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Peter Randolph

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Everything posted by Peter Randolph

  1. Hi all Anyone going to be in Sydney from the 2nd Oct and so on? what are your plans? Any feedback. Thanks!
  2. Hi all Say if u worked nd travelled for a year in Oz and decided you wanted to work nd travel in NZ for a year after your 1st year, would be able to apply for a 2nd visa for Oz, providing you have 3 months of seasonal work? Also with Wwoof what is it nd how does it work? would i be able to do it in the same year if i have already worked for 3 months? Thanks!
  3. Hi all Does or doesn't everybody drive who is going to Oz on a WHV? Do you have to drive or are thete allot people either charitable or generous and share vehickles with people who don't? (Sorry if this sounds abit moronish) Thanks!
  4. Hey guys Say if you went to aus and worked nd travel 6 months to a year and decided to travel and work in New Zealand, would you then be able to come back to Aus to do a 2nd year visa? How do you go about getting a 2nd visa and also how can you apply for another visa when your still in one? etc. Thanks
  5. Thanks guys I was just abit unsure about everything. Im not just planning to go to Aus just to find work but see and experience all of it ive never done this before.
  6. Hey guys Anyone who has been to Australia before on a WHV. Would you recommend it in the hope to find work or a Tourist Visa? Im heading that way in Oct but i'm abit confused with a depressing comment on this forum nd alot feedback about the WHV. is it just travel companies trying to rib you off on something that doesn't exist anymore. Cuz ive spent a fortune on this trip with them making it sound so easy rubbing these brochures in my face. Any advice would be great Thanks Pete
  7. Hi everyone In the farming industry is it easy go get in to apply in any of farm and where whether it's fruit picking, Sheep shiering, cattle farming, hatchery, general etc. unlike in Britain where you need A levels and digrees in agriculture, experience in farming and have a farming background and all that. Thanks
  8. Hi As a working holiday applicant would be able to apply for a mining industry job and what?, what quals would i need, do need a white card and how do i apply for it? Would i be able to work for 6 months in that same job, how much are they in need for miners etc. Thanks
  9. Hi anybody Traveling to Oz Oct but don't drive what you recomend i do? Peter
  10. The heavy the better id say. Good practice for labour work nd good for upper body strenth lol
  11. I forgot to ask your name and what your profile pic is?
  12. Oh yeah forgot to ask whats you name nd fb profile pic?
  13. Im taking a large Sports bag nd a small backpack, im at Wake Up! and Im flying on Oct the1st. But work permitted i will be staying in Sydney Up untill Xmas nd NY.
  14. Hi, I was just reading your post and appears that me and are in very similar boat and many other people I have organised allot with STA Travel and got everything book with them. It was very hard Work to sort it all out but managed all off my own back. Now just saving for spends and survival. I'm heading to Sydney in Oct and staying in a hostel for 4 nights in the city centre, but then moving in with relatives in Sydney also. I'm like you. I have no idea who i'll or where im going. I have written out plans, though they may change. I haven't been on a trip as big as this though i have neen to Oz before, but that was 10 years ago nd with the family. I have travelled round Europe with my brother before now but nothing incomparison to this. Just lay back and relax on the plane and dont think to much md you will be fine. Im flying with Cathay Pacific. You? What hostel you staying with and also do you want to add me on facebook nd maybe we'll meet up suprisingly in Sydney. Im abit nervous but so excited Thanks Peter
  15. Hey Kaz your not the only one, im traveling alone too. I'm leaving in October. Though starting off in Sydney then traveling and working i hope. I don't know about Social work. You could always look on taw.com.au and see what's on there. They have many jobs listed I'm sure you'll have great time Pete :biggrin:
  16. same! though im going Sydney on October then hopefully making my way to perth. you been b4?
  17. Is it easy to get into that area of work and can you apply through work and travel agencies? How the RSA course work to work in bars?
  18. G'day cobbers! Anybody in Sydney in October this year who would like a city buddy, travel companion and a future friend? I am 21 and from the UK Please let me know :biggrin:
  19. Hi there I'm 21. I haven't really left home before apart from travelling short term. I am staying with relatives. Though i would like some guidence on: Places and forums or social clubs to meet other backpackers as well as hostels in Sydney and Melbourne? Whether TCP (Travellers Control Point) is the best bet to seek info on jobs etc in Sydney? How much in need Aussies are for migrant labour workers nationwide. I am willing to do anything pretty much? Best way of travel to get around on nationwide? Best but cheap places to stay in Oz nationwide? Thanks! Ps How easy is it to work, stay and get on and adjust to Australias way of life?
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