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British economy will be largest in Europe by 2030


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  • We are seat to leapfrog Germany and France but lose to India and Brazil
  • Austerity and our refusal to join Euro put us in good stead, study claims

  • Study was by the Centre for Economics and Business Research




Great news for the future

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and even 1966 required help by the Russians....


Without reading the whole report, first much of catch-up has nothing to do with Britain doing better than Germany but simple demographics (i.e. the gap between the plain number of people in Germany respective the UK will be smaller). And what makes me extremely suspicious is that France just dropped from the table... and yes France has problems but for the UK to open that kind of a gap implies a massive growth advantage (which I honestly don't see) or for the Euro to massively depreciate (which it hasn't done during the crises, so why should it do in the next few years...).


Please file this under 'Consulting firm puts out outrageous claims, so it gets free exposure in newspapers to attract new clients...'

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Without reading the whole report, first much of catch-up has nothing to do with Britain doing better than Germany but simple demographics (i.e. the gap between the plain number of people in Germany respective the UK will be smaller).

not sure what this means????


the population of Germany is much bigger than the UK

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The table uses total GDP, the sum of all economic activity in a country. Now if individual Germans and British produce exactly the same, Germany's GDP would be higher simply because there are more Germans. Demographic trends are such that German population will shrink faster than the British one, which means that if you sum up the contribution of all Germans respective all Brits (i.e. calculate GDP) in 2030 the expected total sum for Germany will be much closer to the British number.


in short, total GDP numbers are very dependent on the size of the population. If you really want to compare how well Brits and Germans do economically you should look at GDP per capita instead.

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Lol, its a pretty picture, with absolutely no basis of how this happened.

so i guess the uk will be a totally different place, with industry, a national identity and a common drive in one direction? i doubt it.


bloody ell, where did the last 4 months go, it can't be april already?

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2001.......beat them 5-1 in their own back yard.


the outcome didn't matter, but Germany did retaliate by winning in the final game of the old Wembley stadium....


Also euro's in belgium 2000......1-0 in charleroi.....I was there for this one :)


and neither qualified for the quarter finale....

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sorry forgot we're not allowed to mention anything positive about the UK.

UK's cr4p, slum hole nothing good ever happens..

as you where..:goofy:

merry xmas


Course you're allowed to be positive re the uk,ive said i hope its true,cant see us performing better than Germany tho,but as long as things are better its all good to me

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Guest Guest 47403

You make me chuckle simmo have you bothered to look into why the UK economy is predicted to grow?


Or just grabbed the headline :D

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Guest Guest66881
You make me chuckle simmo have you bothered to look into why the UK economy is predicted to grow?


Or just grabbed the headline :D


Britain is still behind Germany in both images he's supplied, yet he is asking members to look again at the image?

I love the english hang up over a one win world cup, the Germans never remembered it after it happened, our hang up are the Dutch - maybe Andy Warhol is right.

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