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Upskirting is Legal.


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  • 3 years later...

Hi Parley! 

Hope you're well! Sorry to message out of the blue but I work for BBC Three and am working on new series about sex and relationships in 2017.

I saw that you started this threat about 'upskirting' a while ago and thought it would be really interesting to chat to you about it.

Would you be up for an anonymous, off-the-record chat about it?

If so, just let me know the best way to reach you. You can also email me on bbcjourno01@gmail.com

Thanks so much, really appreciate any time you can spare.

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1 hour ago, amibovered said:

using a gmail account :err:

Quite feasible for research on a topic like that. I would imagine the BBC has some pretty good spam filters that would catch any email on sex topics!I worked for a government department once where we had to set up a hotmail account in order to get info in newsletter form from various organisations like Greenpeace.

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