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Cluster headache?


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You will end up with rebound headaches from all the pain killers on top of the headaches you already have. Please see your GP - at least then you will know for certain and there are other medications that could help you! I'm going to leave it there now good luck!

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You will end up with rebound headaches from all the pain killers on top of the headaches you already have. Please see your GP - at least then you will know for certain and there are other medications that could help you! I'm going to leave it there now good luck!


Thanks Bubble, I'll lay off the painkillers till I see the doc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

MRI clear..............yes, they found a brain :-).................still getting 'em daily although they seem to be decreasing in intensity apart for a killer one which woke me last night................seeming to be more and more like "clusters" although why I should start getting 'em at my age is beyond me?

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.......pleased its a clear result....

.......but hope they go soon......

.......the son suffered with cluster migraines a few years ago....

.......all the tests......nothing....

........then after a yearish........they just stopped....

.........so the best of luck ......hope they cease soon........tink x

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I've sufferered from Cluster headaches for all my adult life. They don't call them "suicide headaches" for nothing. I reckon if I had a gun I would have shot myself. The pain is always the left side of the head from the back of the eye to the back of the head. No nausea or light sensitivity. Pain killers have little effect. When the pain comes on I usually stand in the shower until the hot water runs out. Then I use heat and cold alternatively to that side of the head using ice packs and a hair dryer. Sometimes it will go on for 10 hours or more before the pain subsides enough to fall asleep. Apparently there is a genetic factor involved. So we probably had an ancestor who has passed on this curse. Good luck.

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  • 6 months later...

Hi, I'm a clusterhead (nickname). Have the chronic kind for almost 4 yrs. and know the pain, yikes! Luckily no wall banging pain for awhile but you never know. It wakes me up at night and then I do the oxygen mask, climb back to bed and then wake up 2-3 hrs with the pain again it lasts about 3 to 4 days and back to normal. Only use about two bottles a month some times more or less. I'm not on other meds. anymore have tried verapamil. Full blast oxygen usually knocks it out if you use it right away as soon as you feel a symptom. try it you'll like it!

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Hope i Helped


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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if I've suffered from cluster headaches, but probably have, my worst ones have been caused by very high blood pressure.


I once went into an Adelaide A & E suffering intense head pain, and triage left me in the waiting room while the place filled up and emptied, and filled up again, and so on. Eventually I said to a nurse that it could be my blood pressure, so she checked, and I was immediately put in a wheelchair and rushed out the back. Although I wonder if my high BP was caused by the pain, I've suffered other horrendous headache episodes when under stress. Nothing should be taken for granted, checking BP is always a good move.

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