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Take that IELTS!!!


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wahoooooo! Let's hope I can now change my occupation and get a positive skills result!

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ahhh thanks all!!


my biggest tips are:

keep your writing simple its all about making sure you spell right and its grammatically correct and structured right. It cant be about the content too much as I was asked if music adds practical value in school and after my first paragraph about shcool i then started talking about x factor and britains got talent hahah!! its all about spending first 5 minutes planning what you want to say.

Reading-go with your first instinct and practice as much as you can, its all in the technique-honestly.

Same with listening, i learnt that you must keep listening esp on the last section where its the most difficult. where there is a long paragraph and they seem to talk for ages dont get dicstracted (i did first time around)

speaking-again keep it simple dont panic if they ask you about something you dont know (easier for native speakers to blag though)


organising paperwork now for a reassessment under a different occupation-when will this nervous stressful ride stop!!!???

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