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Tony Abbott has done it. He has stopped the boats.


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Lol that's your opinon I stand by my original comment that it's laughable as so many comments are so far off the mark considering the position I hold plus I'm bound by none disclosure so......


Hold your position jjgibbs... I have close friends who work in DIAC at high level and also in the legal services who end up having to support the illegals and don't want to do so .... I have heard so much that it makes me sick what these ferals do to get into Oz..... I cannot say anything publicly as it will compromise my friends and family who have shared their daily work with me, but I support genuine Refugees wherever they come from.... the economic migrants who masquerade as refugees/asylum seekers can go back to where they came from .... and they are the majority of the s**t that tries to get into this country by backdoor methods.


And now I guess those few PIOers who are so bigoted will now abuse me as they always do.

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I don't necessary blame anyone into the drownings. Adults get onto a boat at free will and as such there is a risk factor involved. All would be aware of that. Saying that if the Con's hadn't been so obtrusive towards the Malaysia issue, especially on the grounds given, the matter could have been brought under control without the suffering that followed.


The babies and children don't get on with their own free will though do they ?


By the way didn't the high court veto Gillard's plan not the libs.

It must have been illegal.

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Tony Abbott stopped the,boats, thus stopping illegal immigrants claiming to be refugees. He has not tried to stop Australia taking in legitimate refugees. Why should we increase the numbers anyway? Why does the fact we are a settler country mean we have to increase the numbers of,refugees? where does the money come,from to pay for boat people if we cannot afford to pay pensions or nursing home care for our own Australians? What is the difference between a 457 visa holder with no money and,a refugee with no money? The 457 deserves no pity because he had a good job and squandered his money, instead of saving for a rainy day? I did save for a rainy day of course, as did my working class parents who,were then able to leave me their home.


Bottom line is that nobody is entitled to a free ride, regardless of their alleged circumstances, but charity does begin at home.

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'So, Mr Mary Rose, you are out of work, and you say you have spent all your savings, but by your own admission, you have a home in England. You must sell that and spend the money before we will consider giving you any help.'

'But I was intending to use the money from the house to pay for my retirement.'

'We can't help you with that. You should have saved more money in superannuation.'


'So, Mr 457, you say you are out of work and you have no money left. But you knew the rules when you paid for your Australian visa. No dole, no social security. We cannot offer you any help, I'm afraid. Think what a precedent it would set. If we help you, we would have to help everyone.'


'So Mr Alleged Refugee, you say you are escaping persecution in your own country, yet you still had enough money to pay for an illegal boat trip to Australia? And what happened to your identity papers? It all sounds very suspicious to me. If we let you in to Australia, we will have to let everybody in, and then where would we be?'

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'So, Mr Mary Rose, you are out of work, and you say you have spent all your savings, but by your own admission, you have a home in England. You must sell that and spend the money before we will consider giving you any help.'

'But I was intending to use the money from the house to pay for my retirement.'

'We can't help you with that. You should have saved more money in superannuation.'


'So, Mr 457, you say you are out of work and you have no money left. But you knew the rules when you paid for your Australian visa. No dole, no social security. We cannot offer you any help, I'm afraid. Think what a precedent it would set. If we help you, we would have to help everyone.'


'So Mr Alleged Refugee, you say you are escaping persecution in your own country, yet you still had enough money to pay for an illegal boat trip to Australia? And what happened to your identity papers? It all sounds very suspicious to me. If we let you in to Australia, we will have to let everybody in, and then where would we be?'


Agreeing with you MaryRose all down the line...... Am just so peed off with the likes of the economic migrants who come in on boats and expect to be accepted as genuine refugees....

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I'll leave you with this I work for immigration and if I could tell you the half of it I would.


Please do. If you can, but please don't put yourself in any danger, or your loved ones, by telling us the truth.

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Tony Abbott stopped the,boats, thus stopping illegal immigrants claiming to be refugees. He has not tried to stop Australia taking in legitimate refugees. Why should we increase the numbers anyway? Why does the fact we are a settler country mean we have to increase the numbers of,refugees? where does the money come,from to pay for boat people if we cannot afford to pay pensions or nursing home care for our own Australians? What is the difference between a 457 visa holder with no money and,a refugee with no money? The 457 deserves no pity because he had a good job and squandered his money, instead of saving for a rainy day? I did save for a rainy day of course, as did my working class parents who,were then able to leave me their home.


Bottom line is that nobody is entitled to a free ride, regardless of their alleged circumstances, but charity does begin at home.


"That's the (Aussie) way!."

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"That's the (Aussie) way!."


You would think that all the nasty publicity about Australia would put anybody off wanting to come here? I certainly would not want to come to a country that hated Pommies, so why would refugees want to come to a country that (allegedly) hates refugees and people from non-white countries? It is not logical? I mean, Australia's whole history is one of invasion and conquest by white, racist, imperialists. You can understand why other white, racist, imperialists would want to come here. It is Utopia for them, but for other races? Why would you want to come to the worst place in the world? Unless it is actually the best place in the world?!

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You would think that all the nasty publicity about Australia would put anybody off wanting to come here? I certainly would not want to come to a country that hated Pommies, so why would refugees want to come to a country that (allegedly) hates refugees and people from non-white countries? It is not logical? I mean, Australia's whole history is one of invasion and conquest by white, racist, imperialists. You can understand why other white, racist, imperialists would want to come here. It is Utopia for them, but for other races? Why would you want to come to the worst place in the world? Unless it is actually the best place in the world?!



Well, they're desperate people Dave, fleeing violence and oppression in their homelands. With that in mind, even Australia will do I guess. I'm not sure that Australia's whole history is one of 'invasion' by White racists. Up until independence from the UK maybe, but since then I'd say they've pretty much been welcomed with open arms.

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It seems Tony has done it.


Fantastic news to me and most Australians.


I was just thinking this morning; when was the last time I saw a news story about Christmas Island? Probably Christmas!? I remember, not a day would not go by without something about it. Hadley used to give the running total for boats and boat people every day on his show.

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I was just thinking this morning; when was the last time I saw a news story about Christmas Island? Probably Christmas!? I remember, not a day would not go by without something about it. Hadley used to give the running total for boats and boat people every day on his show.


Bloody hell, talk about the media trivialising a serious issue, it makes it sound like the football scores!,


"Royal Australia Navy 1, boats filled with queue-jumping terrorists threatening to destroy the very fabric of our lives, 0"


I bet he punched the air with news of every boat seized and then went for a pie.

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Well, they're desperate people Dave, fleeing violence and oppression in their homelands. With that in mind, even Australia will do I guess. I'm not sure that Australia's whole history is one of 'invasion' by White racists. Up until independence from the UK maybe, but since then I'd say they've pretty much been welcomed with open arms.


As I've said so often, I'm not opposed to genuine refugees coming into Australia, and most Australians feel the same way. I heard on the news the other day that a number of former Afghan interpreters are coming to New South Wales to escape persecution by the Taliban. You won't find many people who object to that.


But when it comes to illegal entries by people who CLAIM to be refugees, yet have the money to travel to Indonesia, then purchase passage on the boats, and throw away their identity papers. You won't find many people here who think that is a good thing, which is why Abbott won the general election.


I also read a news item about problems in the Blacktown area of Sydney, where there are something like 150 plus different nationalities, in a population of 300,000, but there just aren't the resources to help them. Yet you still want to let more and more people in, regardless of how they are going to be settled.

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As I've said so often, I'm not opposed to genuine refugees coming into Australia, and most Australians feel the same way. I heard on the news the other day that a number of former Afghan interpreters are coming to New South Wales to escape persecution by the Taliban. You won't find many people who object to that.


But when it comes to illegal entries by people who CLAIM to be refugees, yet have the money to travel to Indonesia, then purchase passage on the boats, and throw away their identity papers. You won't find many people here who think that is a good thing, which is why Abbott won the general election.


I also read a news item about problems in the Blacktown area of Sydney, where there are something like 150 plus different nationalities, in a population of 300,000, but there just aren't the resources to help them. Yet you still want to let more and more people in, regardless of how they are going to be settled. What would you have done if you had been responsible for allocating spaces on lifeboats on the Titanic?


Is Australia sinking under the weight of asylum-seekers arriving by boat Dave?

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Lol that's your opinon I stand by my original comment that it's laughable as so many comments are so far off the mark considering the position I hold plus I'm bound by none disclosure so......


Too easy to hide behind a alleged position. Anyhow my comments are bang on the mark. Don't see what immigration would have to disclose. Besides personal opinions. Hardly front line detention centre stuff. Any thoughts on policy? Any thoughts on how the system can be run in an appropriate manner?

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Not anymore thanks to Tony. That is the title of this thread in case you are a little slow.


It does indeed appear he will go down in Bogan legend as the man that prevented asylum seekers landing by use of force and brutality for awhile at least. Some brutal enough for many. All very sad where the nation has gone. 1952 and the invading hordes kept at bay by the gallant armed forces of the nation would have enticed bell ringing across the nation then and so little has changed.


Very poorly handled by the Laberals.

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As I've said so often, I'm not opposed to genuine refugees coming into Australia, and most Australians feel the same way. I heard on the news the other day that a number of former Afghan interpreters are coming to New South Wales to escape persecution by the Taliban. You won't find many people who object to that.


But when it comes to illegal entries by people who CLAIM to be refugees, yet have the money to travel to Indonesia, then purchase passage on the boats, and throw away their identity papers. You won't find many people here who think that is a good thing, which is why Abbott won the general election.


I also read a news item about problems in the Blacktown area of Sydney, where there are something like 150 plus different nationalities, in a population of 300,000, but there just aren't the resources to help them. Yet you still want to let more and more people in, regardless of how they are going to be settled.


What's BlackTown got to do with asylum seekers? Largest Philippine born community in Australia based there. Also a visible number of Sudanese who came as part of the small officially selected group of refugees.


You need to remember Australia is through one visa or another letting more people into the country than ever before. Most are going to find costs hard going. Spare a thought for the asylum seekers not allowed to work and living on below New Start Allowance. More are still being released into the community and all want to work. Nice one Tony Abbott.

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At least you finally admit he has done it.

We are making progress albeit slight.


What I stated was military intervention has prevented landings. There is a policy in tatters. Secrecy prevails. No we are not getting anywhere off note under Tony Abbott. And if this is the best he had do there are serious problems ahead for this country.

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Bloody hell, talk about the media trivialising a serious issue, it makes it sound like the football scores!,


"Royal Australia Navy 1, boats filled with queue-jumping terrorists threatening to destroy the very fabric of our lives, 0"


I bet he punched the air with news of every boat seized and then went for a pie.


Yep. Pie munching Bogan. Problem being of course once the pie has had a bogan type bite taken from it, the roaches inhabiting the interior run riot at exposure to daylight.

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Bloody hell, talk about the media trivialising a serious issue, it makes it sound like the football scores!,


"Royal Australia Navy 1, boats filled with queue-jumping terrorists threatening to destroy the very fabric of our lives, 0"


I bet he punched the air with news of every boat seized and then went for a pie.


I just had this awful thought. What if the reason Hads no longer reads out the daily arrivals because, like everybody else, only Scott Morrison knows the truth, and the numbers have not changed. And the company that makes lifejackets for the RAN to hand out, is still working 24X7!


We have all been conned!

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Most,people,are forecasting a liberal win in SA too. I don't know. But,I,did see someone gloating here,about,Abbott ruining Lib chances.by campaigning there. Mind you, they were quoting from Fairfax or ABC. The whole country could be blue until "The March in March" kickststarts The Anti Abbott "Long March!"


Read an article recently about Tasmania being the example of what Australia would be like under Green/Left Govt. Low growth, high tax, high unemployment, companies moving interstate. Don't know if it is,true?

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