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Can't believe it


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Yeah but honestly I just couldn't handle life back in England, selfish as it was I wanted desperately to come back to Australia, kinda wishing for my old life back and its hard to find that it's gone and have to start again.

If wishes were horses then beggars would ride - as they say. If it ain't going to happen just got to get on with what you've got. It does sound like a no win situation but onwards and upwards hey!

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Yeah but honestly I just couldn't handle life back in England, selfish as it was I wanted desperately to come back to Australia, kinda wishing for my old life back and its hard to find that it's gone and have to start again.


I don't think it could ever have been your old life as one of the key things are missing. Your wife and children.


Truthfully as a parent I can't get my head round choosing a country over my child. I'd not be able to be happy without my child in my life, there, see him grow up, be hands on. Ok the UK might not be whatever you perceive Australia to be or have but it isn't terrible by any means. You can have a decent life there if you put some effort in.


I think you need to decide what you want and soon as there is far more than just your own wants and needs involved in all this. There are other people involved too. You say it was a selfish thing, I'd not argue that with you. You may never find what you were looking for back in Aus. The moment maybe gone. Your kids are still there though. If be focusing on what you have, not what you had.

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