house etc but my parents will be over in just under two weeks for some extra support for the kids etc very helpful indeed.


carimac will be in touch when we know more about exam boards, that is a kind offer x

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Not sure if i am being overly sensitive about this given my situation. Seems somehow my medical condition has become public knowledge in our district(we live very rural). I am annoyed about everyone knowing my business. We have been inundated with meals from the cwa ladies which is lovely and i know they mean well. I really was hoping to keep my private medical condition private. I am fairly certain i know how it got out. (via my bosses wife). As if i don't have enough to deal with without dealing with unwanted visits from people we really have nothing to do with normally. Rant over.!!

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Not sure if i am being overly sensitive about this given my situation. Seems somehow my medical condition has become public knowledge in our district(we live very rural). I am annoyed about everyone knowing my business. We have been inundated with meals from the cwa ladies which is lovely and i know they mean well. I really was hoping to keep my private medical condition private. I am fairly certain i know how it got out. (via my bosses wife). As if i don't have enough to deal with without dealing with unwanted visits from people we really have nothing to do with normally. Rant over.!!


I can understand how you feel but I also can understand that the community want to rally around you and show support.


This is very difficult. Perhaps explaining to the boss, who can feedback to the wife, about how you were hoping to keep private things confidential (which doesn't help you now but perhaps will help someone else in the future) and also thanking people for their support but explaining that you would appreciate time alone to think things through.


I'm sorry to hear this happened but also know that if you were my neighbour and I heard about this, I would also be round with gulab jamans and cups of tea :hug:

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I can understand how you feel but I also can understand that the community want to rally around you and show support.


This is very difficult. Perhaps explaining to the boss, who can feedback to the wife, about how you were hoping to keep private things confidential (which doesn't help you now but perhaps will help someone else in the future) and also thanking people for their support but explaining that you would appreciate time alone to think things through.


I'm sorry to hear this happened but also know that if you were my neighbour and I heard about this, I would also be round with gulab jamans and cups of tea :hug:

I do appreciate the kindness of the community. Just wasn't expecting it to be out there so soon. I knew it would become known given the fact that i will obviously be unwell and we will be out of town for a while. Just would've liked to have a bit more time to myself. I least they care. ;)

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I do appreciate the kindness of the community. Just wasn't expecting it to be out there so soon. I knew it would become known given the fact that i will obviously be unwell and we will be out of town for a while. Just would've liked to have a bit more time to myself. I least they care. ;)


It must be very difficult to try to come to terms yourself with the disease whilst also having to contend with other people as well but I feel very strongly that you will be fine and overcome this :hug:

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@beanbear sorry you are also dealing with this terrible illness. Wishing you all the best and sending strength for the next few months, hang in there.


Chicken I can imagine you'd feel a bit uncomfortable with everyone knowing your business. As you say though it's good that they care. Hopefully they'll leave you in peace soon!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just to let you all know i'm home from hospital after longish stay. Surgery went well. Few dramas along the way including my partners mother ending up in hospital on the day of my surgery. Bust up with my mum (no surprise there really).Still hurt that for once in my life she couldn't put me first!!


Feeling rather drained and emotional. Long way to go yet but with my lovely man and two fabulous kids to support me i shall get there.

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Very glad to hear you are home Chicken and glad you have the support you need at home.


Trying not to dwell on those people too inadequate to have empathy for others - they may not know it but they are the ones who suffer more.

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Guest guest30085

All the best Chicken, please try to ignore others demands etc at the moment, you just look after yourself. Best wishes x

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Thank you all for your kind words. My mother is well what she is. After all. I just can't deal with her right now. Need all my energy to get well.

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Hi Chicken66,

Just read your thread for the first time today. Hope your doing ok, under the circumstances. It's such a scary situation that changes your outlook on life completely. My OH had the triple negative variant of it back in 2010. We were living overseas, in europe at the time, obviously it devastated the whole family.. Right now, she is in the other room busily packing away her garden swing ready for our move to Qld in Nov.. and about to give me a row for not helping lol.. I can't believe it's been 4 years, sounds such a long time ago..

I suppose my point is, no matter how bad things seem at the moment, hopefully you'll get to a point where you can get on with your life and see the light at the end of the tunnel.. Best wishes for the future, to you and your family.. Stay strong!! :)

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Hi Chicken66,

Just read your thread for the first time today. Hope your doing ok, under the circumstances. It's such a scary situation that changes your outlook on life completely. My OH had the triple negative variant of it back in 2010. We were living overseas, in europe at the time, obviously it devastated the whole family.. Right now, she is in the other room busily packing away her garden swing ready for our move to Qld in Nov.. and about to give me a row for not helping lol.. I can't believe it's been 4 years, sounds such a long time ago..

I suppose my point is, no matter how bad things seem at the moment, hopefully you'll get to a point where you can get on with your life and see the light at the end of the tunnel.. Best wishes for the future, to you and your family.. Stay strong!! :) Thank you so much. I hope your OH continues to do well. Good luck with your move.

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Good to hear from you Chicken. Try to forget about everything and everyone who has nothing to contribute to your recovery and well being! You need rest, physical and emotional, love and positivity, and some of that, you have from your friends on here..... X :hug:

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:arghh: Let it all out, Chicken!! You're among friends now. This is such a difficult time for you both, but oh boy! you've got a wonderful partner to help you through the hard times ahead. Walk the walk together, girl; hand in hand, and you'll get there in the end. And whenever you feel like having a rant, let it all out here! Thinking about you right now, with love xx :hug:

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Thank you all again for all your kind words and lovely thoughts. Doctor came out to the house today( lovely lady gp we have). All is healing nicely. Looks pretty good not nearly as bad as i'd imagined. Feeling ok had a small walk with the pooch around the vineyard yesterday. OH and kids plus other employees are rather busy with spraying at the moment so i've had lots of peace and quite just me and the dog. Do feel like a should be helping out on the property but not physically up to that yet. Not used to this lay about and get well business. Have had a few wobbles but all in all feel pretty positive. Thanks again to all you lovely people. You're superstars. :)x

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