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UK Trip In Pictures


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Next stop Yorkshire..........Whitby to be exact............. As mentioned earlier, some jobsworth from the National trust thought it would be a laugh if he put the "Abbey Closed" sign at the top of the 199 steps............nevertheless our primary interest was the church at the top of the steps, which inspired Bram Stoker's "Dracula"............... Jake is a collector of Hammer Horrors so he was in his element here................... We did manage to get a couple of shots of the Abbey by walking over a kilometre to the rear and standiing on some bricks to use a long lens over the 5ft wall................Yet again, the day was overcast so not much "punch" to the images I'm afraid

















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And so on to Lincoln. We stayed in the "Bishop's Palace Hotel" which was built alongside of the ruins of the old Bishop's Palace........................We saw lots of clergy inside and Jake held the door open for one gentleman in a "dog collar" and we were informed later by the recpetionist that the Bishop thought Jake was a lovely well mannered young man..............we were told that this Bishop is 2nd only to the head of the Anglican church!


Not only were we in awe of the main building but were shown to our rooom ("sorry but it's in an adjoining building", said the porter)....................the adjoining building being a converted church!




The main building










Our residence








Our lounge







Interior decor of main building














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The photos above were taken with my 5Dmk3 with just available light, as were the following



The tunnel from the Bishops Palace to the Cathedral















Choristors waiting for choir practice






My camera suffered "user error" so I had no pictures of the interior of the cathedral but Jake got a couple






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I'm amazed at my cameras ability to handle low light with no flash..................we were informed that the walk into town required negotiating of a steep hill.......................we fouind the street into town in the evening and it was named.........you guessed it................"Steep Hill" :-)




















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Thanks Kevin,


I love all your pictures and they all sell the UK to me, apart from I have to say no camera skills will ever warm me to loving our hometown of Blackpool!!! My grandma had a house opposite the shell looking out over the beach and unfortunately she passed away as the new shoreline was just being completed in Cleveleys. How 'British' however do your travels look? Your family must have been amazed at the places you visited. Even living here I don't have the opportunity to see the beauty in things the way your pictures capture them. We visited Lincoln in the summer and all I remember were masses of people and the huge hill (with a large 2 year old needing carrying up it).


The one thing these pictures has taught me however, is since moving from Blackpool to Notts we haven't returned to the Lake District and we really must, there is no place on earth that could replace it especially like you, when you grow up with fond memories from your childhood.


Glad you had a lovely time, just enough to enjoy it but put the UK behind you and move forward. I do think you made the right decision and your families happiness show you that each day! xx

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Is that hardknott pass you're parked up on kev ?


No mate. It's the narrow road that leads from The Old Dungeon Ghyll hotel in the Langdale valley round the back, past Blea Tarn to little langdale. That's "The Band" directly in front, that Jake is pointing his camera at leading to the tops along Bowfell.


This is Hardknott





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Thanks Kevin,


I love all your pictures and they all sell the UK to me, apart from I have to say no camera skills will ever warm me to loving our hometown of Blackpool!!! My grandma had a house opposite the shell looking out over the beach and unfortunately she passed away as the new shoreline was just being completed in Cleveleys. How 'British' however do your travels look? Your family must have been amazed at the places you visited. Even living here I don't have the opportunity to see the beauty in things the way your pictures capture them. We visited Lincoln in the summer and all I remember were masses of people and the huge hill (with a large 2 year old needing carrying up it).


The one thing these pictures has taught me however, is since moving from Blackpool to Notts we haven't returned to the Lake District and we really must, there is no place on earth that could replace it especially like you, when you grow up with fond memories from your childhood.


Glad you had a lovely time, just enough to enjoy it but put the UK behind you and move forward. I do think you made the right decision and your families happiness show you that each day! xx


Thanks chook. As Pablo said, it was an itch that I had to scratch.....................most of those places, other than Blackpool and the Lakes, I'd never bothered to visit whilst I lived there. It's opened my eyes to the differing types of beauty that the UK has to offer, but also made me realise that if I'd have been in full employment, would I ever have actually got to see them all had I stayed in the UK?

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On to Salisbury and Xmas with my son Kyle and his family. I'd ironed out the "user error" on my manual focus wide angle lens and therfore indulged myself in some "geometric photography" (as I call it) :-) inside the cathedral.........I love the perspective this lens gives to architecture and I guess that this section in particular will please Tink............it's for you chook :-)







The bridge to Old Sarum and the view from the moat

















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