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Backpack Vs. Suitcase?


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Hey everyone!


This is my first post here and very excited! :)


I am going to Sydney on a WHV in October and looking to stay as long as my visa/money allows. I have only two questions at the moment though I am sure I will have plenty more as time goes on!


I have repeatedly been asked the question will I be taking a backpack or a suitcase with me? I was thinking suitcase as this is easier to get around and I may be staying in Sydney a few months before I move on? Others have suggested a backpack is easier. What are you all taking and why?


Also! I have only booked my first week in Sydney in a hostel as I am not sure who I will meet, where I will go etc. It's all very much see when I get there as it was booked through STA travel who will help me get a job, bank account etc when I get there too. Is this a bad idea? Should I have some contingency plan if I have nowhere to sleep when my week is up or is it likely the hostel I have booked a week with will be able to keep me on?


Anyway, I have never travelled like this before and I am 25 looking for a new adventure in my life so hoping to make friends and have the trip of a lifetime :)


Thanks all!

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I was just reading your post and appears that me and are in very similar boat and many other people

I have organised allot with STA Travel and got everything book with them. It was very hard

Work to sort it all out but managed all off my own back. Now just saving for spends and survival.

I'm heading to Sydney in Oct and staying in a hostel for 4 nights in the city centre, but then moving in with relatives in Sydney also.

I'm like you. I have no idea who i'll or where im going. I have written out plans, though they may change. I haven't been on a trip as big as this though i have neen to Oz before, but that was 10 years ago nd with the family. I have travelled round Europe with my brother before now but nothing incomparison to this.

Just lay back and relax on the plane and dont think to much md you will be fine. Im flying with Cathay Pacific. You?

What hostel you staying with and also do you want to add me on facebook nd maybe we'll meet up suprisingly in Sydney.


Im abit nervous but so excited :)




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Hi there!


Yes very similar it seems. I am flying out Virgin Atlantic.Oct 23rd and staying in a hostel calles Woodducks boomerang I think or something like that?? Its on William street but I am only there the first week. I know a few people that will be in or around sydney at christmas but going out there totally alone. Its exciting hoping to make loadsa new friends and have a great time. Havent had a chance in my life to do this til now! Yeah can add me on facey, you are right though plenty of time to get things thought out on the plane journey! So are you going backpack or suitcase?? I cant decide haha!


- Jennifer





I was just reading your post and appears that me and are in very similar boat and many other people

I have organised allot with STA Travel and got everything book with them. It was very hard

Work to sort it all out but managed all off my own back. Now just saving for spends and survival.

I'm heading to Sydney in Oct and staying in a hostel for 4 nights in the city centre, but then moving in with relatives in Sydney also.

I'm like you. I have no idea who i'll or where im going. I have written out plans, though they may change. I haven't been on a trip as big as this though i have neen to Oz before, but that was 10 years ago nd with the family. I have travelled round Europe with my brother before now but nothing incomparison to this.

Just lay back and relax on the plane and dont think to much md you will be fine. Im flying with Cathay Pacific. You?

What hostel you staying with and also do you want to add me on facebook nd maybe we'll meet up suprisingly in Sydney.


Im abit nervous but so excited :)




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Ive backpacked for the past 40 odd years and have no intention of buying a suitcase (maybe when I am 80 and can no longer heft 20kg). Backpacks are far easier to manipulate IMHO - ever seen a tourist trying to wrangle a great wheelie trolly case up the steps at an underground station? Whereas I, with my 20kg, skip lightly up the stairs. If you get one, get a good one with a decent frame, waistbelt and chest strap - dont bother with the built in wheel ones, they just take up extra weight/space that you could use for another pair of undies or an extra toothbrush. If you do get one, try it on in the shop and ask the assistant to pack it with however much you think you might be carrying (that was a tip from someone trying to sell me one - he succeeded). The only luxury I have on mine is a strap cover - you zip it over the straps so that they dont catch in the carousel or other machinery en route (my old one didnt have that and it could be a pain). If you are paranoid, you can get them gladwrapped at the airport - not a bad move if you are planning on transiting through the ME or FE. My son has a set of packing cubes which are amazing - seeing him access a pair of joggers upon request at Sydney airport was fantastic - I'd have had knickers and jumpers all over but he had these very neat packing cells in a pile, out came the shoes and back went all the stuff (try an Army disposals type store or Kifaru on line). I'm getting some for my next big trip.If you fancy taking a backpack with you on board as carry on and wonder about having a hold backpack and a cabin one, you can get piggy back backpacks where the little one attaches to the big one but you can take it off when you need to take the little one alone (I have a Kathmandu - highly recommended!)There ya go - one vote for backpacking! (oh yeah, I'm female!)

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You can get a backpacks with hidden wheels/handle. Really invaluable for me on my first travels. May be a little bit heavier.


wakeup! is great. I had fun there. You get your free sim card.


I like that idea of the packing cubes, Quoll. I'll definitely investigate that this week :)

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a backpack isn't easy unless it's tiny because you're gonna have to drag it around, so either start weight lifting so you're strong enough to lift a heavy bag or take a suitcase with wheels lol. I took a suitcase.


I think mine is 65 litres which is ample for the 20kg allowance. I'm a small 64 yr old woman (and fat and unfit with it for much of my life) and really, it isn't too hard to wrangle and wear 20kg! I do like the all round zip on mine, as has been said - you can get at stuff on the bottom more easily but I still pack it like a top opening pack.

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I've got a Kathmandu backpack I bought recently, tried it for a week in Canada and wasn't bad but that's the first I've tried it, not sure how much it'll fit for a year and dreading trying to pack but should be interesting. Mine was in the sale from Kathmandu and has the small backpack attached I like it just not sure I know how to travel light.

Im looking to go oz on my own at the end of September, need to book things soon, am 25 too. Seems pretty daunting and am considering trying sta travels work and holiday starter but not sure wether to or not, if I do think ill try Melbourne to start with. Do you know anyone who's used their starter pack before?


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I travelled with my backpack from argos. Really cheap. I still have it all these years later and use it for family hols! The front zips all the way to the bottom and the straps have a cover that zips over them. Too easy! As for the hostel, no need to book ahead. Oz is the easiest place to backpack, just go with the flow.

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well i'm more like an old lady than a young lady lol! I couldn't carry 20kg! i've already tried!

LOL, off to the gym with you young lady!!! The scariest thing for me is that I have lost two and a half times the airline allowance in body weight over the past couple of years! I know I can't lift that much, backpack or not LOL


The trick with packing them is to put everything you think you are going to need on the bed and then go away for an hour and have a coffee then come back and take off half the things you've decided to put in. Everything will probably fit then! Nothing that a credit card and a passport can't fix I reckon so as long as you have them, if you forget something it's no big deal!

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All really good suggestions! I only ask because I am 5'1 and a weakling. I own a very good rucksack with a waist strap that my sis is taking off to India soon and I took it on DofE so I know its comfy but I am still struggling with the idea of lugging it around the airport when I could wheel a suitcase.

Say I am staying in Sydney long term its easier for me to shove the suitcase under my bed in the hostel and then boom its there. But if I want to go on an unexpected journey and there will be travelling and its more backpacking than working maybe a backpack... argh I don't know, didn't think this would be such a hard decision haha! I am not very good at packing light or sensibly!


- Jen x

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I've got a Kathmandu backpack I bought recently, tried it for a week in Canada and wasn't bad but that's the first I've tried it, not sure how much it'll fit for a year and dreading trying to pack but should be interesting. Mine was in the sale from Kathmandu and has the small backpack attached I like it just not sure I know how to travel light.

Im looking to go oz on my own at the end of September, need to book things soon, am 25 too. Seems pretty daunting and am considering trying sta travels work and holiday starter but not sure wether to or not, if I do think ill try Melbourne to start with. Do you know anyone who's used their starter pack before?






I am going on STA travels work,surf and play package and they have been GREAT with me as I have never travelled like this before. It probably cost me more than booking it all myself but they are setting my bank account, equivalent of NI number (i forget what its called), phone, post etc out when I get there. Even my transfers are sorted. I just have to get on the plane and try and land a job with what they give me. I would definitely say go in to a store and talk to a rep as they arent pushy and wont make you book something on the spot. Also the rep I had did my exact package so she knew exactly what I was in for and how to tailor it to my needs :)


Jen x

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I have managed to initially set up my bank account from over in the UK but am going out with not much of a plan let alone a contingency one. I am 26 and have decided to take the trip in mid-September also alone. I would like to experience Sydney before moving into some quiter suburbs but this will depend on how much money I have left after Sydney!!


I am looking to book to stay in the wake up hostel for a week and have looked at purchasing a 65 litre backpack. Being male it may be easier for me to lugg around with me but for you I think it would depend on how far from the beaten track you wish to travel and what mode of transport you will be using!!


Are you looking at doing any fruit picking to get the 2nd year visa?



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I'm tempted to give sta's work and play a try to get me started but its also partly because I'm too lazy to look into all myself, lol.

The other answers for the bag situation is make a nice male friend who will carry your backpack for you :err: . Men hav it so much easier tho, they have a lot less to carry than women, I am dreading attempting to fit enough in my backpack! Lol hey if not you get a nice strong back by the end of it. I'm taking a backpack just coz I thought for moving about it'd b easier if I had to walk anywhere but don't know how true this will be! It'll b an experience if nothing else as I've never done this type of travelling bbefore.

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I went backpacking in 2006 for 7 months on my own around Australia. I booked my WHV, flights and first backpackers through STA. You don't want to book any longer than one week in your first hostel as hostels vary in their characteristics wisely. use word of mouth through other backpackers to find out the best place to stay, or extend your stay at your original backpackers if you like it there.

on your first day or so you can quickly and easily set up a bank account, as you will need to give them an address.

I would always take a backpack rather than a suitcase, it's easier to get around and if you do any backpacker tours space is sometimes fairly restricted to one bag each.

A word of warning though- you will fall in love with Australia, after the most amazing 7 months of my life in 2006, a great return visit 2 years ago, I am now emigrating to Perth next week! Have fun on your adventure!

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I have managed to initially set up my bank account from over in the UK but am going out with not much of a plan let alone a contingency one. I am 26 and have decided to take the trip in mid-September also alone. I would like to experience Sydney before moving into some quiter suburbs but this will depend on how much money I have left after Sydney!!


I am looking to book to stay in the wake up hostel for a week and have looked at purchasing a 65 litre backpack. Being male it may be easier for me to lugg around with me but for you I think it would depend on how far from the beaten track you wish to travel and what mode of transport you will be using!!


Are you looking at doing any fruit picking to get the 2nd year visa?





Maybe I will provisionally pack my backpack and give it a go, see how it feels. Otherwise it may be that a suitcase is a better idea for me as I am mainly looking to stay in cities. But I would like to see if I can backpack with an actual backpack haha! Seems silly not to try!


I am looking into the 2nd year visa thing but haven't yet applied for my first visa as not going til October and a little worried that I might not qualify yet as I don't have a huge amount of money in my account and it says you need reasonable funds to be eligible so basically trying to get as much in my account as possible before applying. I have heard some worrying things about how expensive it can be so I am really trying my hardest to make cash before I go!


- Jen

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I'm definitely taking a backpack. Although I'm going to south east Asia for a couple of months before Australia so that's part of the reason. I reckon I would probably take a backpack even if I went straight to Aus though, it just seems easier if you're going to be doing any amount of walking with it.


I go 23rd Oct so will probably be in Aus sometime in December, maybe bump into some of you

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