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What's the best Aussie fish ?


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Having been to many a chippie in Melbourne just wondered what the best fish and chips are that members have had.


Think there so much variety here it really is hard to pick one but my favourite has to be blue grenadier.

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Guest Ptp113
Flathead for me with coral trout and mackerel (cooked after skinning), next. Woolies has got imported flathead on at 9.99 kilo this week so I'm gonna try it to see if it's different to the native species

Imported flathead? That's a new one

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Guest Ptp113
We are currently having 'home caught and cooked' shark and i was quite surprised how nice it was, infact i much prefer it to the Barra that Aussies seem to rave about.


Cal x


Because most Barra isn't............

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Yes hubby and son caught them (it only took 5 years of trying,lol), they have to be bled right on catching and put into iced water straight away. I filleted them (they caught 2) and we did the traditional home made beer batter with some pieces and shallow fried the other with some lemon,garlic and herbs. The beer battered were my favorite,lol.


This is my daughter with one shortly before it was filleted.


photo (12).jpg

photo (12).jpg

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Guest Guest66881

Nice pup too, i imagined bigger shark but never caught one so.

Thanks for info sounds cool, just need a boat and some gear now.

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From the chip shop snapper definitely.


I do miss the fresh fish places in Perth - just buy my fish at the supermarket now, but it's more than made up for by the smoked fish here and the price!

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Snapper is my fish of choice, flathead and coral trout. When we catch snapper , love cooking it whole on coals in the back yard wrapped in foil filled with all fav garnishing to flavour it. Just melts in your mouth. Side dish of fresh mud crabs tops the meal. Yummmmmmmm

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Not in any particular order; coral trout, mackerel (spanish, broadbar, schoolie and spotty), red emperor, golden snapper, bluey (blackspot tuskfish), mangrove jack, barramundi, pearl perch and WA dhu fish (both close rellies) and jewfish (mulloway).


And must be self caught...fishing1.gif


Cheers, Bobj.

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