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Will things get any better?


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I'm feeling pretty miserable at the moment out here and don't even know if things are going to get any better. I certainly don't want to pack it all in and go back to the UK but its starting to seem more and more appealing. My partner and I came to Oz as backpackers and we have been out here for roughly 4 years now. I started working for my company in August 2012 and they lodged my sponsorship in December 2012. My 187 visa was granted in June 2012.


Since we have been here it seems like one thing after another. When we were backpackers money was good as you forget about all of the extras you need to pay for like phone bills, internet, medical, furniture etc. Since I was sponsored it really has been one thing after another. I've never really been happy at my job and there have been problems from day 1. Although things there aren't so bad at the moment I feel like my attitude and morale is so low that I'm making it worse for myself and my tolerance for thing is becoming less and less and I'm getting more worked up about things. The thought about having to endure another 15 months here is unbearable at times and at the moment I'm ready to walk out and deal with the visa consequences at the smallest thing.


Money has also been really, really tight and were struggling to make ends meet at the moment and I often spend nights lay awake in bed worrying about how I'm going to pay for everything. I started training to become a lawyer in the UK and thought it would be easy to continue it out here but it is going to involve a lot of further study and the tuition fees are crippling. It is also going to take me 2 years plus studying part time and I don't even know if I have the motivation for it anymore. I have to go to work at a job I hate, come home and spend my evenings and weekends studying and I'm not even sure if I have the drive to go through the whole legal recruitment process again as my self-esteem has suffered a lot through my current job.


My bf has a few good friends as he seems to make friends really easily and plays sport however I don't really feel like I have many people here. The only girl friends I have like to go out drinking a lot and although I try to get involved (for the purpose of making friends) I either don't have the money for it or when I do drink I feel so terrible the next day it hardly makes it worth it. I work in a small office too and don't have anything in common with the people I work with. I have had a few good friends here who like the same things I do but because Darwin is so itinerant they have moved on. I love spending time with my bf but I miss girlie company so much and my family and feel lonely all of the time. I had a really good group of friends back home and often find myself just looking at things on facebook and wishing I was back home to join in or that I had good friends here.


Has anyone else felt like this? Is it worth me sticking it out until I finish this employment and seeing if I'm happier in a different job or city?

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Won't you be entitled to apply for citizenship shortly, by June? It takes a while to come through, I can apply in May and I am thinking it will take 6 months. Once you have that at least you don't need to worry about visas being cancelled on you and maybe they process more quickly in Darwin than they do here in Sydney.


Perhaps set yourself a short term goal to push through until then and then re assess. Maybe try somewhere else, Darwin is a tough one to crack. How would your boyfriend feel about leaving?

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Thanks for your Advice Rupert. For some reason I thought we had to have been in Australia for the full two years before we could apply but I've checked and I think we will be eligible from June. At least that is something for us to aim towards. I think my boyfriend is quite happy in Darwin now, he has made some good friends and has just started a good job with the government. He is always scared about being unemployed, especially as we have no support system out here but I think if we lined up jobs in another city he would be prepared to move. Neither of us think that Darwin is for the long term for us.

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I think a lot of people feel like you do, so you are not on your own.... get that citizenship, then the world is your oyster - you can move on. The cities here are so diversely different to each other (given the distances involved) that you may well find you have a totally alternative and contrasting experience elsewhere. Maybe instead of studying academically, you could spend some time studying other places you might like to live - housing, areas, employment opportunities, clubs, etc etc. It might reignite the passion you obviously had for Aus when you were a backpacker... and come the time when your citizenship comes through you'll have a far clearer and informed ideas of what you want to try next.

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Thanks, we both love so many things about Darwin but I think the things we don't like here are probably signs we should try somewhere new. We did talk about moving to Perth next June but I've heard that Perth is very expensive to live too so don't know if we would be in exactly the same place financially. Then we have the worry about finding new jobs as one thing there is in Darwin is plenty of jobs. Not sure if the same problems would exist in a new city though - lack of friends etc.

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I understand how you feel. I think most people feel like that at some point. I live in Perth and love it, it took me a while to adjust but now I call Perth my home. Have you considered joining any clubs? my wife has a group of friends that go running together in the mornings this seems to help her and it's free!

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Get your citizenship then think about where you might be able to advance your career/studies. Unfortunately you've probably blown any chance of continuing study in UK having been out of the country for more than 3 yrs but it might be worth checking if you can get back under the same conditions (did you defer?).


Will it get any better? Who knows? It might be better elsewhere but you'll probably still be stuck in a parlous economic situation as the big cities are pretty expensive so enhancing your skills for a better paid future would seem to be pretty much of a priority.

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I thought about joining the local running club but haven't actually followed through as I have struggled to get back into running with the heat at the moment after having a break over Xmas. Other than that I'm not really sporty and haven't been able to find anything else to join as there isn't that much going on in Darwin.


I finished my study in the UK (didn't defer) so it wouldn't be a case of me getting back into it if we went back as there wouldn't be any more study for me to do. I have to do further study here as the Australian legal boards require it for admission. I think the consensus seems to be get the citizenship and then reassess the situation and at least getting the citizenship will break things up. Thanks for all the feedback.

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My advice would be don't neglect your own career. A lot a people take a backwards step to move to Oz and never quite recover. Personally I had a great job in engineering but there's not the industry here. BF had a great job with lots of travel back to Europe and he was quite content. Make the most of your law degree even if you have to move interstate or back to the UK.

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Thank you, I think part of my misery is working in a job that I find unchallenging so I think it would be a mistake to stop studying. I've unfortunately had to cut back on how much study I can do though because of finances. I liked the heat in Darwin to start with but recently its becoming very overwhelming and there doesn't seem to be any relief from it. A few people have recommended Brisbane to me though and I have a friend who has recently moved from Darwin to the Gold Coast and is a lot happier there!

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