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NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell resigns


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That's massive news. Especially with a state election only a year away. A fair chunk of why the ALP got booted in the first place was corruption, now it appears Obeid's dirty fingers were all over certain sections of the LNP as well


Next year's election will be pretty hot and the stakes are high with some major commitments and change having been made by the LNP in the past 3 years, a fair bit of which relied on a minimum 2 term government to embed or fully deliver. If they lose next year then who knows what will be cancelled......

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If I was drinking a $3000 bottle of 1959 Grange Hermitage I'm sure I would remember where it came from. But maybe he drinks them every day so they are all the same to him!





He wouldn't know it cost $3000.

If someone gives you a present you don't ask how much it cost. It could have just been thought of as just another bottle if wine and quickly forgotten about.

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It might have just been given to his wife at home and she stuck it in the cellar with the 30 other bottles that he got as gifts. Oh wait it's Aussie politics you have to nail people for the littlest things.


if the news wanted to look into corruption theyd investigate the Myki scandal. How a company who didn't have any experience in ticketing software win a billion dollar contract to produce one. Oh and the contract was so heavily weighted in favour of the company too. I'm sure some people got very rich on that one. Where was the investigation ?


Never mind lets screw someone over 3k bottle of wine and see when the royals are arriving.

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He wouldn't know it cost $3000.

If someone gives you a present you don't ask how much it cost. It could have just been thought of as just another bottle if wine and quickly forgotten about.


Of course, silly me. He probably thought it was a $5 bottle of Rot Gut Red.

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Guest Ptp113
If I was drinking a $3000 bottle of 1959 Grange Hermitage I'm sure I would remember where it came from. But maybe he drinks them every day so they are all the same to him!

Who said he drank it?

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Yeah I don't really believe it either.


Penfolds Grange is such a famous wine, everyone knows it so hard to forget a gift like that.

Whether he knew it was worth $3000 I don't know but he would know it was not just your average $25 bottle from Liquorland.

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Sad really because O Farrell was a decent bloke by state pollie standards. Saw him at a private function some years ago and he struck me as someone who was pragmatic and was able to listen to sound advice even when it went against the Party line and the vested interests (as with the alcohol restrictions and the hotels/drinks industry). But I don't think he's done 'the honourable thing' - he accepted a bribe then denied it until caught red handed. I don't know what it is with politicians in Australia - both ALP and LNP are corrupt, beholden to vested interests such as property developers and also mediocre in running the most basic of services. Sydney has one of the least developed public transport systems of any city of similar size in the developed world.

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Talk about red-handed - they found a thank you note signed by him, for the $3,000 bottle of wine he had denied receiving.


I love politics here, its as corrupt as anywhere else, just not as subtle!


Yes, that Tory minister who has just resigned (I hope), though not paid back the 45,000 quid she ripped off, was indeed very subtle!

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