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Recognition of my study


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Hi all guys, I am very confused whether I will get job or not here in Melbourne? I did diploma in architecture from India and it was 3 years course. I also did job for 3 years in india. I am afraid that I will get job on this basis or not? Can u help me what I should do now or may I get job here on this basis. Do I need to start any short term course related to it.

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I believe a full architectural degree is now 5 years in Australia - 3 years Bachelor of Environmental Design (Architecture), then 2 years Master of Architecture.

Whether any of your previous diploma studies would be recognised would be determined by the particular university.


Architectural firms and building designers sometimes employ people without full degrees. It depends whether they can utilise the particular skill set of that employee.

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You might get a job doing something completely different of course - retail, general office work, carer etc. However, dependents of 457 visa holders don't have an easy time in the job market unless they have some outstanding skill set or are prepared to do short term work. I thought you were asking if you could be an architect.

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Hi, anita. My wife is also having somewhat similar problem as yours. She is a Homeopathic practitioner in India but in OZ Indian qualification is not recognized unless u do Skills assessment or register in colleges which recognize Oversea qualifications. Our agent has told her the same.

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Hi, Anita. My wife vl accompany me in OZ and she vl also face the same issue of Indian Qualification recognition in OZ, I think she is starting to feel nervous. But I suggested her to look out for other jobs or hobbies (Not related to her field) So did u get adjusted to OZ yet?? what is your experience so far?

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