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Happy to go home, now scared


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I have been in Melbourne for seven years and have been homesick for the last two, my husband has very kindly got a job in London and we are heading home early next year, so why am I now waking up every morning with butterflies in my stomach and feeling so worried ?? It doesn't help my eldest son has just fallen madly in love and although was keen to head home now wants to stay ( because of the girlfriend).

I hope we are doing the right thing, it was my dream to go home, now I'm bricking it :arghh:

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Thanks starlight I have a wonderful family back home, I think it's the children I'm worried about, they will be 17,13 & 10, the younger two are happy enough to be going but number one son has suddenly got a social life, although I'm sure he'll get a night out or two in Essex...

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Feel for you, kids dont ya love em....not sure how old your eldest son is but can understand how it makes your decision more difficult. Hope you can find a solution, living in London may mean your kids are more likely to meet someone from abroad and could move away in the future anyway. My eldest met a California gal on holiday in the middle of the Mediterranean. It didn't last but it reminded me that anything can happen in life and I have to be prepared for that. A happy mum is a wonderful thing to return to. Kids leave anyway, I bet they would rather visit their happy mum rather than an unhappy one wherever you all are. Really hope it all works out for you and your family :smile:

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Of course you're scared - the future is a scary place for all of us! I don't think a move across the world in either direction is ever not accompanied by some apprehension! You never know what your kids will do - mine are on opposite sides of the world and you do get used to it if the eldest decides to stay. Hopefully your return will give you your life back, like it has for so many of us returnees - kudos to your DH for accommodating the move! Good Luck!

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Thanks starlight I have a wonderful family back home, I think it's the children I'm worried about, they will be 17,13 & 10, the younger two are happy enough to be going but number one son has suddenly got a social life, although I'm sure he'll get a night out or two in Essex...

sugar hut in essex... He can take me too

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I am pretty keen to go back to UK but when the time comes, I bet I have collywobbles too! It's a big move and no doubt you're feeling the anxiety of being the motivating party! But hubby sounds chilled, kids are remarkably resilient (and have freedom to move later if that's what they want). I think it would be odd not to be nervous about the move but as others say it doesn't have to be permanent. Just been in UK for 5 months and if I was single would have happily stayed there - so much going on.

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I can totally understand how you feel. We've been in Melbourne nearly 7 years and spend 4 or 5 years making the decision to go back and now we are going back and flights are booked it feels pretty scary. When the life you have in Australia isn't really too bad and the life you had back in the UK was ok too, it does make it tricky to come to a conclusion. Having made the decision though not only is there the uncertainty or how things will work out, there's also the daunting tasking of packing up and the logistics of getting there. My children are much younger -my eldest is only five, but he says he doesn't want to leave and it does add to the doubt, even though he doesn't really know what he's going to find back in the UK. He just knows he'll miss his friends and despite the fact he's only little and has plenty of time to make new friends (and get to know family) I still feel pretty guilty about it.

Also, I think now we have actually decided it feels a bit unreal that we're actually going. I've gotten so used to thinking about the decision all day every day it feels a bit strange and as hard as I try I still have pros and cons from either side going round in my head a bit.

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My younger son never wanted to come here and soon as he leaves school he is off to the UK and has stood by this for 3 years, my other son been here 10 years and told me if there was a button he could press that would take him back to before we came here and he would not remember anyone ( he is married 2 kids ). He would gladly press it and be 'Home' Its times like that when I think I wish I had never heard of Oz and had the idea of coming here.


However, history cannot be changed and I would happily live 2 years in UK, 2 years in Oz finances permitting, neither country makes me feel I want to leave forever

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Feeling anxious is very normal! When we make big decisions in life your bound to second guess it or yourself at some point, but you have to remind yourself why your doing it and I'm sure your kids will adapt. Your eldest is still very young to fall in love so if its meant to be I'm sure they can make it work somehow. Good luck to you all!

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