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Tony Abbott has done it. He has stopped the boats.


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We've been very lucky (?) that we have not had any successful terrorist attack in Australia to date.

I say lucky, but we do know that ASIO has foiled some planned attacks.


It is a huge worry if there are an estimated 150 or so Australians now fighting overseas in Iraq and Syria.

But it does sound like at least we know who they are and hopefully can stop them coming back or sentence them to very long jail terms if we can capture them on returning.

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We should also recognise the risk of accepting refugees from some of these middle eastern countries that they may be radical in their heart.


There was another case of a asylum seeker burning himself on the weekend.

This is tragic but does say to me, that people who will pour petrol on themself ans set it alight are not really the type of person I want in Australia.

If they are capable of doing that God knows what they are capable of doing.

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We've been very lucky (?) that we have not had any successful terrorist attack in Australia to date.

I say lucky, but we do know that ASIO has foiled some planned attacks.


It is a huge worry if there are an estimated 150 or so Australians now fighting overseas in Iraq and Syria.

But it does sound like at least we know who they are and hopefully can stop them coming back or sentence them to very long jail terms if we can capture them on returning.

But surely the worrying point is they were "here" and we didnt know it until they went O/S to fight. I have huge simpathy for those who want to come here to escape wars in places like Syria, but the fact is we really dont know who we are letting in. The only way I see for a happy medium, is let in those we "think" are OK, BUT comit ANY form of serious crime and it should be automatic deportation. If they come here they must accept this is "our" country and they must be willing to asimilate and not bring there hatred with them

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I have huge concerns about the rapid growth in the building of Mosque's which are almost always followed by Muslim Schools. We have no idea what is being taught in those schools. Is I have said I welcome people who are in desperate need, but surely we have the right to expect those who choose to come here to respect our way of life and not try to change us to follow there rules. They would expect no less if we went to live in the Middle East

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That is a touchy area.

Australia is a free country and people are free to follow whatever religion they choose.

I support freedom of religion so I don't have a problem with a mosque per se, and there are jewish schools around so we should not discriminate against muslims.


But I agree Australia has traditionally been a Christian country. I don't want to see us over-run by other cultures who won't assimilate well.

So I say carefully control who comes in, but they must be fully free when they are here.

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I have huge concerns about the rapid growth in the building of Mosque's which are almost always followed by Muslim Schools. We have no idea what is being taught in those schools. Is I have said I welcome people who are in desperate need, but surely we have the right to expect those who choose to come here to respect our way of life and not try to change us to follow there rules. They would expect no less if we went to live in the Middle East


Are you saying Australia should resist the Islamic communities application for further mosques? That would put us onto a collision course with the Muslim world, and severely damage relations and trade with that part of the world. Freedom to worship is part and parcel of the way of life in Australia. We certainly don't want more regulation of what we can and can't do.

Are you suggesting there are no churches in the Muslim world? That would be very wrong.

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We've been very lucky (?) that we have not had any successful terrorist attack in Australia to date.

I say lucky, but we do know that ASIO has foiled some planned attacks.


It is a huge worry if there are an estimated 150 or so Australians now fighting overseas in Iraq and Syria.

But it does sound like at least we know who they are and hopefully can stop them coming back or sentence them to very long jail terms if we can capture them on returning.


Time for a blue rinse..Do you really belive everything you hear on the news??..Do you really believe everything this lying Govt tells you...I think the answer is yes?

Has it ever occured to you that Govts of the world want to enslave their populations and have total control of our lives and this is a fantastic excuse for them to achieve their goals??

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That is a touchy area.

Australia is a free country and people are free to follow whatever religion they choose.

I support freedom of religion so I don't have a problem with a mosque per se, and there are jewish schools around so we should not discriminate against muslims.


But I agree Australia has traditionally been a Christian country. I don't want to see us over-run by other cultures who won't assimilate well.

So I say carefully control who comes in, but they must be fully free when they are here.


Assimilation is a loaded word in this context and probably most folk would consider the meaning to be the complete absorption into their own way of life. I don't see how that can be and nor should it be. Integration is a far better concept, accepting there are differences just as there are similarities and getting on with it.

There is room for everyone to live their lives within the framework of the law with the only essential requirement being the need to tolerate the difference.

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Time for a blue rinse..Do you really belive everything you hear on the news??..Do you really believe everything this lying Govt tells you...I think the answer is yes?

Has it ever occured to you that Govts of the world want to enslave their populations and have total control of our lives and this is a fantastic excuse for them to achieve their goals??


Very true. Turn the screw ever more tightly on freedom. Not only the governments in on it either. But they'll do for now.

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Not only the boats but he's talking of stopping Jihad entering this country?


Stopping Australian citizens entering the country. Some of those I'd expect were born here. The only threats I've heard have come from the mouths of government speakers. Of course anyone found guilty of importing this so called Jihad into Australia, should face the full censure of the courts.

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Time for a blue rinse..Do you really belive everything you hear on the news??..Do you really believe everything this lying Govt tells you...I think the answer is yes?

Has it ever occured to you that Govts of the world want to enslave their populations and have total control of our lives and this is a fantastic excuse for them to achieve their goals??


What are you talking about ?

The answer to what is yes.

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We've been very lucky (?) that we have not had any successful terrorist attack in Australia to date.

I say lucky, but we do know that ASIO has foiled some planned attacks.


It is a huge worry if there are an estimated 150 or so Australians now fighting overseas in Iraq and Syria.

But it does sound like at least we know who they are and hopefully can stop them coming back or sentence them to very long jail terms if we can capture them on returning.


Why would there have been attacks within Australia? Another beat up by government aping those overseas. Akin to Howard's be alert not alarmed beat up . Is it illegal for Australians to fight on a side as in the case of Syria, the Western nations were close to supporting some months back until the Russians put a spanner in the works? Long jail terms indeed. Loss of passports. Don't folk have the right to a fair trail in your book? A blanket ban smells very like the witch hunt in 50s America against alleged Communists in my book.

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We've been very lucky (?) that we have not had any successful terrorist attack in Australia to date.

I say lucky, but we do know that ASIO has foiled some planned attacks.


It is a huge worry if there are an estimated 150 or so Australians now fighting overseas in Iraq and Syria.

But it does sound like at least we know who they are and hopefully can stop them coming back or sentence them to very long jail terms if we can capture them on returning.


Cancelling passports sounds a good way to go.....

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we should also recognise the risk of accepting refugees from some of these middle eastern countries that they may be radical in their heart.


There was another case of a asylum seeker burning himself on the weekend.

This is tragic but does say to me, that people who will pour petrol on themself ans set it alight are not really the type of person i want in australia.

If they are capable of doing that god knows what they are capable of doing.



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But surely the worrying point is they were "here" and we didnt know it until they went overseas to fight. I have huge sympathy for those who want to come here to escape wars in places like Syria, but the fact is we really don't know who we are letting in. The only way I see for a happy medium, is let in those we "think" are OK, BUT if they commit ANY form of serious crime, it should be automatic deportation. If they come here they must accept this is "our" country and they must be willing to assimilate and not bring their hatred with them


Totally agree Tina... it is the hatred and violence that these ferals bring with them that is not welcome. But how do Dept of Immi sort that out when the terrorists present as nice guys? Some of these shitbags get in through normal immigration processes as they haven't declared their beliefs until they are in Australia... some of them are illegals and should never be allowed in.. but the bottom line is they get in mostly through the "illegal boat arrivals"... which is why I am very glad that the current government is doing what they do to weed out the **** from the genuine.

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Could always extend the cancelation of passports to those that give every impression of being alienated in the modern day Australia. Now there's a good idea. I'm all in favour of that. Might be a bit hard to find a willing country to accept such malcontents though.


Are you nominating yourself ?

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