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Roma migrants could cause riots in cities


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Roma migrants from Slovakia must “change their culture” and send their children to school, stop dumping rubbish and loitering in the streets in order to soothe tensions
Local police must persuade Roma people “not to spend all their time in the street” and discourage them from throwing rubbish and living in over-crowded houses.
The Government has is “head in the sand” over the true numbers




I can't understand why anyone wouldn't want roma migrants moving into their town myself.


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no way!! Mayfair is their preferred abode.


gotta love the comment on your article though

"Hands up if your council owns an air port.... hmm i thought so




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I can't understand why anyone wouldn't want roma migrants moving into their town myself.


You should try and use Daily Mail quotes for stuff like this then people can pretend its not really a problem.

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They are already a huge problem in the countries they immigrated from. They get appalling amount of benefits, usually based on the number of children they have. Those kids don`t usually do well at school, I guess there`s no motivation for them at all, when they see their parents uninterested. And vicious circle continues when they become parents themselves. I remember that not long ago ( maybe 10 years or so), the Roma were claiming that they are being discriminated against in the Czech Republic and they were seeking asylum in UK and Canada. Brits and Canadians quickly found their crime statistics soar while disappointed Roma realized they would actually be expected to work and a large number of them moved back, unfortunately. After so many negative experiences I wonder what the chances are if a Roma person actually tries to break out from the crowd and become a decent society member. I know of ONE, yes ONE. He works as a town policeman and had been working in this position for the last 15 years. He`s got 2 kids that go to school and as far as I know they are well accepted by other kids. Pity that that`s an exception. I consider myself far, far away from racist but I wouldn`t want to live close to Roma neighborhood, wouldn`t feel safe.

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Guest Guest 47403
Another day another minority bashed...


Seems to be a recurring theme with some members of this forum................maybe some underlying issues there!

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Very easy to tar everyone with the same brush. There are a lot of issues, no doubt about it, but it's dangerous to generalise. What really gets my goat is the Daily Mail whipping up a frenzy that all Romanians are poised to invade the UK on Jan 1st. I work with Romanians and it's really not the case.

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Very easy to tar everyone with the same brush. There are a lot of issues, no doubt about it, but it's dangerous to generalise. What really gets my goat is the Daily Mail whipping up a frenzy that all Romanians are poised to invade the UK on Jan 1st. I work with Romanians and it's really not the case.

Let's see in 12 months time

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Very easy to tar everyone with the same brush. There are a lot of issues, no doubt about it, but it's dangerous to generalise. What really gets my goat is the Daily Mail whipping up a frenzy that all Romanians are poised to invade the UK on Jan 1st. I work with Romanians and it's really not the case.


The OP was quoting the Telegraph

Its refering to "roma" migrants not Romanians.

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Another day another minority bashed...

no-one's bashing anyone paul, but feel free to engage in the thread with your opinions on Roma migrants and if they pose a problem to communities where they have settled and what you believe they will bring to us culturally (or otherwise) when they come.

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Seems to be a recurring theme with some members of this forum................maybe some underlying issues there!


This is an immigration forum baz and some of us are increasingly worried about the immigration to this country, if you don't like the topic then don't read it, simple really.

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no-one's bashing anyone paul, but feel free to engage in the thread with your opinions on Roma migrants and if they pose a problem to communities where they have settled and what you believe they will bring to us culturally (or otherwise) when they come.


I would like some of the posters on here to enlighten us as to where all these people are going to go to school, where the jobs are that they are going to do when there is already 2m unemployed and if they cannot work then how will they live, how putting more pressure on the nhs is going to help etc etc etc? Its all very well having the opinion that we can just carry on letting people in but some answers to these questions would be useful.

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Very easy to tar everyone with the same brush. There are a lot of issues, no doubt about it, but it's dangerous to generalise. What really gets my goat is the Daily Mail whipping up a frenzy that all Romanians are poised to invade the UK on Jan 1st. I work with Romanians and it's really not the case.


Yeah and they are probably gonna get my goat as well so i am locking her away :err:, and why has the Daily Mail been dragged into it?

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Guest Guest16631

.........wow the attention.........!

..........on a community of people who make up a small part of britains immigrants...

..........the thieves and child abductees recently in the press have whipped up a fear and hatred.......again......for these people....

...........but ......however some sections of the press, the public, the police and politician............

............have often failed to distinguish between the words “some” and “all”.............

..............Just because something is true for the part of a whole, .............

................does not necessarily mean that it is true for the whole.............

...................I do wonder .......amongst the few on here .........who echo these fears and hatred......

.......................how many have experienced life with the 'Roma'......

..........................or at least have first hand.....(not tabloid scaremongering or tv mockumantarys)......

............................experience or knowledge of a people who for ever ......

............................have been persecuted, ridiculed, ill-treated and criminalised,.........

...............................often stripped of their human dignity and were made to feel worthless..........a people we know so much about.....?...................just my thoughts.........tink x

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Talking of goats..

One of them, father-of-seven Remus Neda, 37, said he hoped to move to Britain after learning that he could be eligible for housing benefits and NHS care.


Pointing to a shaggy brown and white goat, tethered to an outhouse, he said: ‘In January, the only thing left in the village will be the goat.’





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Guest Guest16631

........perhaps if the daily fail stopped sensationalising with stories such as this........




..........these impoverished people wouldn't come. To Britain with these ideas.....!

............a little like posters looking at Australia/uk ........with their rosé tinted pecs...

.............and some pour soul emigrating on the back of a minority view......

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.........wow the attention.........!

..........on a community of people who make up a small part of britains immigrants...

..........the thieves and child abductees recently in the press have whipped up a fear and hatred.......again......for these people....

...........but ......however some sections of the press, the public, the police and politician............

............have often failed to distinguish between the words “some” and “all”.............

..............Just because something is true for the part of a whole, .............

................does not necessarily mean that it is true for the whole.............

...................I do wonder .......amongst the few on here .........who echo these fears and hatred......

.......................how many have experienced life with the 'Roma'......

..........................or at least have first hand.....(not tabloid scaremongering or tv mockumantarys)......

............................experience or knowledge of a people who for ever ......

............................have been persecuted, ridiculed, ill-treated and criminalised,.........

...............................often stripped of their human dignity and were made to feel worthless..........a people we know so much about.....?...................just my thoughts.........tink x


The over-reaction is not confined to the press, its equally as dramatic on here with words such as hatred, persicuted, criminalised.. banded about it makes normal people with genuine concerns made out to be monsters.

I regularly have first hand experience of roma people and the "majority" of my experiences have been negetive. On the underground I have experiance roma children try to go down my pockets and seen the same happen to other usually women or tourists, I have been jostled at cashpoint machines by roma girls, my friend wifes shops doorway was made into a camp and when she went to open up she was aggressively told that she couldn't when they did move on (helped by police) they left excriment everywhere,,, a client regulary has his garden brocken into so the local roma can get water from his garden tap, he keeps repairing the gate putting padlock on but they just kick it in and brazenly too (no fear whatsoever). My friends elderly mother had her handbag snached outside the shop when she dared to donate some tinned food to a roma lady and her children she felt pity for.

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.........wow the attention.........!

..........on a community of people who make up a small part of britains immigrants...

..........the thieves and child abductees recently in the press have whipped up a fear and hatred.......again......for these people....

...........but ......however some sections of the press, the public, the police and politician............

............have often failed to distinguish between the words “some” and “all”.............

..............Just because something is true for the part of a whole, .............

................does not necessarily mean that it is true for the whole.............

...................I do wonder .......amongst the few on here .........who echo these fears and hatred......

.......................how many have experienced life with the 'Roma'......

..........................or at least have first hand.....(not tabloid scaremongering or tv mockumantarys)......

............................experience or knowledge of a people who for ever ......

............................have been persecuted, ridiculed, ill-treated and criminalised,.........

...............................often stripped of their human dignity and were made to feel worthless..........a people we know so much about.....?...................just my thoughts.........tink x

But all the new communities are starting to make up a majority.

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Guest Guest16631


............rife in lots of areas..........and not always one culture.......ime...

.............a shame your experience has been negative.........but hardly an experience of a whole culture....

.............I too had a narrow view of a culture of people........

..............going to the uk from another place........was met with hostility and abuse......

...............but..........I accepted this was a minority.......and went on to experience some great years there.....

................perhaps a look at the treatment of these people .....across Europe......by politicians and governments....

.................might go some way to explain their anti social behaviour.......

...................but to Tar whole people ..........by the sadly poor standards of an ostracised few......

.....................is unfair............

.......................because every time this hatred is fanned.........a Roma family who lives.......as you do.....

..........................sometimes in a house......with a job............and kids that go to school......

.............................feel the backlash of this negative view.......


......................and why woulda Roma need to use a garden tap.....

......................where is their home.......

.........................the mansion they are supposed to of demanded with there thousands a week benefits.....

........................or have they been disalushioned........

..........................just swapped one life of abject misery........ostracised and feared........for another......?.

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