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Kids have it tough here in Australia!

Que Sera Sera

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I think the lesson in general that you can take from this site is, if you're a content, proactive, positive person, you stand a better chance of enjoying your life than if you're a miserable, shoe-gazing so-called 'realist' who is looking for an opportunity to stick the boot in wherever possible.

And that goes for wherever you live.

There's a few on here, I feel sorry for their families if that's what they're really like, it must be torturous listening to that negativity all the time. Well, it's either that or they just come on here to troll and b-sh1t. One or the other. Either way, not good.

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What is stranger is how some chose not to note how the posts moved on from that point to discuss a far broader issue...


What is strange is how quickly a comment about a pleasant feature of a child's life became a target for competitive one upmanship.

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yes I can imagine. A lot of teens from our area in the UK have gone over to Perth on WHV's


I find Perth teens- ealry 20's quite odd, they seem to not want to be in Australia. Heaps of them go travelling to Europe or in particular Canada really young. I get the impression they just dont have enough tyo do in Perth. I met an Aussie bout my age in Greece and he had been living in the UK for two years and was desperate to stay but couldnt. Bit like me in OZ lol. And I said to him, why on earth do you want to do that, and he said because its boring. I said why dont you move to Melbourne or Sydney?


I am going to Perth soon, something I am really excited about so i will be able to make a better observation.


My son is 24, went travelling for 3 months from June to September. Went to the tomorrowland festival in Belgium, boat cruise around the Greek Islands, another one off Croatia, few weeks in Spain, Pamplona, Ibiza, Barcelona, went to Canada and New York, had a ball. He's back though now and he's said on a couple of occasions that people his age who've grown up in Perth seem to bag it the whole time, moaning about nothing to do and it's boring. Then when you've travelled a bit and seen what's on offer in other places you realise how much there is to do in and around Perth when you get back. This weekend he went to the 2 day music festival at Claremont. Not my type of music but he said the lineup was pretty good.


A lot of them travel because they can. They have good jobs that pay good money and can save up for a trip like that. It's nothing to do with not wanting to be in Aus. It seems a right of passage somehow now, for kids to do it at some stage. My youngest has just left school and I've bumped into a couple of friends of his working in Bunnings. I asked them what there plans are and they both said they are saving up "to go travelling" before they start Uni. They are both 18.


They all seem to return and maybe it just makes them realise what they have in Perth after all.

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