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Australia's 2014 Federal Budget

Guest The Pom Queen

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My wife and I live on $15,600, so up ya for the rent...:wink:

Cheers, Bobj.


Yeah...but we're not all good at catching fish, Bobj. Some of us have to buy food in shops.


but overall, far better off under the Liberal umbrella.


What!??? You going into medical research....or running a ballet school, perchance? :wink:

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The minimum age at which you can access your superannuation is being increased in line with the increasing pension age. It was increased to 60 when the pension age was increased to 67. It will increase again now that the pension age is going to 70. It is being introduced incrementally so will take effect according to your date of birth.


Yes and I wonder how many years down the road it will be before the Govt tells us " sorry there is no money left in your super funds due to another fabricated GFC, which cant be too far away..

I dont trust any Govt and I certainly do not trust Super, and wouldnt dream of salary sacrificing into super..NEVER..

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I have never been comfortable with Aust heading down the road of welfare handouts (or whatever you like to call them) being handed out willy-nilly. This doesn't mean I don't think we should support people who are unable to support themselves but if you teach people to rely on handouts they lose the ability to provide for themselves and they not only expect but need the state to look after them. Once that happens on a large scale everything goes to hell in a hand basket.


You're right though - apart from the extra tax slug, fuel etc I won't be impacted.


Australias had a good and fairly fair welfare system for a number of years now, including decent healthcare for people struggling. Find a bulk billing doctor and no charge. I've not noticed Aus heading "to hell in a hand basket" in the 23 years we've been here. In fact things have improved immensely since we came.


The increase to the tax for the over $180,000 earners is a temporary measure. I would put money on their accountants finding every loophole they can to get most of them back under the $180,000 too. The greedy bastards would rather give the accountant another few grand a year than pay their fair share in tax.


I feel sorry for the unemployed younger age group. Younger age group now goes up to 30 it seems too. There are too many out of work and struggling now who are desperate to get a job, I can't see that taking away their allowances is going to make finding a job any easier. I heard a 25 year old graduate structural Engineer on the radio this morning. He got laid off in March and is still unemployed. He has a mortgage and at the moment is eating into his savings. Can't describe how worried he sounded. What do you do? Move back in with the parents?


Typical Liberal/Conservative budget. It was interesting to see Joe Hockey last night, squirming away when he was being asked about new taxes and broken promises. To be fair Joe did a much better job than I thought he was capable of, came across well to say he was dropped in it by his leaders promises before the election.


He's a much better, more confident and thinks on his feet a lot better than Abbott does. He's surprised me really, he'd had a long day when I saw him being interviewed at around 7:00pm and he was still batting away the questions pretty well. Don't mind Joe, probably the best of a bad bunch, in either party.

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The increase to the tax for the over $180,000 earners is a temporary measure. I would put money on their accountants finding every loophole they can to get most of them back under the $180,000 too. The greedy bastards would rather give the accountant another few grand a year than pay their fair share in tax.


You really are going to have to justify this.


Do you think that anyone on 180k is greedy? Where exactly is your greed limit set? Just above your own income, perhaps?


Income tax is progressive. People on higher incomes already contribute more. You might argue that the society it pays for enables them to earn so much. But to label them as greedy just because they earn above the median wage is bizarre. Almost everyone in Oz earns well above the global average. Are they greedy by the same token?

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My big worry though is that again we get the economy back in shape in 4 years or so, and then Labor get back in and blow it all again.


Then we are back to square one.

Unfortunately history does seem to keep repeating itself.


Come on Parley, Liberals have doubled the deficit since they came into power and then pretended they didn't know the state of the economy and it was all labors fault. What had they been doing all the time they were in opposition? Snoozing? Even Joe Public knew the countries balance of trade and deficit, let alone Joe Hockey. It was in the papers constantly and there are monthly (at least) updates on the balance of trade.


They must think the average voter is thick. I know they are counting on them having a short memory.

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The savings will go towards the reduction in business/corporate tax breaks.


How convenient to cut ABC/SBS funding.


Ahh, even better then. I like less tax. And less tax for my company makes me happy.


Or how about just cut state funded stuff that isn't essential. Can't remember the last time I actually watched the ABC or SBS, they are like the "Brazil Butt Lift" and "Shark Steam Cleaner" channels. Full of rubbish to be skipped over.

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A lot of kids do though parley in the real world, some even before they leave school. A lot of parents cannot afford to support them.


I was actually glad when my oldest told us he didn't want to go to uni and got an apprenticeship as soon as he left school. He has been paying board ever since he started work. He's 24 and still at home but he contributes his fair share. We wouldn't have a 50 inch plasma, surround sound, foxtel if it wasn't for him.


Me and the wife both work in decent jobs with decent salaries I reckon. We only have one other child who's 19 now and also working. Had either of them gone to uni we wee pretty worried how we would have coped. We wouldn't have stopped them of course but something would have had to give.


We aren't poor by any means and quite happy with our lot but I wouldn't have wanted to be right on the limit, with kids in Uni, when this budget came along and I bet there are plenty of people that are.

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Yep but the majority of people who are going to be hurt by this budget are the ones who are least able to speak for themselves, have never had a job that paid a decent wage, however they have paid taxes.



Reading between the lines its not good enough for you and me to think, oh I am alright it will not affect me.


The biggest effect one that I am in favour of is the rise in the price of petrol, however there has to be some compensation for pensioners for this as putting up the price of petrol will put up the price of everything we eat and use.


Also not sure about the $7.00, I already pay $16.00 every time I see my doctor and I choose to do that. However for most people with young families and pensioners $7.00 is a lot of money and then on top of that there is the increase in prescription costs. None of this will hurt the earners and wealthy but it will hurt the poor.


There are other ways to get more money and I think Hewson set them out very well in the last couple of weeks, why they are so h bent on hurting the most vulnerable people is beyond me.


You might find yourself being charge $23 now Petals. Sounds a lot doesn't it.:mad:

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The well off have done lightly? Did you miss the bit about the 2% tax increase? On a group that are already paying over a higher proportion of their income in tax. Punishing people for working hard doesn't seem like a good idea to me.


Wish I was paying it.

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Australias had a good and fairly fair welfare system for a number of years now, including decent healthcare for people struggling. Find a bulk billing doctor and no charge. I've not noticed Aus heading "to hell in a hand basket" in the 23 years we've been here. In fact things have improved immensely since we came.


The increase to the tax for the over $180,000 earners is a temporary measure. I would put money on their accountants finding every loophole they can to get most of them back under the $180,000 too. The greedy bastards would rather give the accountant another few grand a year than pay their fair share in tax.


I feel sorry for the unemployed younger age group. Younger age group now goes up to 30 it seems too. There are too many out of work and struggling now who are desperate to get a job, I can't see that taking away their allowances is going to make finding a job any easier. I heard a 25 year old graduate structural Engineer on the radio this morning. He got laid off in March and is still unemployed. He has a mortgage and at the moment is eating into his savings. Can't describe how worried he sounded. What do you do? Move back in with the parents?


Typical Liberal/Conservative budget. It was interesting to see Joe Hockey last night, squirming away when he was being asked about new taxes and broken promises. To be fair Joe did a much better job than I thought he was capable of, came across well to say he was dropped in it by his leaders promises before the election.


He's a much better, more confident and thinks on his feet a lot better than Abbott does. He's surprised me really, he'd had a long day when I saw him being interviewed at around 7:00pm and he was still batting away the questions pretty well. Don't mind Joe, probably the best of a bad bunch, in either party.


By fair, If you mean Australia has had a very good universal welfare system that would be correct. Few other countries provide such a scope of middle class and above benefits. Perhaps they could have been better targeted but I suppose the deal was to keep all sides on side.


As I see it the increase in tax on those earning over $180,000 was only a ploy to sell the rhetoric that we are all in it together. I expect future pay rises and/or income tax cuts will make up for any loss of revenue over the short term duration.


The main people too feel the pinch as always those with the least voice and easiest to target. All for so little as well. Which makes one think what this lot have in store after the next election. Joe it was reported was dancing to The Time Of My Life, earlier. Actually find him a bit of a school boy in presentation. Bit of a soufflé in his lightness/salesman style of manner and hardly trustworthy.

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Yes and I wonder how many years down the road it will be before the Govt tells us " sorry there is no money left in your super funds due to another fabricated GFC, which cant be too far away..

I dont trust any Govt and I certainly do not trust Super, and wouldnt dream of salary sacrificing into super..NEVER..


There is a concern that some future government will find the temptation to get their claws over such wealth irresistible. Wrong for those to say impossible to happen. Or/and the terms of being able to retrieve the funds will become more complicated. Providing the share market doesn't clear out a lot beforehand of course.

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You really are going to have to justify this.


Do you think that anyone on 180k is greedy? Where exactly is your greed limit set? Just above your own income, perhaps?


Income tax is progressive. People on higher incomes already contribute more. You might argue that the society it pays for enables them to earn so much. But to label them as greedy just because they earn above the median wage is bizarre. Almost everyone in Oz earns well above the global average. Are they greedy by the same token?


They are greedy if they do what I suggested. Most people I know that are on that sort of money (don't know that many to be fair) already have some means of getting away with a lot. Mostly legal I'm sure, they would be paying an accountant big money to reduce their tax bill and they would have things like family trusts, investment properties, negative gearing. Anything to keep their tax bill down. Is it fair??? No, but it's the system that's wrong to let them get away with it.


The liberal government aren't going to hurt the people that support and fund them too much are they? They are going to go after the easy targets and brand unemployed bludgers and make it sound like all they need to get off their arse and get a job is to reduce their benefits. As long as the working class are arguing with each other they hope they will forget about how much the rich and big companies are getting away with.


I would love one of those massive payoffs that the CEO's get when they've made a real mess of things over a few years and cost a company millions. They can walk away and never have to work again.


There are heaps of things they could have had a go at in the budget, bankers bonuses, CEO's salaries, private planes. They would rather stop the benefits of the under 30 unemployed and make everyone think they are just lazy.

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Ahh, even better then. I like less tax. And less tax for my company makes me happy.


Or how about just cut state funded stuff that isn't essential. Can't remember the last time I actually watched the ABC or SBS, they are like the "Brazil Butt Lift" and "Shark Steam Cleaner" channels. Full of rubbish to be skipped over.


I find myself watching ABC and SBS more than ever. They have some good programs. You must be watching my kitchen rules and celebrity bake off with all the adverts on one of the other channels Bibbs.

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An extra 3c a litre on fuel. How will people cope ?


For a lot of people, with all the other cuts and extra payments, not very well. 3c a litre on fuel will affect everything. You don't think the delivery drivers for all your food and anything that needs delivering will absorb it do you?

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I find myself watching ABC and SBS more than ever. They have some good programs. You must be watching my kitchen rules and celebrity bake off with all the adverts on one of the other channels Bibbs.


Nope, don't watch terrestrial TV in the main as it's dross (same as the UK). The only time I do is the V8s and the AFL grand final as it's not on Fox.


I record the stuff off Fox I want to watch, and watch it when I want (and skip any adverts). No "reality" TV, or "talent" shows at all in my viewing habits.


I want it, so I'm happy to pay for it. Most stuff is either downloaded or shop bought (same as the UK).

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For a lot of people, with all the other cuts and extra payments, not very well. 3c a litre on fuel will affect everything. You don't think the delivery drivers for all your food and anything that needs delivering will absorb it do you?


I'm sure it will affect people but as they say it could be worse. It's not going to make a tremendous difference to drivers they enjoy one of the cheapest petrol prices in the world so extra 2% wont be horrendous. The price of petrol fluctuates by 10c a litre anyhow depending on supply and price cycle here.

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I'm sure it will affect people but as they say it could be worse. It's not going to make a tremendous difference to drivers they enjoy one of the cheapest petrol prices in the world so extra 2% wont be horrendous. The price of petrol fluctuates by 10c a litre anyhow depending on supply and price cycle here.


Very true. I actually saved myself about 13 cents per litre at the weekend compared to the more expensive ones.

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