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Kids birthday money...going rate?


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its certainly gone up in the last few yrs mrs tonyman is out as we type buying my daughters FRIEND a Pandora charm !!!! That's what I buy for her ! I`m trying my best not to get wound up over it but its party after party here they have 4 this weekend alone ........mind you its my own fault for having 5 children I suppose ......

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Wow that's generous - I'd spend $10-15 for most, $20 would only be for close friends (& even a bit more if there was a really suitable present my son wanted to get them). I guess if it was cash i might go for $20 out of guilt.


I found gifts were of less value in Australia but often more thoughtful. One of the things that my son was keen to bring back was a little notebook handmade by a school friend for his first birthday in Perth 4 years ago. The cover had been lino block printed and inside was just A4 paper folded in half and stapled together. He had never used it but it obviously meant something to him.

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Brought a pressie today for a 14yr old...$20 2 tees from jayjays. Bargain and very nice.

Younger children $15-$20. Plenty of places do really nice $2 cards and $1 wrapping paper. I usually buy a stock of cards from Phoenix...lovely card for $3(if I buy over 10)

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On the point of birthday gifts could I ask how often you get a thank you note? I've only ever had one and surprisingly for the cheapest gift I bought!! I'm normally quite generous and look at the gift rather than the price, I had a moment where I thought my $35 Lego friends gift embarrassed them as they couldn't reciprocate (and I didn't expect it) but it made me think a little. DD has just moved to a private school in Mosman, within a week of starting she was invited to a party, I ended up buying a really lovely beading set which my DD loved but cost me $12, it was actually a lovely gift for a 5 year old, my daughter loved it!! For the first time ever, I got the loveliest thank you note that specifically mentioned our gift and how lovely it was, it felt really nice to get the note and I will ensure my daughter always sends thank you notes in future.

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Jessie we/the children always send thank you notes as we are British..............the done thing ......but I know what you mean.....and whilst we are at it ......they , Aussies and good Aussie mates don't tend to send Christmas cards out .......WHY ? we have gone from having them hanging from every possible shelf, and Christmas card holder to well we have enough room here and there ,I find it so strange that the Aussies don't give cards to friends unless your a real good friend If you know what I mean ........

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Jessie we/the children always send thank you notes as we are British..............the done thing ......but I know what you mean.....and whilst we are at it ......they , Aussies and good Aussie mates don't tend to send Christmas cards out .......WHY ? we have gone from having them hanging from every possible shelf, and Christmas card holder to well we have enough room here and there ,I find it so strange that the Aussies don't give cards to friends unless your a real good friend If you know what I mean ........

OMG I am so with you on the Christmas card thing!! I've got so many mates here but all I do is buy a pack of australiana cards from the news agents to send to my mates at home!, funnily enough they don't send em back but that's another thread!! It's an Aussie thing!, I don't get offended, we all get together to drink silly amounts of vino and beer and swim in the pool and sun bathe, but I've never broached that subject with them and to be honest, I'm not bothered!!!! The strangest phenonomen tho is why do they have so many card packs in Woolies if Aussies don't send em!!!!

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