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Roma migrants could cause riots in cities


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Yet again you can not compare Roma to Polish people ...

And with the passport thing you can travel in the European Union with an ID card which in many countries mandatory and cost nothing.


Wrong to treat all Roma folk as being the same. In France we had a Roma camp, provided by the local authorities, less than 1km from our house, and not always inhabited by used by visiting Roma when in town. They would operate the summer carnival events etc. The grounds were always left in a pretty clean state. The Roma travelled in top notch caravans and motors.

That is akin to French people thinking all English are football hooligans because certain French cities have had areas thrashed at times by football visitors.

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not all but in a very large percentage you look at all the **** holes in the uk, then look at the residents and there's your link .. Never been a big fan of Australia but like their stance on boat people.. Get rid of them somewhere else. Why should other countries problems become australian problems.


Oh dear, I shall refrain from answering this.

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Integration was encouraged for the Roma after the 2nd world war in many countries. They just don't want to be integrated.

Just have a look at the picture in this topic in some of the early post when there is caravans and a junk car I'm the middle.

That's their idea of integration into society.


Roma are following a way of life rather unique. Do not fail to distinguish Roma reflect to a large degree the country they tend to inhabit. To paint all with the same brush is at best mischievous and at worst racist. Romania and Bulgaria, along with other East European countries have long discriminated against minorities be it Roma or Jews or folk of visible appearance. My concern would equally be how would more East Europeans of non Roma origin fit into the multi racial fabric of todays Britain.

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Guest Guest16631
Oh dear. I thought that some of you would have been on the forum long enough to recognise a fishing rod and a fisherman.




.......but sometimes..........

..........the bait needs to be taken..........or it has a tendency to go rancid......ime.....!

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Guest Guest16631
Agreed Tink, but sometimes the fisherman moves to new locations if the bait isn't taken



.......but with the patience of a fisherman..........will continue to bait his rod....!

........sometimes it's best to take it and destroy it.......or at least acknowledge it for what it is......

.........a small rancid tease.......hardly a tasty meal......!

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.......none on my part.......!

........just useing like for like with the OP......

........wouldn't want to be ...unfair ......by useing a factual report.....

.........gutter press.......

..........reporting on a minority to flame a response.......


Sorry to repeat myself but my op was quoting the DT

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Guest Guest16631
Sorry to repeat myself but my op was quoting the DT




.......I do beg your pardon.......

.......your goat link threw me.........apologies.......tink

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Guest Guest16631
I would be interested to hear others personal experiences of Roma people.




.........from where....?

.........perhaps visit some other camps.....

.........and ask neighbours.....

...........schools .....universities........hospitals......

...........such a diverse people who cover a diverse area of work and home.....

...........or do you mean the minority in the news....?

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.......but with the patience of a fisherman..........will continue to bait his rod....!

........sometimes it's best to take it and destroy it.......or at least acknowledge it for what it is......

.........a small rancid tease.......hardly a tasty meal......!


Why can't these things be debated without silly personal digs? I don't recall ever getting personal with you and have tried hard to be civil with jd but itstill goes on. Why?

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Guest Guest16631
You said OP sorry I thought that meant original post




......yes......I made a mistake........I have apologised.........!

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Guest Guest16631
Why can't these things be debated without silly personal digs?


........it's an observation I shared with another poster.......how you choose to see it is up to you.....

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Guest Guest16631
Why can't these things be debated without silly personal digs? I don't recall ever getting personal with you and have tried hard to be civil with jd but itstill goes on. Why?



.......you have edited your post......

.......and made it read differently......

......from a general .......personal digs.........

........to personal.......digs.......

.........as I maintain..........how you choose to read my posts........is your choice.....

..........I am answering the posts......

.........on this thread.........I do not agree with what you post......

..........and am at liberty to say so.......

..........however the fact that you have chosen to take it personally is your choice......

.........I just hope that on a thread we agree........and I like your posts.....

...........you will also see that as a personal compliment.......



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............how to cope with migration.....?

............when do we pull up the drawer bridge.....?

...........when I came to Australia there were jobs a plenty........it was cheap to live.....

.......... Now with all the new migrants......http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/news-chat-dilemmas/176394-locals-losing-out-jobs-due-immigration-3.html


...............things have changed......yes most of these are skilled.....

...............but the Roma are taking unskilled jobs in the main........


.............not in my back yard springs to mind....!


That is not the case at all, Britain has taken more than its fair share of immigrants over the last few years and cannot cope with anymore, please explain to me how hospitals, doctors surgeries, schools, the police, the benefit system etc etc etc can cope with hundreds of thousands more as i would be interested to know?


Also even Jack Straw and Blunkett have accepted that they made mistakes with their immigration policy and Straw is even questioning the problems that have arisen in his own back yard due to immigration so why is it a problem if ordinary people question it?

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