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Rolf Harris to prison


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You know, it's a funny old thing and a strange old thing..as a teenager of the early 80's Rolf and all the others were idols and it's been hard to see and accept the recent events. I remember as a school girl the boys being fixated with bums and ****! I remember the subtle groping they did if they got the chance, in fact 'Gary' was the worst of them all, he was a bloody pest, and I hated him so much, he kept offering to be my agent if I would do page 3 of the sun (remember it was the 80's, I'm a middle aged Haus Frau now!!) Gary is now a GP and my bestest friend, he cringes when we laugh about those days, he cannot conceive of such behaviour today, he's just the loveliest person. Would I go to the police now and say 'Gary groped me and I feel so ashamed it's destroyed my life'? GAWD NO WAY, I do feel there is some of that going on but I do also feel that ROLF, who has admitted fancying a 7 year old is a different thing, and I'm glad he's got his punishment, it's sad to see a childhood hero be exposed for what he was and is but I'm also trying to put some perspective on things by explaining my 80's teenage years...

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does this mean my signed cd off Rolf will decrease in value ? I really did hope he was innocent(I didn't want to believe it) but yes he went too far for too long ........Exactly 6 yrs ago I was playing "two little boys" in the car for mrs tonyman when I picked her and the twins up from the maternity hospital...........

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