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Have to disagree. I love Perth, love it immensely. I love the people, the city, the beaches, the amenities. Perhaps because I grew up in Perth, but I have travelled extensively. You need to have an open mind an accept that each place is different. I would agree with an earlier poster or two - I expect that your problems are not with the city itself, but within the mind. Hence, if you move, the problems will follow you. I would repeat the advice of others - travel a bit, take a holiday in a different city/state, chill a bit and see where you are "at".

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Guest littlesarah

I tend to find city dwellers a bit less friendly than those that live outside the hustle and bustle. I also find that wherever I go, most folk seem friendly enough - perhaps that's because I try to keep an open mind and assume the best. A smile and "how are you?" usually seem to be enough to get something positive out of most people, I find.


I don't generalise about any city, and the phrase 'no culture' just makes me wonder how the person using it defines 'culture' anyway?! In the case of Sydney, there are galleries, museums, concert venues, theatres and all of those things that are often considered as 'cultural activities'.

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Guest littlesarah
I agree. Went to bondi shopping complex on holiday. People very rude.


Bondi being a complete representation of an entire city and its inhabitants/visitors...

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How can a city be pretentious?


Do you not think the op may mean the people that live there as opposed to the actual city? :unsure:

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Guest Guest26012
Welcome to Oz! You'll find most states are like that and definitely don't go to Perth then cause it is way worse than Sydney for rude people, I know I have lived in both places!



And i live in Perth and disagree entirely! Each to their own eh? Sometimes it's a state of mind and not the people? :biggrin:

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Guest Guest 47403
Welcome to Oz! You'll find most states are like that and definitely don't go to Perth then cause it is way worse than Sydney for rude people, I know I have lived in both places!


What a massive sweeping generalisation quite laughable really :laugh:

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Guest Guest 47403
I think pretentious is a commonly used term for Sydney ;)


For the whole of Sydney or pockets? I'd class parts of London as pretentious.

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And i live in Perth and disagree entirely! Each to their own eh? Sometimes it's a state of mind and not the people? :biggrin:


Like you, I haven't found masses of rude people, and those that are haven't always been Australian.

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This does not make a lot more sense. In fact it is absurd.


Why is saying that the people of Sydney may be pretentious ( not my view ) as opposed to the city absurd?

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Is it 'luck of the draw' some seem to settle in one state where others don't - who knows.


We are heading for Perth after an unsettling couple of years in Brisbane - beautiful place but the people aaaah!!


I believe we will find where we are meant to be just don't stop looking

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