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If/When you go back what WON"T you miss about Australia


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Guest Guest226914

Why had this turned into a lets all hate oz thread? It started off a bit of fun. There's things that annoy me even though I love it here but you can still have a bit of a laugh about it.

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I agree with you in some ways but I think it is you that has achieved what you have, Australia didnt GIVE IT to you.


If bananas are too expensive, choose an alternative fruit!


and with the quote above....I fail to see how going without/not being able to afford a simple fruit is a better life. Its no big thing to have to adjust but it amazes me what people are willing to go without (most things are second nature in any other country) just to live this 'better life' people drone on about.


Anyway, thats just me and each to their own.


We find that wages are higher here when you convert it back to GBP but the cost of living is more than the extra wages.

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There can be all the reports in the world but my partner and I have a lot more money in oz. we managed to save for a house within a year after coming to oz with very little money. Yes prices are high but so too are our salaries and we have so much more disposable income at the end of every month. I know everyone's situation is different but I can't fault what oz has given to me. If Mercedes are too expensive over here, just don't buy one. If bananas are too expensive, choose an alternative fruit! If it is too expensive to park in the CBD, drive to a train station and get the train in.


Just wanted to say Ditto to all above. We have been able to save build a house all on one wage. This would have been impossible back in the UK.

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Just wanted to say Ditto to all above. We have been able to save build a house all on one wage. This would have been impossible back in the UK.


Yep we did the same, when we arrived in 1999, my salary here was just over half of what I was getting in the UK, Paid our, albeit relatively small, mortgage off within 6 yrs and have bought (mortgaged) investment properties. It was only 18 months back when we actually finished paying our endowment element of our UK mortgage which would have been the end of a 25 year mortgage had We remained in the UK.

I would say though that my salary in UK today would be about half that of what I get here in Aus now! quite a reversal really!

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If I go back , I won't yet but if .


i won't miss aussie Christmas , doesn't do it for me , oh not bothered though


I won't miss wait awhile


I won't miss some of the peoples falseness .


I won't miss how everyone is dead quiet in the streets I've lived in , don't see anyone only when I was welcomed in brissie , I do like people popping in for coffee , I miss that from uk , need to have things going on around me , carnt cope without it


What at I will miss




outdoor living , but only so many barbies you can take although kids love them


I like the styles of houses , I love open plan , oh doesn't too nosey he said


Beaches ,


I suppose overall , Not miss that much , just weather mainly , I don't actually know what's of benefit here , if I came yrs ago would probably be singing from a different hymn sheet now , not sure lol , although need to give it longer I know that also .

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Guest Guest226914
We find that wages are higher here when you convert it back to GBP but the cost of living is more than the extra wages.


I don't convert back to GBP. I compare by looking at the amount of money I have left at the end of each month.


Also Australia did give this standard of living because myself and my partner came here doing exactly the same job with exactly the same qualifications and the only thing that changed was the country we worked in. We both stepped into higher paying jobs simply by just moving country.

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I don't convert back to GBP. I compare by looking at the amount of money I have left at the end of each month.


well done you.


I mentioned the converting back because people were saying they earn x times more here....and without working out what our aus wages are in GBP I wouldnt know if it was more...surely?


Although earning slightly less in the UK our money went A LOT further, had nicer car/better built house and at the end of the month we had a larger percentage of our wage left in the UK...not necessarily more than AUD but a larger share was left over after bills and spending etc.


My wages in the UK used to cover all our bills and then a bit extra, here it takes mine AND my wifes to cover them AND she is earning more than she did in the UK.

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If we go back, I will not miss being called a Pommy B......! by my neighbour.


I'm sure that's just their way of being endearing!

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The way that each television channel will only mention their own programmes. If you watch sunrise in the morning all they talk about is what was on channel 7 last night and what's coming on tonight. For some reason this really annoys me. I love how in the UK all of the chat shows get each other's guests on and talk about all of the shows irrespective of the channel it's on.

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I won't miss turning on the telly and finding the actors Asher Keddie and Marta Dusseldorp in everything! lol!

I don't mind them too much though I do see your point.


For me, its that Lawrence Mooney* I can't stand! He's bloody everywhere on the ABC! He isn't FUNNY!!!!!


*ditto Chris Lilley

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I don't mind them too much though I do see your point.


For me, its that Lawrence Mooney* I can't stand! He's bloody everywhere on the ABC! He isn't FUNNY!!!!!


*ditto Chris Lilley


Lawrence Mooney! oh god yes... who is he anyway? what about Julia Zemiro?

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