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Work Outside Australia on a 457?


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It depends on how long you are out for. As part of your 457 conditions you have to work full time at the place specified in your visa application. If you are not doing that then you are breaking your visa conditions. A week or two you might be ok with.

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Can someone else answer the question please ? Can you live in Australia, be employed by an Australian company, be paid in Australia, and work overseas ?


I think this is a tax issue not an immigration one, as if you were working overseas for an Australian company, but want to be resident in Australia, you would need to find out what the residency requirements are in terms of taxation as if you are paying tax to ATO, then you are an Australian resident. I hope that makes sense? But if you were working in say America for an Australian company, you would need the company to sponsor you for a visa to work in America, unless you are working in an Embassy in which case your 457 would suffice as you are technically on Australian soil.


Or are you meaning some sort of FIFO job to an overseas location, in which case, someone like @VERYSTORMY might be able to help you with the technicalities as I think he works overseas but lives in Australia.

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I just spoke with the horse itself (131881), and yes that tune is going to be ringing in my ears for the rest of the day, and they said you can work outside Oz on a 457 as long as the job is based in Oz.....ie contract, payment, residence, head office etc

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