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Seeking employment via working visa in parallel with PR visa frowned upon?


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Hi forum members, this is an invaluable source for perspective whilst pursuing PR visa to Oz', so wondering if I can leverage site expertise with a 'migration agent challenge!'


Me and my partner have a 189 in situ, (started in March this year) pending skills assessment outcome (skilled list Dentist route) that will allow us to move to next stage APHRA registration and then, fingers crossed Visa/EOI and approvals. Cognisant of time frames (November/December at the earliest, if extremely lucky), I'm looking to proactively seek employment via a working holiday visa (I'm 25) and utilising networking contacts and friends within the industry with a view to obtaining a dentist role (Melbourne ideally to start), and thus running this in parallel with the PR, rationale being I finish my UK dental post in August leaving me a finite window of time to get my dream role in Australia before things wind down, which I believe is normally Oct/Nov period.


Here's the the quandary - our migration agent (we've had a lot of issues with these guys, glaciers have been known to move at a quicker rate), believes this tact will impact outcome of the PR visa on the basis that our defactor status (we have been in relationship 2yrs & living together for 1yr, with the documentation to validate) would prove an issue as I (the main applicant) will actually be in Oz seeking work (shocking conduct eh!) during the evaluation stage of PR application.


I'm at odds with this 'intel', by the point of PR EOI, we will have all of the qualifying content in place to proceed with PR, surely the fact I'm going to seek work can't be viewed negatively? I'm looking to fly out in September, with my partner coming out a month later...


Anyone encountered this issue at all, and if so, how did you deal with it? I believe it's stalling tact from the MA's, but would love any advice & counsel from fellow forum members - however trivial, it would be greatly appreciated!





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May I ask why you continue to use them if you're unhappy with the service? I'm sure you're free to terminate the engagement.


It it would be wrong of me to comment on the advice received. I would suggest that if you take the opinion of a migration agent looking at your whole range of documentation, and the opinion of people on a forum looking at a tiny range of your information, you're going to get very different advice.

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Hi Adam, thanks for replying :wink:


Couldn't agree more - We're not stopping the process as we're far enough into it that moving to alternative agents would not expedite the process, and only serve to add more expense. Alas, it is what it is, the process is not being challenged here.


The post is to gauge credibility behind what is being challenged based on running a working holiday visa in parallel to PR - everything is in place subject to favourable SA/APHRA stages to submit PR, to me it seems irrelevant that seeking work in-country during interim process/evaluation should have a bearing. Visa research does not raise any flags in what we're doing, so I'm pulse checking members for thoughts on any reason to suggest why the agents would try and steer us away from this route, telling us to do nothing until PR is granted, that, from testimonies does not seem to have been a frequently occurring issue having impact on a PR visa application - the consensus suggests secure roles before making the move, which is what we're proactively doing!



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Is the issue that your partner won't be with you? Therefore bring the credibility of your de-facto status into question?


Not a migration agent but I can see the logic in that. If you were in Australia together I don't see the problem - the 189 is an offshore visa but we were on-shore on a 457 when our PR visa was approved - we just had to go offshore (we went to Singapore) to actually have it granted.

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Cheers folks, a little more detail - my partner is a contractor that's just started a new role (he can walk away after 3 months), my reason for going over is to get a head start on obtaining work when I roll off existing position in August, so...I'm looking to go in September and he can join me from release of contract in October - he does not qualify for working visa (would need to be travel visa for 3mths) so we're just keeping at least one of us in work until I obtain a role (fingers crossed) to ensure we have income from at least one of us. The MA seems fixated on my desire to get out and seek work whilst PR is in process which seems counter-productive, there's no reason why my partner could not come with me, we would just be on different visas (unless I get a 457 with a role), I have no issue paying for the WHV, what I can't fathom is how this would be seen to impact a PR for the sake of us arriving in Australia a month apart - make sense?


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Forgot to say, that was each year, not just a one off.


I know another couple who had a couple of months apart within their first year of living together and had no problems either.

He might even already be with you by the time they come to look at that.

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Hi Shelga


There's a small chance you might get asked to explain why you weren't living together for 1 month (pretty obvious since you will be in Australia and your partner in the UK).


Saying that there's no point in putting yourself in any hassle over it. The working holiday visa is really a holiday visa with work rights, and before landing in Australia and filling in the immigration card on the plane, you're meant to tick the box for 'holiday' as the reason for visit.


My recommendation is apply for the 417 visa, state your reason as holiday, and if needed explain any gulf in living by your partner having to stay in the UK to finish a project, rather than you coming to Australia earlier than him to seek work.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey ShelGa, Im in a pretty similar situation. However you don't need to get a ADC skills assessment for AHRPA. I managed to get that and started working here on a WHV while my husband is 'finishing' a project in the US. With a UK BDS, you are eligible to work in Aus, without a skills assessment however the paper work is ridiculous, and the time it takes for them to reg you is a nightmare. This is what I have done...and keeping my fingers crossed that it will be ok!

I looked on Seek.com.au for a job. Had a couple of Skype interviews got a job in QLD, Applied for AHPRA (probably best to get that sorted before you start work because alot of places ask for it). In the meantime I had sent my docs to ADC for skills assessment.

Started working, got my skills assessment and have now lodged my 189 application with my spouse as a dependent (without skills assessed)

Keeping my fingers crossed...lets see how it goes! PM if you have an questions...:) Good luck

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