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Supporting evidence to be certified for 309/100?


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We are on the final stages of getting our application together for submission later this month for 309/100 PMV. We have had copies of passport pages/citizenship certs/birth certificates all certified but I wondered if we needed to do the same with evidence to support a genuine and continuing relationship?


We have bank statements, council tax letters and other documentation which were were going to send originals of. Any advice on best way to include this supporting documentation would be helpful!



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We are in the exact same position as yourselves, everything printed off, certified and good to go. Ive dug out some old photos and cards etc but to be honest we have not kept that much stuff as proof. Although we are married, with child and lived together for over 8 years. I will also be interested to hear other folks take on this though. Good luck

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We are in the exact same position as yourselves, everything printed off, certified and good to go. Ive dug out some old photos and cards etc but to be honest we have not kept that much stuff as proof. Although we are married, with child and lived together for over 8 years. I will also be interested to hear other folks take on this though. Good luck


Ours was about the same timeframe and we just picked one random statement or car insurance or some such from each year to include, naming us both at the same address. Apart from the year leading up to me applying, then we included a few more supporting bits as that is the 12 months. But we covered out entire time living together.

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I only had the "official" documents certified - ie, passport, birth certificate. I can't quite remember now but I think if you read the guidance (carefully, for the 20th time!) then they do say which thing does and doesn't need to be certified and it's just a matter of interpreting exactly what they mean - as it's not always written in the most simple language.


Oh and our friends (and Australian citiizens) who wrote the supporting statements, also had to get their statements certified. Most of them got them done via a helpful work place lawyer/notary person.

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We are in the exact same position as yourselves, everything printed off, certified and good to go. Ive dug out some old photos and cards etc but to be honest we have not kept that much stuff as proof. Although we are married, with child and lived together for over 8 years. I will also be interested to hear other folks take on this though. Good luck


Marriage or having a kid together, are not - by themselves - considered proof of an ongoing relationship. We were still expected to provide official documentation - wills, insurances, joint accounts and so on...

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Thank you all for your advice. Yes, we have read all the info about 25 times to try and make sure we have everything right! I could probably quote the partner migration booklet by now :-)

Have certified passports, citizenship certs, change of name, stat dec's etc, but including originals of other docs to support.

We are sending off on the weekend! Very exciting. Good luck to others yet to apply!

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Take copies of what you send them; we didn't get child tax credit statements, car & home insurance certificate or council tax bill back :/ All that came back in the SAE was stuff like photos and cards. Thankfully my insurance is done online so I could print them again if needed. Just annoying really, plus I overpaid postage on the SAE!

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