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Bad Flyer! Tips for stop offs visiting UK


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Hello! I want to visit folks back in UK from Perth but I am one of these silly people who hate flying!


There will be myself and 8 year old traveling and I thought it would be a good experience for her as well as help me and my flying to stop off at various countries en-route ie cutting down the flying times for each visit.


As I'm crap at geography I am wondering if anyone can assist in helping me pick the countries to visit with max 5-7 hours flying time if poss. I thought I'd stay a night or two at each destination going and coming back to Perth.



Thank you,

Catpads :)

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A lot of normal airlines do only one stop, my favourite is to fly emerates on the flight that goes UK to Dubai (have a night or two there), then Dubai to Signapore (have a night or two there) then Singapore to Melbourne, it splits the flight into more of less three equal chunks... I think if you want lots of stops you may have to look at some kind of round the world ticket. You could go via the USA you can probably do an east coast stop a west coast stop then a stop in New Zealand if you wanted.

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Hello! I want to visit folks back in UK from Perth but I am one of these silly people who hate flying!


There will be myself and 8 year old traveling and I thought it would be a good experience for her as well as help me and my flying to stop off at various countries en-route ie cutting down the flying times for each visit.


As I'm crap at geography I am wondering if anyone can assist in helping me pick the countries to visit with max 5-7 hours flying time if poss. I thought I'd stay a night or two at each destination going and coming back to Perth.



Thank you,

Catpads :)

It may cost more but why not look at flying perth-Singapore .. Singapore - dubia.. Dubia -uk.. Each is a 5-6 hour flight , so not to long on the metal bird

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We are stopping over in Singapore. The airline cancelled a flight, we should have had a couple of hours wait in Singapore and they suddenly took off a flight, which meant we now have an 11 hour stopover in Singapore. We got in touch with the travel agent to see what they could do and the airline have put us in the hotel airport at no extra cost. Should think so too mind you.


On the last leg Singapore to the UK we will try and sleep so not that bothered about any more stops.

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Ah ok. Personally I prefer Emmirates but will look at both. Goad I hate flying. Stupid I know. Lol. Cheers for your posts.

Don't be silly.. Planes only move because of wind bumping it.. I was working in Austria once and was flown business class by the firm, it was bumpy for a while and the cot pit door flew open to expose both pilots reading the paper and one with his feet up on the flight controls. I've never worried about flying since.

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Goad I hate flying. Stupid I know.


Just remember that you have a much higher chance of being in an accident going to and from the airport than while on a plane.

So .....panic in the vehicle to and from the airport...and relax once you're on that plane. :wink:

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Just remember that you have a much higher chance of being in an accident going to and from the airport than while on a plane.

So .....panic in the vehicle to and from the airport...and relax once you're on that plane. :wink:




Hi - it isn't that which bothers me. It's being enclosed and having all those people around me and if one flips out then I'm joining em! Lol.....I dunno, it's a silly irrational fear and I am going to work on this. It's ridiculous and of course I don't want to pass my fear on to my child! Even just seeing the row of seats and thinking "oh my Lord, I'm on here for the next 13 hours or so then I have to step off and get on another one" AAARRRRGGGGHHHHH.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi - it isn't that which bothers me. It's being enclosed and having all those people around me and if one flips out then I'm joining em! Lol.....I dunno, it's a silly irrational fear and I am going to work on this. It's ridiculous and of course I don't want to pass my fear on to my child! Even just seeing the row of seats and thinking "oh my Lord, I'm on here for the next 13 hours or so then I have to step off and get on another one" AAARRRRGGGGHHHHH.

Hi I'm the same as you I don't really like it that much, but I read an article by a chap who teaches people like us not to be scared, he said you should liken a bumpy flight to a car driving over a bumpy road, clouds aren't smooth as we tend to think they are! We are heading back down under in November on the A380...have you seen the SIZE of that thing!!! However, if I want to get there then I just have to sit back and relax and try to enjoy it as much as I can. Also if you are travelling with an 8 year old her excitement will rub off and you will be too busy thinking of ways to keep her happy for the duration. :cute:

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Agree with earlier comments , Emirates/Qantas codeshares flying via Dubai and Singapore are good, I recently flew back from Perth with 10 hours in Singapore onto Dubai and then home. The Singapore stop was no more expensive then a direct and meant I could nip to my favourite tailor for some more shirts and get my wife some clothes that are stylish and fit (she is Asian and basically can only find decent clothes that fit in Singapore or Hong Kong).


Both places really easy for a stopover, both have Metro systems to get you around and a massive selection of hotels varying from budget to 6 star.

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A lot of airlines run a fear of flying course too. Hubby did one with Virgin before we moved out here (although he'd already done Aus - UK and back on 4 previous occasions!!). It helped immensely. Doesn't just deal with the actual flying but also the confinement issues. I have to say that it was nice to take off without gaining nail marks in my hand hahahah


Turbulence has NEVER brought a plane down ever either.

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I hate flying too.


However I use a different method to making several stops... Get it over with ASAP, just like ripping of a plaster.


I'm flying Manchester - Dubai - Perth with only a 1hr45 stop over. Just enough time to swap planes and not enough time to let the anxiety build up again.



The best things in life aren't things.

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