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NQT teacher in need of help!


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Hi there,


I am currently completing my PGCE in English. I will qualify in June next year. As I'm sure everyone already knows, it is compulsory in the UK for new teachers to complete their NQT year within 5 years of completing the PGCE. I am aware that it is possible to complete the NQT year overseas, as long as the school is affiliated with the Department of Education in the UK. However, as far as I can tell, no schools in Australia are...


I am very keen to get out to Australia (I had my flights booked for September 2012 but cancelled to complete my PGCE before moving!). I was wondering whether anyone has any advice about what is the best thing to do? Is it in fact possible to complete your NQT year in Australia? What is the likelihood of me getting a job as an NQT? I really don't want to put off moving for another 12 months to complete my NQT year here in the UK. If it's impossible to do my NQT year in Aus, I would look at doing it at a British School in Bahrain/somewhere else in the Middle East, where my parents live. How would this be viewed by potential Australian employers?


Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated,





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I would strongly advise you completing it in the UK, anything else is short term isn't and you could end up shooting yourself in the foot. Teaching posts in Australia are not easy to secure and you probably would be relief teaching the first few years and might not be sufficient to meet the requirements.

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To be perfectly honest I can't see any school assisting with a completion of an NQT year fom an overseas candidate when they have a plethora of Australian newly qualified teachers to mentor who don't need to go through that process. The realistic thing would be to complete it in the UK.

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Hi there,


I am currently completing my PGCE in English. I will qualify in June next year. As I'm sure everyone already knows, it is compulsory in the UK for new teachers to complete their NQT year within 5 years of completing the PGCE. I am aware that it is possible to complete the NQT year overseas, as long as the school is affiliated with the Department of Education in the UK. However, as far as I can tell, no schools in Australia are...


I am very keen to get out to Australia (I had my flights booked for September 2012 but cancelled to complete my PGCE before moving!). I was wondering whether anyone has any advice about what is the best thing to do? Is it in fact possible to complete your NQT year in Australia? What is the likelihood of me getting a job as an NQT? I really don't want to put off moving for another 12 months to complete my NQT year here in the UK. If it's impossible to do my NQT year in Aus, I would look at doing it at a British School in Bahrain/somewhere else in the Middle East, where my parents live. How would this be viewed by potential Australian employers?


Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated,







NQT does not exist in Australia. You would be sensible to complete it in the UK so that you are employable there.


Are you eligible for a visa here? You can't just hop on a plane and look for a job here, unless you are already a citizen,have PR or some other acceptable work visa. It is a long process to obtain a visa and then register as a teacher. Each state has a different registration body.


Where in Australia do you wish to work?


There are hundreds of teachers without jobs here and you would be competing against local trained graduates - who employers would be far more likely to prefer, as whilst they are still very inexperienced, they do have knowledge of the Australian Professional Standards and the new Australian Curriculum.


We are over supplied with teachers here and English is not a need subject. Maths,Science and Design and Technology teachers have more of a chance.

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I agree with all the other advice. However would add, you will be much better off doing your first year in a culture that you are familiar with. Expectations and pressures will probably be different in Australian schools from what you have experienced in British schools. Your first year will have enough challenges without having all the stresses of being in a different country and having to learn a different system, syllabus and how to build working relationships with Australian young people.

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Hi my girlfriend (teacher) and I delayed our move down under to make sure she completed the nqt year first. Waited another year after that as well before making the move. I think it is best to wait and get the nqt year out of the way first. I think it will also help with the job hunt as well. Schools would need to take a punt on u as someone overseas qualified. At least with a year behind u u will have a reference and a little bit of experience

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