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The Emigration Group Reviews?


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Hiya guys.


We're currently looking for migration agents to help us move but we've had such dodgy sounding quotes from different companies.


IE: t h i n k i n g a u s t r a l i a "we can get you a family visa for £2000"


Looked on the aussie immi site and converted into british, its gonna cost us £3000ish. How'd that work!


Anyways, we're thinking of going with The Emigration Group. Had a few phone calls, booklets and going to pay for a consultation. Just wanted to know if anyone else used them and reviews?


Thanks! :D

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The fee you pay to the Emigration Agent will be on top of the visa fees (so £2000 agent fees + £3000 visa fees ).


Never used or heard of the Emigration Group. We used Overseas Emigration (based in Edinburgh) and they were excellent.

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Guest The Pom Queen
Hiya guys.


We're currently looking for migration agents to help us move but we've had such dodgy sounding quotes from different companies.


IE: t h i n k i n g a u s t r a l i a "we can get you a family visa for £2000"


Looked on the aussie immi site and converted into british, its gonna cost us £3000ish. How'd that work!


Anyways, we're thinking of going with The Emigration Group. Had a few phone calls, booklets and going to pay for a consultation. Just wanted to know if anyone else used them and reviews?


Thanks! :D

Well as you had to type in with spaces between a certain company name I suppose you have heard the negative feedback and how they threaten legal action.

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Hiya guys.


We're currently looking for migration agents to help us move but we've had such dodgy sounding quotes from different companies.


IE: t h i n k i n g a u s t r a l i a "we can get you a family visa for £2000"


Looked on the aussie immi site and converted into british, its gonna cost us £3000ish. How'd that work!


Anyways, we're thinking of going with The Emigration Group. Had a few phone calls, booklets and going to pay for a consultation. Just wanted to know if anyone else used them and reviews?


Thanks! :D



Hi there,


We used immigration2oz and they have been excellent. There fees are roughly £2150+ VAT. They give you a free consultation. It costs an absolute fortune. To date we have spent $945 on IELTS as it took my partner 3 attempts. $2100 Bricklaying Skills assessment. $200 SS Nomination Fee. $6120 Visa application fee (The fees increased on the 1st July and we just missed out). Medicals booked for 11th Sept which are going to cost £319 for myself, $330 for partner (he is currently in Australia) and £99.75 for each of our children (we have 2). We then have flights and container to pay which is another £3500!!


It better be worth all of this lol!!



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Forgot to say, Immigration2Oz are based in Surrey. I deal with John Adams who owns immigration to Oz and used to run his own Law firm in Melbourne for 10 years. I also deal with Tiffany the client services manager. They are always available if I need them.

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  • 6 months later...

the emigration group advertise themselves as experts in oz and nz emigration. as a uk paramedic wanting to live and work in nz they did not have a clue how the residence visa process worked for a paramedic despite telling me they'd dealt with loads of these cases in the past. they put me through the general application channels when i needed paramedic specific ones.


1 of many issues was them telling me to apply for a nz position from the uk to bump up my visa points which I did for 4 months with no success. I then looked into it and the ambulance service would not accept any application unless I was actually living in nz. don't you think the so called experts should've pointed this out to me before I signed the contract? initially they suggested i didn't sign up for their job search program in order to keep the costs down but now I know why they pushed me into that corner because they knew they couldn't get me a job. the list of problems went on and on along with the costs and wasted time and I feel like I was taken for a ride. 3 years it took to get the visa, and even that was down to a lucky change in nz immigration law, with the application process grinding to a halt so many times. what a shambles but I was tied to the contract.


in hindsight I should've consulted nz house in London to understand the application process and then applied for a residence visa myself which I urge anyone else to do. but when you don't know where to start you trust agencies like these and they prey on you promising expert guidance and knowledge. what an expensive mistake. stear clear.

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Do a lot of research as we where scammed by a company who certainly talked the talk but took our cash & basically did nothing!! We used a different company based in Adelaide who where appointed by my partners company to deal with his visa. A lesson learnt abide an expensive one!!

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We used Paul at Emigrating Solutions. He has been great and he was the cheapest I found by a stretch. He has been patient and supportive. No problems.


I did look at the Emigration Group but they were double the price and I didn't like the brochure. :P

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We originally were going with TEG (UK-based, good reputation?) until they advised us to use George Lombard instead because of medical issues re our visas.....they held their hands up and said they had no experience with our particular issue and that George was the best of the best for this reason...so we went with him instead. And I'm very very happy that we did! George is excellent, we have complete faith that we have the best support for our particular needs. Worth every penny.

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We originally were going with TEG (UK-based, good reputation?) until they advised us to use George Lombard instead because of medical issues re our visas.....they held their hands up and said they had no experience with our particular issue and that George was the best of the best for this reason...so we went with him instead. And I'm very very happy that we did! George is excellent, we have complete faith that we have the best support for our particular needs. Worth every penny.




Kudos to TEG.


One of the marks of a good professional is knowing when a prospective client's interests are best served by declining the appointment and referring the individual to someone who is better placed to assist - and having a network of such people.


Best regards.

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