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Booked 1 way flights to uk! 186 PR visa questions


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Hi all, we have booked flights to uk for Xmas, can't wait!!:biggrin:

My family have been in Perth for almost 2 years and while the kids seem happy they all want to go back for good....

Problem is my husband want to get the 186 PR so he will be returning to Perth after Xmas without us, he seems to think a few weeks in uk will open our eyes to what Perth has to offer & where we will want to be.


1) how hard would it be to get 186 with me & boys offshore?

2) if the boys don't want to come back to Perth will he be able to get residents return visa so we have 5 years to fully make up our minds?

3) once he has PR does he have to stay in oz for a set amount of time?


hope someone has some info as I've already started stressing :goofy:and we still have 33weeks before we go!!

thanks all

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Hi all, we have booked flights to uk for Xmas, can't wait!!:biggrin:

My family have been in Perth for almost 2 years and while the kids seem happy they all want to go back for good....

Problem is my husband want to get the 186 PR so he will be returning to Perth after Xmas without us, he seems to think a few weeks in uk will open our eyes to what Perth has to offer & where we will want to be.


1) how hard would it be to get 186 with me & boys offshore?

2) if the boys don't want to come back to Perth will he be able to get residents return visa so we have 5 years to fully make up our minds?

3) once he has PR does he have to stay in oz for a set amount of time?



The 186 is an Employer-Sponsored PR, right? So he's going to get his employer to jump through all the hoops to get him his PR, then he's going to hand in his notice? I can imagine the employer being pretty p***d off by that!


In practice, I believe it's pretty rare for a PR to be cancelled if you leave the employer who sponsored you, because there are so many legal reasons for leaving a job. However, if you're found to have applied fraudulently - i.e. you had no intention of staying in the first place - then it will be cancelled.


I'd be worried that if immigration looked into your situation and found you'd already gone back to the UK, it would be glaringly obvious your husband never intended to stay in the job.


Some might say it's unlikely immigration would check up - but what if the employer got annoyed enough to report him?

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I think its a good idea to get PR before you leave the country. Lots of people do this then go back to the UK and it saves the hassle and sometimes heartbreak if you do decide to return to Aus at a later date.


Cal x

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I have moved this to Migration as you are asking specific visa questions and many with knowledge of such things may not see it in MBTTUK forum.

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Thanks for the replies.

A, hubby will be covering all cost for PR and his employer is very understanding of the situation.

B) if he don't get PR soon he'll be to old so door will be closed.

C) my kids want to go back hubby wants to stay and I'm trying to keep everyone happy (not an easy job)


He believes in his heart that the kids will want to come back within 6 months but if he don't go for PR then the door is closed :(

Plus hubby will be staying in Perth for the time we're back uk so will not be taking the piss out of his employer.


I just wanted to find out if anyone has gone for PR 186 with family offshore and was it hard?

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Thanks for the replies.

A, hubby will be covering all cost for PR and his employer is very understanding of the situation.

B) if he don't get PR soon he'll be to old so door will be closed.

C) my kids want to go back hubby wants to stay and I'm trying to keep everyone happy (not an easy job)


He believes in his heart that the kids will want to come back within 6 months but if he don't go for PR then the door is closed :(

Plus hubby will be staying in Perth for the time we're back uk so will not be taking the piss out of his employer.


I just wanted to find out if anyone has gone for PR 186 with family offshore and was it hard?


So you're saying, the employer knows your husband may not stay, and they're OK with it. That's good, because that means they're not going to complain to immigration.


I still think you're taking a risk leaving Australia while the PR application is in - if immigration checks up and finds you've left with no intention of returning, it's bound to raise question marks in their mind. Can't you delay your trip until he's got the PR safely in the bag?

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So you're saying, the employer knows your husband may not stay, and they're OK with it. That's good, because that means they're not going to complain to immigration.


I still think you're taking a risk leaving Australia while the PR application is in - if immigration checks up and finds you've left with no intention of returning, it's bound to raise question marks in their mind. Can't you delay your trip until he's got the PR safely in the bag?


You could easily tell a white lie to cover this, and they may even go back.


I think the six months apart would be hard, especially if the kids are young. You do need to consider trust as well, but I'm sure you've got that covered.

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My kids are 5 10 & 13 if they was younger it would be so much easier, my 13 year old has said that since he started school he feels he's slowly going backwards so he I'd desperate to go high school in uk,

the gov are encouraging people on 457 to send family home or pay education so I don't think them looking into will be a problem.

Arrrrrrr so confused

But when in uk all I need to do is police checks & medical?


but I will say to anyone coming to Perth.....

it is beautiful

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My kids are 5 10 & 13 if they was younger it would be so much easier, my 13 year old has said that since he started school he feels he's slowly going backwards so he I'd desperate to go high school in uk,

the gov are encouraging people on 457 to send family home or pay education so I don't think them looking into will be a problem.

Arrrrrrr so confused

But when in uk all I need to do is police checks & medical?


but I will say to anyone coming to Perth.....

it is beautiful


Do they all want to go back Dennic? I reckon the youngest one and maybe even the 10 year old are picking up vibes from their elder sibling and sticking by him, if he's saying stuff about going back.


Have you thought about just changing schools? Our two went to totally different schools as the youngest has autism and we felt the private school he went to suited him a lot better. They had a program in place for kids with learning difficulties and he did well there. He enjoyed going, which is half the battle.


To be fair though the eldest went to the local public High School and that was fine for him too. He enjoyed going there and did some great extra curricular activities. Surfing, diving, trip to the Abrolhos. He had a lot less homework than the youngest. When we used to ask him about homework we just got "did it at school".


The eldests best mate was in the same private school as the youngster went to and he was forever doing homework and projects, even at weekends. When they came out of school they ended up with virtually the same results. Makes you wonder.:unsure:

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My kids are 5 10 & 13 if they was younger it would be so much easier, my 13 year old has said that since he started school he feels he's slowly going backwards so he I'd desperate to go high school in uk,



I wouldn't be letting your entire future be decided by a 5 and 10 year old! At that age, even if they're a bit unsettled now, they will adapt - in a few years they'll have forgotten all about their concerns. Like Paul, I reckon they're both following the lead of their Big Brother. If schooling is all the older one is worried about, then is there any way he could switch schools?

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