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no borders, migration agency costs? rsms and 457


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Hi there,

I am beginning the process of visa application.


I have been in contact with a few agencies to sort this for me... I'm in Brisbane atm on my 1st WHV.


I have been quoted $10,000 for an rsms and $6000 for a 457 by no borders migration in Brisbane.


I want to get the best quality of a migration expert, i'll need to work hard to find the funds though.



Just wondering if anyone knows the best agency to go though and costs?

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Do you have an employer to sponsor you? As you need that before you can apply for either of those visas.


If you do, then go for the RSMS as it's a permanent visa and gives you more rights. $10k is a lot though, I paid $8k a couple of years ago (well my employer did).

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Yes I have a willing sponsor. I came out as an au pair, been here for 6 months. I have a degree in construction engineering and management from the UK. My family I am staying with own a building company in Warwick (regional) and they have offered me full-time work with them! :)


Haven't started the application process yet, I've just got my head around the visas available and which ones apply to me (after 3 weeks of trawling the immi website!) I just hope everything goes through and gets granted ok!


There is another agency in Melbourne which have given me a cheaper quote (Australia Here We Come), and one in Swizerland! just not sure which one to go with! and what's the best value for money, I really want good service, just not to be ripped off.

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Go Matilda is a reputable agent that is used by many people on here (including my parents), I would give them a call and discuss your options.


I wouldn't be using one based in Switzerland - you need to check whether they are MARA registered.


Have you looked into what the fees would be if you did it yourself?

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Hi there,

I am beginning the process of visa application.


I have been in contact with a few agencies to sort this for me... I'm in Brisbane atm on my 1st WHV.


I have been quoted $10,000 for an rsms and $6000 for a 457 by no borders migration in Brisbane.


I want to get the best quality of a migration expert, i'll need to work hard to find the funds though.



Just wondering if anyone knows the best agency to go though and costs?


Isn't No Borders the company that's run by a Hungarian woman called Agnes?

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Are those fees including the visa fees? If not, run for the hills! Personally I'd use go Matilda too.

The rsms visa is not an easy visa to apply for, and lots of smaller companies wouldn't qualify. Get yourself an assessment first. My agent had me pay by instalments as each bit was done.

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Yes visa costs include both agency fees and the visa itself. The one based in Switzerland contacted me through this site, and they were extremely knowledgeable on my visa options and answered all of my questions in extreme detail :) I would need to check if the company (crossing borders) is MARA approved, her fees were only $8000 for the RSMS.

I don't know who runs No Borders, there is a woman dealing with my case at the minute- she has done a lot of research into my employer's business details to make sure they are right for the visa - however I still haven't been asked to pay or sign anything yet.. so don't know who to go with...

I contacted Go Matilda, have to send my CV, however on their site there was no mention of RSMS visas.



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Hi Cassie.


I anticipate you would firstly be looking at a Direct Entry application under subclass 187 (which is the RSMS):



Or maybe subclass 186 (the Employer Nomination Scheme):



2nd choice after the permanent visa options would be a subclass 457 visa, leading to permanent residency after 2 years of working on the 457 visa for the company that is nominating you for the permanent residency visa under the Temporary Residence Transition Stream of subclass 186 or 187.


Also, confirming that we (Go Matilda Visas) assist with all of the above employer sponsored visa applications - please email your details to me (click on my name to the left of this post) if you'd like me to call you to discuss.


Best regards.

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