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Illawara region,what is it like?

The Cox's

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Hi All, Well Skippy you have excelled yourself! If that last pic don't lure everyone to the Illawarra then nothing will!!! All that lovely beach and so close to Sydney!

Helen, We bought our cat out from the UK, he was 12 when he made the journey and he has been absolutely fine, how can you not bring them after having them all that time eh?!!! He's 14 now and still going strong! He has been used to being in catteries so quarantine was no big deal for him, except that we sent him ahead of us and i think he just wondered what had happened to us!

There are no council rules for cats, other than you have to register them on the companion/pets register, which is just a small fee and providing proof that they are microchipped. The rental agents might ask if you have pets and as they write it into your rental agreement it's best to tell them that you do. We've got 2 cats and we've had no problems finding a rental place with them. Some places state no pets, but if you ask they will probably be OK about it, after all they want to rent their place out more! They tend to class cats here as indoor or outdoor, which we thought was a bit funny as i'm up and down like a yo-yo letting ours in and out! (rentals - no cat flaps!) But just say they are outdoor cats, i don't think you will have any problems. Our UK cat is a real sun worshipper, he loves it here, he has the biggest garden he's ever known and a big park and pond opposite where he likes to stalk the ducks!! Congrats on getting your visa at last! Let me know if you want to meet up one day for that run!! Donna

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Hi All, Well Skippy you have excelled yourself! If that last pic don't lure everyone to the Illawarra then nothing will!!! All that lovely beach and so close to Sydney!

Helen, We bought our cat out from the UK, he was 12 when he made the journey and he has been absolutely fine, how can you not bring them after having them all that time eh?!!! He's 14 now and still going strong! He has been used to being in catteries so quarantine was no big deal for him, except that we sent him ahead of us and i think he just wondered what had happened to us!

There are no council rules for cats, other than you have to register them on the companion/pets register, which is just a small fee and providing proof that they are microchipped. The rental agents might ask if you have pets and as they write it into your rental agreement it's best to tell them that you do. We've got 2 cats and we've had no problems finding a rental place with them. Some places state no pets, but if you ask they will probably be OK about it, after all they want to rent their place out more! They tend to class cats here as indoor or outdoor, which we thought was a bit funny as i'm up and down like a yo-yo letting ours in and out! (rentals - no cat flaps!) But just say they are outdoor cats, i don't think you will have any problems. Our UK cat is a real sun worshipper, he loves it here, he has the biggest garden he's ever known and a big park and pond opposite where he likes to stalk the ducks!! Congrats on getting your visa at last! Let me know if you want to meet up one day for that run!! Donna


Hi Donna, thank you.. that is very helpful. I change my mind about beavis everyday. He is a very old boy. He is 17 years with a slight heart murmur. My work pal checked him out and as he is not on any medication he says its my call. he is too old to rehome and i can't bring myself to put him to sleep as he enjoys life to the full. So at the moment ive decided that we will take him and if we loose him on route then so be it. sounds harsh but he could live for another couple of years. He is a laid back boy and not really a stressy type and I ll be sending him over with loads of Feliway. Can I ask Donna? did your cats fly out on a direct route? or did they stop off. And how did they cope with the flight?

Also i'll have to keep up with you on that run..ive been really bad and not run since my race for life effort. but very happy to meet up when we eventually meet up. Looks like Ill be baking lots of chocolate cake for everyone...LOL:biglaugh:

Someone mentioned about a dog meet up..my boys will be fine for that.

Getting the house valued tomorrow and on the market next week. fingers crossed..

by for now..

Helen xxx

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Hi guys, just wanted to check in really and say Hi to you all, i don't come on this thread enough!!


Skippy those last few pics of shellharbour make my heart race, its like illawarra porn!

Its still so long until we can get going with the move, and so much uncertainty with the housing market and business (we're self employed) is naturally a bit rocky due to the economy.


But hubby has started writing his IT ACS paper (sorry i can't remeber the propper terminology for the IT skills accessment he is doing), and we are working on it together in the evenings, which at least feels like we are doing something to get us closer to our Kiama dream.


I keep looking over and over our photos from our reccy in june and feeling almost tearful about it!


One of the things i think about most is our Dog and how she is going to cope with the flight :-( but also imagining over and over i my head the day we go to pick her up from quarantine and drive her back down the princes highway to her new home! And then taking her for her first walk at 7 mile beach, or shellharbour... ooooohhh i can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Having no children off my own she is very much my little girl and plays such a massive part in my dreams for our future!


Anyway, i hope you are all well!? I would love to hear even the tiniest little snippet of information about Kiama... Skippy i love reading about you sitting in the harbour with a coffee, or walking your dog..!!


Take care all...



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Meggs I have just read your blog from your trip - had me in tears when you talk about your feelings in Kiama. My OH has just got a job in Moss vale about 45 mins from kiama and after reading things on this forum and other research we too have decided on kiama. We have a 15 month old daughter so i won't be working so am really looking forward to spending my days on the beach eating fish and chips! We are aiming to be out in January...... can't come soon enough.

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Meggs I have just read your blog from your trip - had me in tears when you talk about your feelings in Kiama. My OH has just got a job in Moss vale about 45 mins from kiama and after reading things on this forum and other research we too have decided on kiama. We have a 15 month old daughter so i won't be working so am really looking forward to spending my days on the beach eating fish and chips! We are aiming to be out in January...... can't come soon enough.


Hi Hannah!

Yep, kiama was just amazing, and really we felt nowhere esle in Illawarra compared. We currently live in a seaside town, within walking distance to the shops, so i really wanted to find something similar in Oz, and kiama is it! Its seemed to have so much more chracter than other places we visited in Illawarra, so much more going on!


One perticularly fond memory i have is when we were having an ice cream, it must have been about 7pm, we'd had our fish'n'chips at the harbour, and then went for a wander. We stopped at this amazing ice cream shop, just as we were about to order a woman came in with about 10 girls all aged about 12/13, so we let them go first as we couldn't make our mind up. I think it was her daughters birthday so she had taken all the girls for an icecream treat, and each girl ordered her ice cream, they were all so excited and happy, but polite and not at all intimidating. Then two teenage boys (17/18) walked passed, and the women went outside and started talking to them, and it really struck me how lovely it was that these girls were so beautifully behaved (unlike friends on my own 12 year old stepdaughter...) and that these teenage lads would stop and talk so nicely with this woman, whereas here most people would be a bit scared to talk to teenage lads looking like them.


It seemed like such a great community to bring kids up in.


I'm so envious that you are going so soon!!! Maybe we can meet up once we get there!! I hope to have my own children too (been trying for quite some time) so it would be so nice to know some people with kids when we get there!!!


Have you been to Oz before??




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Well Skippy you have excelled yourself! If that last pic don't lure everyone to the Illawarra then nothing will!!!


I don't want to lure anyone here Donna, cos they will blame me if they don't like it,



Hi Skippy, then they must be crazy if they don't like it!!! What's not to like eh? er, except the clothes shopping, let's come clean right now, the clothes shopping is rubbish! But that's an Aus wide thing as far as i can see but a good cure for all shopaholics, including me!! :biglaugh:


Hi Helen, Yes, Teddy did stop off in Bangkok, bless him, he did all the usual touristy things!! Hee! We sent him with Airpets, near Heathrow and they put him in a wooden crate with a wire meshy front and a door and lock at the back. The front of the mesh had a funnel leading to a little plastic drinking bowl that can easily be topped up through the funnel, a very basic travel pod, which he now hates with a vengance!

But it was big enough for him to stand up in and turn around in and you can bring their own blanket or some of your own clothing with their homely smells on to go in for them. Apparently, on stopping off they are taken out of the hold, still in the wooden crate and visually checked over by a vet and their water topped up through the funnell. They are not given any food coz no where to go to toilet and Teddy had wee'd on his bedding (not surprisingly, poor boy!) I think that once the crates are locked on departure, they stay locked until they get to quarantine, which in NSW is at Eastern Creek in Western Sydney, about a 2 hour drive from Illawarra. He didn't have long to wait before he was put on the plane again, which i'm not sure if it was the same flight or a different flight. They are then collected by quarantine and i know Teddy had a bit of a wait (still in the crate) at Sydney airport coz quarantine was busy and had to do a few trips apparently! I was timing him the whole way and as soon as i knew he should be landed i phoned quarantine to see if he had got there OK! In quarantine, they get one person that looks after a block and on arrival there, they are weighed and checked over and a record is kept every day of if and what they have eaten and what their toileting is like and i think they weigh them every few days as well. You are allowed to visit during certain hours, which was the first thing we did on arrival! and we took him some nice juicy chicken as a special treat!! Teddy is a chilled out cat as well, but i think the noise of the flight frightened him. He didn't even want to go back in that crate on leaving quarantine, as at that time we still didn't have our stuff (and his usual travel pod) over from UK! We moved recently (to Illawarra) and as soon as he saw that crate he made a bolt for it!! (We put our other cat in that one, we got her here) Teddy's been here 2 years now with us but was recently diagnosed with the beginnings of kidney failure and i was so upset, he's on medication for it and he is absolutely fine, you wouldn't know there was anything wrong with him, he's still like a kitten at heart and he absolutely loves the sun! I hope your little Beavis makes it here unscathed. I suppose the best situation for him would be for you to be already here when he arrives, we sent Teddy ahead by about a week so he didn't have the stress of the removal people coming round and taking the house apart! When we first arrive here we lived not far from the quarantine so was able to go see him every day until we could bring him home. Re: the run, i haven't been for a run in ages either! I'm working now, so haven't even been for many walks! We shall take it up again when you get here eh? Are you a vet Helen? Hope the above info helps, kind regards, Donna

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Hope you are enjoying the warmer weather.


Saturday 13th, 28 deg in the shade, can't grumble at that hannah, got woken up by a thunder storm this morning & heavy rain, with more storms forecast for this arvo, the only problem we have is a dog that goes physcho and has to be medicated.

Aussie storm.




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Hi Donna, thank you for your message. No Im not a vet...(perish the thought! LOL) but I am a veterinary nurse...we carry the vets and generally keep the ship afloat...hee hee.

Oh I just dont know about the Beavis.!! I think Ill rather he go on a direct flight..We have 2 dogs as well (they should be ok). I know he will be fine in quarantine its the noise of the flight thats prob more upsetting as you said. I can only hope he becomes deaf before he goes LOL.. Definately up for meeting you guys when we arrive. I promised Skippy a big fat chocolate cake LOL!! so Id better make it two now!! LOL again.

House was valued yesterday..yikes..!! reduced from two months ago..double yikes!! so we are prob going to market it by end of this week. My OH picked up our passports yesterday from post office. They had been sent to high commisson....yippeee how great does it feel to see your visa in there!!!

Oh Donna, ive just remembered. I wanted to ask you a question regarding the pet import permit. If you can answer it..or anyone else for that matter.

When you apply they require an australian address..which is ok as we will can use our friends address in Maroubra. Do I have to use this same address for the veterinary attendance and treatment declaration or can I use my own address for this. I take it I can use my own telephone numbers for contacts... The reason Im asking is at the moment we dont have our own aussie address yet and I dont want my more friends lumbered with sorting our pets (as they are not animal people at all) any ideas anyone. Please.

Great photos skippy....

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Guest chelsea4

Hi all, fairly new to the site, have not posted much, but I have just looked at the Pics Skippy posted and they are fab.


We have finally taken the plunge and booked flights for next April for a reccie. We fly into Brisbane, I have some family near Surfers so will start off their, hoping to have some time to relax first, then off to Sydney, and then to Illawarra, where I have quite a lot of family. Will need to look very carefully here as thhis is where we hope to come to eventually.


After that we are off on a road trip with my cousin and her family to the Great Ocean road, and visit more family. Finally fly home from Adelaide, absolutely shattered no doubt, but hope it will get the kids interested in living the dream.


Can't wait but got lots of planning to do, at least it is something to look forward to on the cold winter nights.

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Thanks for the pictures Skippy, they're fantastic!! Did you take those wollongong pictures recently? It already looks so much nicer with a bit of sun!!


As for 7 mile Beach, there is a small section of it right at the bottom near Shoalhaven Heads that you can walk your dog off the leash on isn't there?? When we visited we came onto the beach from Soalhaven heads, and we saw the sign that tells you where your allowed to excersize your dogs, and there were a few dogs there at the time. Its a shame you can't walk them right up the beach though, but understandable.

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Did you take those wollongong pictures recently? It already looks so much nicer with a bit of sun!!


Now you know why we are misserable in the Winter time Meg & tend to hibernate.

Didn't take the pics too long ago, they have ripped the beach up at the southern end of the harbour & they are starting to improve the look of the place, building more walkways and cycleways, there has been work being done right down to the Entertainment centre since before you came here.

The other end of 7 mile beach comes under the Shoalhaven council, Shoalhaven heads is NOT in the National Park, so walking a dog there shouldn't be an issue.

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Hi Skippy, What's not to like eh? er, except the clothes shopping, let's come clean right now, the clothes shopping is rubbish! but a good cure for all shopaholics, including me!! :biglaugh:


What is it with women & all the clothes Donna, no wonder most men can't afford to retire, soon 7 bikini's will get you through the week. :biglaugh:

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Guest OldiesRUs

What is it with women & all the clothes Donna, no wonder most men can't afford to retire, soon 7 bikini's will get you through the week. :biglaugh:



I'm not a clothes person (although OH will probably disagree and start counting the number of wardrobes I have). Idon't go to the shops unless I need something. Although to be honest, that has only happened in the last few of years and that's because shopping is so boring now. Doesn't matter what town you go to, all the shops are the same. Back in the days of yore, it was worth going to different towns because they all had individual shops, now they are all the same, selling the same products.


Always enjoy shopping in Aus tho' because the shops are different to here, but again, most malls have the same shops, so once I am there permanently, I will soon lose interest again.


7 bikinis - I don't think so, I wouldn't do it to my new country.



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:embarrassed: errrr I have 7 bikinis.....????????

all lined up ready for the beach when we land.. In fact...I lived in mine through out our recce!! and will be getting more...just need to sort the body out first...cos its not that pretty... :wacko: in the mean time...its SHOP SHOP SHOP...!!! LOL!!!

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7 bikinis - I don't think so, I wouldn't do it to my new country.




No one bothers about size here Jean, you will be just another pebble on the beach, I haven't been swimming at the beach since the lifesavers pushed me back out to sea, thinking I was a beached whale.:biglaugh:


I had a laugh yesterday, an old lady was complaining that she couldn't find any sunscreen for her age group, 80 plus, she felt a real dill after the shop assistant explained it to her.

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Hi Helen, Don't be embarrassed about 7 bikini's! I daren't mention how many i have! They are disposable really though after a year of sun and saltwater, that's my excuse anyway! Make sure you do have a good ol shop in UK before coming out here, coz clothes are definately cheaper in UK than over here (and much nicer!) hee! Have PM'd you also, Donna

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Look out Illawarra - we're on our way.


Visas granted this morning!! Very, very excited.



CONGRATULATIONS JEAN....ah now the race can begin...will you or I get there first....???LOL...last one there has to host a barbie!!!!:biglaugh:

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Guest OldiesRUs
CONGRATULATIONS JEAN....ah now the race can begin...will you or I get there first....???LOL...last one there has to host a barbie!!!!:biglaugh:



You're on!



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Hi Jean, Wow! At long last! Congratulations!!!!! All that waiting finally paid off and now it's all rush, rush, rush!! How exciting! Hope the chance for my parent's come sooner rather than later!

Stay in touch, i know they'd love to meet you! Congrats again, so pleased for you! Donna xx

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