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Help your opinion and experiences needed.


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Hi All,


I've been lurking on the site for many years, and have what i assume is quite a common story. I've been looking to move to Australia or NZ for the past 20 years, but things just kept getting in the way (read wife), schooling and work. I've helped family and friends secure visas over the years, and have slowly turned green every time i visit. Anyway, at last my wife's agreed to a trip next April / May. Now, this is only for a holiday to visit relatives in the Adelaide area, but i'm really hoping that she may see some pro's of taking the plunge (i know there's lots of con's too). I'm looking to spend some time in SA, and then move about a little.


My plan is to put together a 3 week itinerary to start selling the idea of moving. So, if you had to list 3 things to see or do to sell Australia what would they be, and why?


Many thanks



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Thanks for your quick reply - yes i should qualify for a visa; although my points have just dropped having just turned 40.


As for the 'sell' perhaps I've put it poorly. Rather than sit about on my brothers veranda swilling wine, and watching the sun setting over the Adelaide hills (as i have done all too often), i'd like to spend some time experiencing more of Australia (perhaps it may even put me off), but hope to give my wife more of an informed choice through first hand experience.


As for coming over during the Oz summer, I'd love to but we're stuck with the dates.

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Do you want a great holiday or do you want your wife to decide she would like to live in Australia? All the ideas of places to go are great but they won't give either of you any idea what it's like to actually live here - you won't be spending time in all those places everyday if you lived here.


If you moved where would you like to live? Would you want to be near family or would you want to live in one of the other cities/states? Does your wife prefer country or city living? I'd go and stay somewhere you think you might like to live and check out the everyday things there. Have a look round some different suburbs. Maybe try staying somewhere less touristy. I finally decided to make the move after staying in a house in the North Adelaide area. On top of the fact that it felt more like the right time I also finally felt like I could actually live in the place, which I hadn't when we stayed at West Beach or Glenelg.


Alternatively go and see all the great sites of Australia and have the holiday of a lifetime.

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Thanks for your quick reply - yes i should qualify for a visa; although my points have just dropped having just turned 40.


As for the 'sell' perhaps I've put it poorly. Rather than sit about on my brothers veranda swilling wine, and watching the sun setting over the Adelaide hills (as i have done all too often), i'd like to spend some time experiencing more of Australia (perhaps it may even put me off), but hope to give my wife more of an informed choice through first hand experience.


As for coming over during the Oz summer, I'd love to but we're stuck with the dates.


Mate if that doesn't persuade her to move she must be very picky.:cool:

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You also have to be careful not to *sell* Australia to such a degree your wife doesn't see the cons of living here as well as the pros. Often migrants who fail can be due to only seeing the shiny side of living in Aus. Moving and the whole migration malarkey is not for the faint hearted. Generally the more realistic the expectation, the more likely you are to be able to make it a success. Moving and migrating is a nightmare and bloody hard work and it can take years to settle into the new way of life which is very different to UK.


The good news is that for those of us who love it here it's all worth it :cool:


Good luck with the missis....

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