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Australia's 2014 Federal Budget

Guest The Pom Queen

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Yep but the majority of people who are going to be hurt by this budget are the ones who are least able to speak for themselves, have never had a job that paid a decent wage, however they have paid taxes.



Reading between the lines its not good enough for you and me to think, oh I am alright it will not affect me.


The biggest effect one that I am in favour of is the rise in the price of petrol, however there has to be some compensation for pensioners for this as putting up the price of petrol will put up the price of everything we eat and use.


Also not sure about the $7.00, I already pay $16.00 every time I see my doctor and I choose to do that. However for most people with young families and pensioners $7.00 is a lot of money and then on top of that there is the increase in prescription costs. None of this will hurt the earners and wealthy but it will hurt the poor.


There are other ways to get more money and I think Hewson set them out very well in the last couple of weeks, why they are so h bent on hurting the most vulnerable people is beyond me.


40% of Australians take more in benefits than they pay in tax. In other words, whatever tax they pay, they get it back and some in handouts. The next 40% pay more tax than the benefits they receive, which makes up the shortfall from the first 40. The tax from the remaining 20% pays to run the country.


As for the petrol rise, it comprises a very small fraction of the costs to run a car. How much do you spend on petrol per year compared to rego, or insurance, or maintenance, or the biggest cap drain; depreciation?


A charge to see the doctor is to discourage the "10 O'Clock crowd" who clog up a GPs time with minor ailments.


>>why they are so h bent on hurting the most vulnerable people is beyond me


Like those earning 180k+ ? I could see your point if the tax was directed at those on <30k, but it clearly isn't.


Overall, I'm not convinced that the budget will deliver the revenue and savings they want, but I'm not against a bit of "shock and Awe" if it gets people thinking a bit more about where the nations' money comes and goes.

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1billion a month is a drop in the ocean for a trillion dollar economy


What I'm wondering is....if Australia's debt to GDP of 13% is such a "crisis" which demands draconian measures - what hope is there for the UK which has a similar debt of 90%? :eek:

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Not everyone listened as they have been listening for weeks. As has been said FB is the place to go for outrage.


Petrol up, prices up, pensions down, lower income people will not be spending, going to really help the bottom line, simplistic view.


No investment in youth unemployment, disaster happening and going to get worse.


Notice that the well off have come off lightly, nothing being done about negative gearing with rents going up weekly.


The well off have done lightly? Did you miss the bit about the 2% tax increase? On a group that are already paying over a higher proportion of their income in tax. Punishing people for working hard doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

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Harpo, I can let you know who supports my 21 year old.


Usually it is the parents. I don't think many kids move out the minute they leave school.


As long as you are also prepared to support them if they become unemployed at the age of 29. And with the increasing casualisation and short term contract nature of employment, that will become increasingly more likely.

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Just watched the Federal Budget.

Joe Hockey was quite inspiring I thought.


But is the average Australian willing to look past self interest, in the knowledge that we all have to play our part in repairing the budget ?


Are we all selfish, just caring about the impact to our own wallets and purses or are we willing to make some sacrifices to ensure the prosperity of Australia for our children and grandchildren ?


You really have been brain-washed haven't you? You must be a spin-doctor's wet dream, believing everything they tell you and spouting it back in your own words, thinking it's your own ideas! How can it be selfish to care that the must vulnerable in society are the ones that are being hit, and how can cuts in education and health ensure the prosperity of our children and grandchildren? Do you even care that an old aged pensioner on an already limited budget is going to put off seeing a doctor because of the cost?


All Abbott can do is spout another phrase that he hopes his sheep will echo back to him "earning or learning" - yep, earning in a job that doesn't exist, or learning to put off the unemployment that will await you at the end of the tunnel!


Were you taken in by the "we politicians are not giving ourselves a payrise too, to share the pain" line as well, or did you do any research and find that a pay rise was ruled out by an independent decision way before the Liarberals took the credit for it?!


Think for yourself for a change.

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It's all OK, folks. 80 billion dollars cut from health and education...but we're giving 245 million for school chaplains. So if your struggling single supporting mum can't afford to take you to the doctor, there'll be a nice chaplain to pray for you. :rolleyes:

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Guest Dave53

Absolutely well said Diane ... I couldn't agree with you more .. It makes my blood boil to have to listen to the diatribe that spews from Abbott and his cronies .. " tighten our belts " he says , well just lead by example I say , try living on $50K / yr Mr Abbott , take off your blinkers and throw away those rose tinted glasses ..

Dave C

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Absolutely well said Diane ... I couldn't agree with you more .. It makes my blood boil to have to listen to the diatribe that spews from Abbott and his cronies .. " tighten our belts " he says , well just lead by example I say , try living on $50K / yr Mr Abbott , take off your blinkers and throw away those rose tinted glasses ..

Dave C



My wife and I live on $15,600, so up ya for the rent...:wink: Have to dig into our 'nest egg' for annual rates but overall, far better off under the Liberal umbrella.


Cheers, Bobj.

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My mum is on the Age pension and gets something like $780 per fortnight, plus some money from UK Age pension in addition.

She always tells me she is very lucky and that they get so many discounts and benefits.


As a pensioner, if you own your home and receive full pension it is not that bad in my opinion.

She has plenty to pay her bills and run a small car.

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You really have been brain-washed haven't you? You must be a spin-doctor's wet dream, believing everything they tell you and spouting it back in your own words, thinking it's your own ideas! How can it be selfish to care that the must vulnerable in society are the ones that are being hit, and how can cuts in education and health ensure the prosperity of our children and grandchildren? Do you even care that an old aged pensioner on an already limited budget is going to put off seeing a doctor because of the cost?


All Abbott can do is spout another phrase that he hopes his sheep will echo back to him "earning or learning" - yep, earning in a job that doesn't exist, or learning to put off the unemployment that will await you at the end of the tunnel!


Were you taken in by the "we politicians are not giving ourselves a payrise too, to share the pain" line as well, or did you do any research and find that a pay rise was ruled out by an independent decision way before the Liarberals took the credit for it?!


Think for yourself for a change.


Says brainwashed Diane...:laugh:


Cheers, Bobj.

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Well I've just flicked through a summary here :-




Only things that impact me are :-


$7 more to see the doctor. Not been in the 3 years so far, and I think it's $70 a visit already. No not much of a change.

The 1.5% reduction on business tax will help my business out as I plan to invest more.

Fuel - but it'll impact on everyone as everything in the shops is shipped in trucks using fuel. I've also a V8 and looking for another. But a few cents a litre wont cause issues. It's still a load cheaper than it was in the UK.

The extra debt levy - but I'm sure my accountant will help with that.


But in general good. Cut back on the ABC and SBS, get rid of a load of public servants, cut spending on the 'nice' things to have, while we don't have the cash.

Time to tighten our belts, and cut back on luxuries a bit.


If it all goes to plan, in 4 years we can start paying off some of the debt, and re-investing in the non-essentials.

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It's all OK, folks. 80 billion dollars cut from health and education...but we're giving 245 million for school chaplains. So if your struggling single supporting mum can't afford to take you to the doctor, there'll be a nice chaplain to pray for you. :rolleyes:


But probably only if your kids go to a catholic or posh private school. Dont know many state schools that can afford to hire a chaplain - even with the $20,000 discount on offer. So effectively free money for schools which would have hired a priest anyway. At least we can see the money cut from science is going to a good cause.

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The minimum age at which you can access your superannuation is being increased in line with the increasing pension age. It was increased to 60 when the pension age was increased to 67. It will increase again now that the pension age is going to 70. It is being introduced incrementally so will take effect according to your date of birth.


In that case, it would pay to put your money elsewhere if you wanted to retire early.

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Guest Dave53

A TV commentator just put it simply .. " can't afford to get sick , pay for petrol to get to the GP , pay the co payment , diagnostic tests and medication " .. You may well say that's " BS " , and perhaps you and I may not be affected , but believe me for many it's not BS and a reality ... Let's consider the not so fortunate .

Dave C

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As a pensioner, if you own your home and receive full pension it is not that bad in my opinion.

She has plenty to pay her bills and run a small car.


Well, that's good...because she will be receiving less and having to pay for more as a result of this budget

"If you own your own home"....but so many don't, and fewer and fewer will be as home ownership becomes less affordable.

It is low income families with children who will really suffer.

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A lot of you would have to realise , the amount of long term unemployed , people older than me who have never worked a day in their life, have 4 or 5 kids and plan on more are now being targeted. I know of areas here in brissie where they dominate. I know plenty of drug addicted people receiving full pension as they cannot work, as well as alcoholics. Most never worked longer than a week in their life. I could take you in houses where their is up to 10 children with not one adult in the house working. They smoke everyday , do drugs have big screen tvs all coming out of tax payers dollars. The circle of this needs to be broken. It needed addressing years ago. Lower class suburb families just keep having as many kids as possible. Their is two sides to this and I believe this all should of been done years ago. The problem needs a solution and this is a start. Do we keep digging ourselves a bigger hole or solve the problem now.im all for all he has put in the budget except retirement age rise likewise with most working class folk I know.

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im all for all he has put in the budget except retirement age rise likewise with most working class folk I know.


That's good...because this is only part 1. 80 billion dollars have been taken from the states...so your state government will now be looking to claw back from you the money they have lost from the Feds. My money is on the GST being raised...and Hockey blaming it on the states demanding it. Then we'll have a lovely WhingeFest on PIO about how much more expensive everything is in Oz. :dull:

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Well I've just flicked through a summary here :-




Only things that impact me are :-


$7 more to see the doctor. Not been in the 3 years so far, and I think it's $70 a visit already. No not much of a change.

The 1.5% reduction on business tax will help my business out as I plan to invest more.

Fuel - but it'll impact on everyone as everything in the shops is shipped in trucks using fuel. I've also a V8 and looking for another. But a few cents a litre wont cause issues. It's still a load cheaper than it was in the UK.

The extra debt levy - but I'm sure my accountant will help with that.


But in general good. Cut back on the ABC and SBS, get rid of a load of public servants, cut spending on the 'nice' things to have, while we don't have the cash.

Time to tighten our belts, and cut back on luxuries a bit.


If it all goes to plan, in 4 years we can start paying off some of the debt, and re-investing in the non-essentials.


There won't be any money for investing in what you term non essentials in four years time either. The savings will go towards the reduction in business/corporate tax breaks. Once gone hard to get back. As I said this budget is the build up of ideological policies. More to follow.


How convenient to cut ABC/SBS funding. Pull the opposition into line through spending cuts. If don't tow the line, well they have been warned.

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That's good...because this is only part 1. 80 billion dollars have been taken from the states...so your state government will now be looking to claw back from you the money they have lost from the Feds. My money is on the GST being raised...and Hockey blaming it on the states demanding it. Then we'll have a lovely WhingeFest on PIO about how much more expensive everything is in Oz. :dull:


It is not a question of if but when with regards the GST/VAT. Also by how much and will they implement before the next election or take it as policy to the voters.

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There won't be any money for investing in what you term non essentials in four years time either. The savings will go towards the reduction in business/corporate tax breaks. Once gone hard to get back. As I said this budget is the build up of ideological policies. More to follow.


How convenient to cut ABC/SBS funding. Pull the opposition into line through spending cuts. If don't tow the line, well they have been warned.

I noticed the ABC were being particularly 'docile' with Hockey last night, seemingly bending over backwards in order to be seen as 'unbiased' in LNP eyes, for fear of being privatised in the future, as per the IPA wishlist.


Quite sickening, really

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A lot of you would have to realise , the amount of long term unemployed , people older than me who have never worked a day in their life, have 4 or 5 kids and plan on more are now being targeted. I know of areas here in brissie where they dominate. I know plenty of drug addicted people receiving full pension as they cannot work, as well as alcoholics. Most never worked longer than a week in their life. I could take you in houses where their is up to 10 children with not one adult in the house working. They smoke everyday , do drugs have big screen tvs all coming out of tax payers dollars. The circle of this needs to be broken. It needed addressing years ago. Lower class suburb families just keep having as many kids as possible. Their is two sides to this and I believe this all should of been done years ago. The problem needs a solution and this is a start. Do we keep digging ourselves a bigger hole or solve the problem now.im all for all he has put in the budget except retirement age rise likewise with most working class folk I know.


For a start alcoholics have an illness if so impaired and should be getting help. Anyway having ten kids, (never met anyone or even close to that) no doubt fell victims to the bribes offered by the last phoney load of Liberals under the Howard guise. Costello's Child Bonus Payments must bare a lot of responsibility for irresponsible child bearing, if I can put it in such crude terms.

Certainly encouraged an abuse of the system by those likely to not be in a position to afford numerous kids. But then the Lib's don't see a society only an economy.


ALP and like minded parties more focused on a better overall society have to come along and clean up the mess made by the Lib's in their cutbacks on socially enabling policies. I don't see money going towards training longer term unemployed.

The big issues are youth unemployment and folk over 50. Don't see any plans to tackle those issues in the budget. More against working class kids going to higher education if anything. With the preference to import skilled labourers than to train local youths in trades it is hardly surprising.


The problems do indeed need a solution and the present government is adding to those problems which will become more apparent as time goes on with the changing focus on many things taken for granted. Even Thatcher didn't go as far.

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I noticed the ABC were being particularly 'docile' with Hockey last night, seemingly bending over backwards in order to be seen as 'unbiased' in LNP eyes, for fear of being privatised in the future, as per the IPA wishlist.


Quite sickening, really

I noticed that as well. Even Q&A displayed on screen how many more Tory supporters were present than ALP. Talk about state control in China. This Abbott government want a country in secrecy where few questions are asked, and none truthfully answered anyway, where press and population are docile and government no longer governs but managers. Meanwhile business gets on with making the real policy. The worlds first truly Corporate State?


Sad thing is there is every chance they'll pull it off. How sad is that?

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