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Hi everyone! I am who you think i am and I'm in Austraia!!!!!!!!! :)


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Haha! :) yes its ex PIO member Jackrew here for one more time, And if you check my ip mods I'm in Aus! I got here! At last! :)


I moved back to greece for six months then with my hard earned cash returned to Aus.


Now theres a few details I left out in my last visit so tomorrow I will reveal more! :)


Good things do happen to good people! :)

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So then Jack, fill us in what you have been up to.

Well I left england, I completed and passed my first year at university. It was a really difficult 9 months for me, but got through it. And then in May I returned to Greece. I went to the same island, went back to my old job and hated it. They had a new boss who i didn't get on with then I got a new job which I loved. It was great I was very happy then I returned to england in september deferred uni and went to Oz a few weeks ago. I am a lot happier atm. I know old problems could return but I think this time round I am stronger.

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