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Free cash withdrawals from ATM's


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Hi guys.


This is my first post here so be nice haha.

I'm landing into Perth on the 5th of August on a WHV, and as many others have done, been looking at the best way to manage my UK finances when I arrive in Australia with regards to transferring money over etc....

Done quite a bit of research with all the UK banks to find out what my options are and I thought it was worth putting it out there that's Marks & Spencer have brought out a new current account which enables you to withdraw cash free worldwide from ATM's - without the foreign exchange charge!

I thought this was worthwhile posting as it might be pretty good for anybody in similar circumstances to save yourself some pennies when you're thinking of setting off on your travels!



Andrew :-)

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It's a Visa Debit, on the new current account and there's no monthly fee, pretty good! From what I've gathered flat pack there's no longer an account like that with Nationwide, I've got an account with them and went through them all.

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I used norwich and Peterborough. Worked fine everywhere and I benefitted from the exchange rate improving while we've been here. Great rate too. Best way to do it IMO if you don mind being at the mercy of the exchange rate shifts.

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Both virgin and Qantas (and probably other airlines) now give you membership cards that you can "load up" with your own money and withdraw from cash tills in other countries. I got the cards recently and don't have any need to use them yet. I think my son used his an a recent trip to the US and said it was good.

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