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Bulk billing is dead. Not a good time to be in Australia if you are sick


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Let's be fair, TA did bang on quite a bit about the ALPs expenditure before the election. These things shouldn't come as a surprise.


He banged on even more about NO cuts to health, education,or pensions, NO changes to Medicare, NO raising of University fees.

For those who don't inhabit Abbott's strange parallel universe where no is apparently yes, the complete reversal did come as a surprise.

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He banged on even more about NO cuts to health, education,or pensions, NO changes to Medicare, NO raising of University fees.

For those who don't inhabit Abbott's strange parallel universe where no is apparently yes, the complete reversal did come as a surprise.


Oh well, you'll know not to vote for him next time.

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Thank you guys for you likes and best wishes, it is a nice forum when we can feel for each other, hopefully not get too cranky with each other, yet still be allowed to get things off our chest without prejudgement. My Beaut girl was 5 hours in surgery, Doctors are happy, she is in a lot of pain, and we will see how she is tomorrow.

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Thank you guys for you likes and best wishes, it is a nice forum when we can feel for each other, hopefully not get too cranky with each other, yet still be allowed to get things off our chest without prejudgement. My Beaut girl was 5 hours in surgery, Doctors are happy, she is in a lot of pain, and we will see how she is tomorrow.


She sounds a real fighter, wishing her a speedy recovery and bright future xx

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Not sure what CHCmeans (concession health card?).


Generally I think welfare support must exist as a safety net for those who need it. I would restrict it to people who live in the country personally. My mum gets a UK age pension even though she hasn't lived there for nearly 40 years which is a bit odd.


So yes absolutely we need age pensions and health concessions for those who need them to survive.


I think there is too much welfare for people who don't need it and are on quite high incomes.

I'm not in favour of parental paid leave being paid to high earning people.


We need to help look after those who need help. That doesn't mean everything needs to be free though.


Yes I believe you are right, no one should expect welfare on high incomes not sure on living in the country, do you mean this country, or country as in country side? (CHC) I thought meant Commonwealth Health card, not senior health card. Your Mum probably worked for her NI Stamps or it could be from Dads pension. (if he has passed away) I am also against parental paid leave

for High income earners, a waste of public money.

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I think judging by the reaction on here amongst 16,000 members, I think it is, the budget cant be that bad. Only what???? 20-30 odd members or so dead against it.


There's denial if ever I heard it, and I don't mean a river that flows through Egypt.


If you actually lived here mate, you'd see just how deeply unpopular this budget is and how quickly the LNP are becoming despised. I've never in all my years of living in Australia, heard so many suddenly talk politics. If Tony Abbott is to congratulated on one thing, it's that he's united people...AGAINST him.

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I've got to share this with you! There is software called stoptonymeow which will replace any pictures of Tony Abbott on your FB feeds with a picture of a cute kitten instead! As mentioned in the Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/05/22/how-australias-winking-tony-abbott-became-one-of-the-worlds-most-unpopular-prime-ministers/


Brilliant article that, thanks for sharing. And what a fantastic idea!

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I think judging by the reaction on here amongst 16,000 members, I think it is, the budget cant be that bad. Only what???? 20-30 odd members or so dead against it.


Perhaps that's because the majority are not old and living on an aged pension,under 30 job seekers, or single parents who are barely surviving and who rely on the soon to be abolished Family Tax B.


I am not sure how many members of this forum are living under the poverty line, but I can tell you there are thousands of Aussies who are.


The budget not so bad? Hmmm, try telling that to those who are already struggling.



Just a thought.

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I think judging by the reaction on here amongst 16,000 members, I think it is, the budget cant be that bad. Only what???? 20-30 odd members or so dead against it.


Crikey, you've got to have a pretty cold heart to think the budget is not that bad

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If you actually lived here mate, you'd see just how deeply unpopular this budget is and how quickly the LNP are becoming despised. I've never in all my years of living in Australia, heard so many suddenly talk politics. If Tony Abbott is to congratulated on one thing, it's that he's united people...AGAINST him.


I'm sure Abbott thinks he's God's gift to Australia. Well I think his God has just gifted him to the Labor Party.

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There's denial if ever I heard it, and I don't mean a river that flows through Egypt.


If you actually lived here mate, you'd see just how deeply unpopular this budget is and how quickly the LNP are becoming despised. I've never in all my years of living in Australia, heard so many suddenly talk politics. If Tony Abbott is to congratulated on one thing, it's that he's united people...AGAINST him.

was that a joke?

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I think judging by the reaction on here amongst 16,000 members, I think it is, the budget cant be that bad. Only what???? 20-30 odd members or so dead against it.


Get a grip, wakey! 16,000 aren't active contributors and it's only a few of us who have more time than sense and the inclination to indulge in political talk on an immigration forum. It's online political forums, newspaper comments and radio talkback where you sense the mood.


This more accurately reflects it: (if you don't know who Campbell Newman is, he's the Premier of Queensland, slightly to the left of Attila the Hun)...

Oh man, when Campbell Newman says you’ve sacked too many public servants and cut too many spending programs, you have stepped through the looking glass. When Campbell Newman saddles up and rides hard on your budget because it’s going to hurt people and you need to be stopped, something weird is happening.


The whole article is here:




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I've got to share this with you! There is software called stoptonymeow which will replace any pictures of Tony Abbott on your FB feeds with a picture of a cute kitten instead! As mentioned in the Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/05/22/how-australias-winking-tony-abbott-became-one-of-the-worlds-most-unpopular-prime-ministers/


Thankyou for that. I'd seen reference to the meow but didn't know what it was. Probably one of his wet dreams to be mentioned in the Washington Post. Not like this, though:

... Australia’s prime minister, who has bungled his way from one scandal to the next...
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Get a grip, wakey! 16,000 aren't active contributors and it's only a few of us who have more time than sense and the inclination to indulge in political talk on an immigration forum. It's online political forums, newspaper comments and radio talkback where you sense the mood.


This more accurately reflects it: (if you don't know who Campbell Newman is, he's the Premier of Queensland, slightly to the left of Attila the Hun)...



The whole article is here:




Of course 16000 aren't active contributors to a thread that is discussing something that they don't believe needs to be discussed in this way. Have you ever thought there are a lot of people with different opinions that if they choose to share that different opinion on this thread they will be jumped on? This thread was started originally regarding the end of bulk billing, I've already given my 2c worth in saying that surely it would be easy enough to not charge the people that have concession cards or the like and they should be easily identifiable. on the whole though if you have to pay $7 to see the doc then I think the majority could afford that.

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The budget is the budget its the targets in the budget that have to lose out and pay more that is the issue. I personally pay to see my doc I choose to do that but its not a new thing I have always done that. I do not mind the fuel tax going up if provision is made for those of us who are unable to pay the price rises for basics that will come because of it. Its a good idea to fix the roads with a fuel tax as this means user pays, however the people who will pay without any assistance as well are those who do not have cars or cannot afford cars and use public transport.


Education, if you want to educate your child in a private school, so be it, why not, as long as that private school does not disadvantage other public schools by taking funds away from the public system.


We cannot have government supporting private enterprise, its just not on.


I do not get a pension too many assets but I accept that, its fine and I was not getting a pension before they changed it. Why am I telling you this because its a furphy that people with money are getting pensions, lets put it this way they are not if they are honest and care about the country and others, they may be if they risk lying and hiding money under the bed.


Since I do not want to be the richest person in an urn I just pay my way and if I get to the stage I need a pension I like to think I can get a pension. After all I have been a tax payer and only took 2 years off my working life.


Back to class distinction where our brightest people no longer get to go on to further education due to cost etc etc etc


The bottom line is its about the disadvantaged and uneducated, low income people, and students and young, they are to pay the brunt of this budget and its not cricket and its not what mates do.

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We cannot have government supporting private enterprise, its just not on. .


There was a lot in your post I'd like to get me teeth into, but this line stood out.


I guess we'd have to put some kind of definition of what you mean by "supporting", but to me, the role of govt is just that, to support private individuals and organisations. By "support" I mean not shackling them with heaps of bureaucracy and taxes. Let them flourish, because this is what will provide jobs and wealth.


Surely you must understand that in any given society, the productive sector can only support a finite non-productive sector. The non-productive sector might be because of age, ill-health, unwillingness or unsuitability. But regardless, the carrying capacity of those producing a surplus is limited. The only way to increase that capacity is to increase the number of people in productive roles. Historically, governments haven't been as good as this as the private sector.

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