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Worst Winter expected in the UK for decades!


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Forecasters last night warned the entire country is set for a horror freeze which will bring brutal winds and fierce blizzards.


Temperatures have already started to plunge as a swathe of cold air from the Arctic has swept across the UK in the past few days.

The first long-range forecasts warn of "recordbreaking snowfall" next month.

Heavy wintry showers are expected to cause widespread chaos with below-average temperatures possibly lingering until February.


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Probably would not read to much into it as in June the met office predicted a washout for the summer and it was a stunner with hardly any rain.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Probably would not read to much into it as in June the met office predicted a washout for the summer and it was a stunner with hardly any rain.


It goes without saying that mate, the weather predicting donkeys haven't got a clue when it comes to the weather, remember Michael Fish predicting good weather in summer and it lashed it down for 48 hours with 100mph winds, causing havoc and mass destruction up and down the UK, but somehow missed SUA. Lol

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Here we go again :rolleyes: some so called weather expert comes out with this before every winter in the uk......no doubt the same ones that have been predicting a long hot summer since 76.

Considering they have trouble telling us what going to happen next week, Id take any long term predictions with a pinch of salt.....weather patterns can change so quickly.

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This all I want to hear .. Ill be in Birmingham this time next week and Edinburgh the following ... There again , weather forecasting is just fortune telling with numbers isn't it .? ..


Dave C

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Aussie set for scorching summer....Sydney in parts has already been on fire. Put the house on lock down and as dark as possible to keep that dreaded heat at bay. With resolve folk we'll survive it. Those lucky folk over in UK seem to be having a cool patch.. How lucky are they?


Remember the old slogan it's never too cold, just the wrong clothing...

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Aussie set for scorching summer....Sydney in parts has already been on fire. Put the house on lock down and as dark as possible to keep that dreaded heat at bay. With resolve folk we'll survive it. Those lucky folk over in UK seem to be having a cool patch.. How lucky are they?


Remember the old slogan it's never too cold, just the wrong clothing...

Not here in lovely Perth 22 and beautiful here :wink:

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Guest Guest66881

Tis nice here this afternoon, very nice indeed.

Don't fancy the 30c+ over the east side at the minute, but it will be here soon enough:cool:

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I don't listen to it untill its actually on the tv and even then... There's been a few times there's been some big paper article that says we'll be buried under snow and then the met office say on twitter they didn't even say it. Then I saw one going around on facebook and it was from 2008 or something like that and they hadn't even noticed!


I'm going to buy decent shoes with a grip though and lots of thermal socks just incase! Last thing I need is falling and breaking a bone again!

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Aussie set for scorching summer....Sydney in parts has already been on fire. Put the house on lock down and as dark as possible to keep that dreaded heat at bay. With resolve folk we'll survive it. Those lucky folk over in UK seem to be having a cool patch.. How lucky are they?


Remember the old slogan it's never too cold, just the wrong clothing...


You're ill. Take a pill and lie down...............

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I love a bit of snow at certain times like at christmas (as long as its not too much). It looks so pretty when its all clean and new and your home and don't have to go out for the night. I just hate it when you get stuck in it! Will be funny to see what Rascal makes of it this year when he sees it for the first time

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