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Flying solo with two small children - any tips?

Happy little Vegemite

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Hi all, just wondering if anyone has any useful tips on how to handle flying solo with two children, aged 5 and 2?


The kids and I are off to Oz (Mandurah) for 3 weeks to visit family and have a bit of a reccie before moving over next year, and I am dreading the thought of the flight without my husband (who is too busy at work at this time of year to come with us).


Apologies in advance to anyone who might be on the same flight as us! :)

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Travelling alone with 2 kids, you have my deepest sympathy. From my recent (painful) experience, my advice would be as follows:


I suggest valium and sleeping tablets - for you.


Phernigan (an anti-histamine) is great for airsickness and has the fabulous side effect of making the little ones sleepy.


The airline staff give kids toys which help. Make sure in advance you tell the airline that two of the travellers are kids, request a kids meal for them both and this guarantees them the toys. Actually I think on the flights we were on, the kids food was better than the stuff they gave the adults (Qatar).


We bought them their own trunki each and they both packed them with their favourite book, bedtime toy and pyjamas and they were veyr proud to carry them onto the flight. It also made it easier when they were tired, to sit them on them and pull them along. At bedtime they had a story and went into pyjamas and during the day part of the flight they were in clothes.


Making friends in the airport lounge with little old grannies who are missing their grandchildren (particularly the Indian grannies) is great as on the flight they try and adopt your kids and feed them (particularly useful tip with 2 year olds).


Try and get seats where at least one of you in near the aisle - makes it easier for toilet trips.


Finally, take lots of snacks that the kids like, just in case they don't like the food on the plane. While you can't take drinks, there is nothing worse than a crabby child who has not eaten.


Make sure someone picks you up at the airport and arrange for them to have the kids for the next 24 hours while you sleep. You will need it.


Best of luck. You will need it!

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I did it a few times with three. I'd agree with Incata, except for the Phenergan, which can have the opposite effect to making them sleepy!

I packed little backpacks with new toys, books etc that were a surprise for them when they opened them (car boot sales are pretty good for this and you won't mind so much if something disappears under a seat never to be seen again!). I would also recommend getting them their own child sized headsets for the entertainment system. Most airlines have them now, but not always, and one of the most frustrating things for a child (and the parent!) is them constantly slipping off their ears. The entertainment on the flights is much better than it used to be and you may well find that they watch the children's channels on a continuous loop. I just went with it - anything for a peaceful flight!

Take wipes, tissues, calpol in your bag. I never found it as bad as I was anticipating, honestly. If it had been a bad experience I wouldn't have repeated it, but it was ok. The worst thing I remember was having a child asleep on either side of me, across my lap, and not being able to get up to go to the loo!

The best advice I can give is not to worry too much. Even if your children are a nightmare (they won't be!), just remember that it's unlikely that you'll ever see anyone from that flight again, so it doesn't matter what they think of you. Just try to make sure the children don't kick the seats in front of them, or pull on the headrests and no one can really complain.


Good luck!

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Dh and I recently did the trip from the UK to New Zealand with our four young children, and we had two rows of three, effectively having two children each for the entire journey. They were absolutely brilliantly behaved. We took a few colouring books which they didn't use, some snacky food, an iPad, and an iPod, and also had the kids in-flight movies/games. It's amazing how many times they can watch the same thing over and over! The one who was the hardest work was my (at the time) almost 2 year old. She couldn't do very much, and so I spent a lot of time slowly feeding her the snack food, and she just pottered around, and tried to play on the iPod sometimes. She was definitely the most work, the rest entertained themselves no problem.


We also stopped at a transit hotel for 12 hours before boarding the second flight. It really helped us to retain our sanity...when we flew to Oz in 2011 we did it all in one hit, and were really frazzled by the end of the journey and unable to think straight. We felt great this time, the rest made all the difference.


We also had a domestic flight to catch an hour and a half after landing in NZ, and the cabin crew lady was amazed that the kids were all still in good moods and all smiley. They really were great, but I know that the electronic gadgets were really the lifesaver for us.

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You DON'T want to medicate your kids. you don't know how they will react. Even if they do sleep,imagine transit carrying two kids and hand luggage. If all else fails, make eye contact and ask firmly for help. People will help. Toilets will be the biggest problem.don't be shy. Ask if you can jump queues. Some people do a loo trip to pass the time, and are happy to let you go before them. Good luck!

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You DON'T want to medicate your kids. you don't know how they will react. Even if they do sleep,imagine transit carrying two kids and hand luggage. If all else fails, make eye contact and ask firmly for help. People will help. Toilets will be the biggest problem.don't be shy. Ask if you can jump queues. Some people do a loo trip to pass the time, and are happy to let you go before them. Good luck!


Not if you fly with the airline I flew with. Staff will ignore you, even if you are in tears and are far to busy doing other things to help. Other passengers will laugh at the kids when they are naughty (encouraging them to misbehave even more - Australian blokes are the worst for doing this) and then you may (if you go via Doha) be unlucky enough to bump into an American (who doesn't have kids), but knows everything about parenting and feels the overwhelming urge to share with you exactly what you are doing wrong. At which point, you may find, as I did, that my 3 year old learned some new words.


Best advice: pay someone to fly with you.

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Not if you fly with the airline I flew with. Staff will ignore you, even if you are in tears and are far to busy doing other things to help. Other passengers will laugh at the kids when they are naughty (encouraging them to misbehave even more - Australian blokes are the worst for doing this) and then you may (if you go via Doha) be unlucky enough to bump into an American (who doesn't have kids), but knows everything about parenting and feels the overwhelming urge to share with you exactly what you are doing wrong. At which point, you may find, as I did, that my 3 year old learned some new words.


Best advice: pay someone to fly with you.




I'm impressed you didn't thump him!

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Chill, it will be fine. Did it with my kids when they were little and in those days it took longer with more stops! Travel light (you don't want to be wrangling kids AND stuff!), give both of the kids a backpack with some special things in and, like the others I wrapped some little surprises for strategic reward times. Avoid medication unless you know your kid gets travel sick in which case try out whichever medication is recommended. Phenergan is contraindicated for young kids these days apparently!


My preference has always been to leave as late as possible in which case you and they are knackered and will sleep the first leg anyway. At the refuelling stop, walk the legs off them and let them burn off some energy. If they are generally manageable they will be manageable in the air. If you want to keep on side with he neighbours just be vigilant that they don't keep kicking the seat in front! (That's one thing I cannot stand even if generally I view parents with kids with considerable sympathy!). The only other rule we had was if one kid sleeps we all sleep (or try to)


Good luck, you'll be fine!

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I traveled with a 7 and 5 year old. They were very good, despite my concerns. I also packed them each a backpack with some of their favourite small toys- -they did not even open it! The flights give the kids a goodies bag which entertained them somewhat, but with the inflight entertainment - priceless, I did not even know I had children flying with me. I ordered a good old red wine with dinner and put a movie on :)

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I traveled with a 7 and 5 year old. They were very good, despite my concerns. I also packed them each a backpack with some of their favourite small toys- -they did not even open it! The flights give the kids a goodies bag which entertained them somewhat, but with the inflight entertainment - priceless, I did not even know I had children flying with me. I ordered a good old red wine with dinner and put a movie on :)



That's exactly how to do it! :laugh:

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We are doing the trip in a little under 3 weeks time. I will not be medicating my children. I found a very good link that gave me some great tips. So I have booked the children's meals, I have visited the works, and 3 shop and bought a couple of new books and little toys which are now wrapped up as a surprise to open on the flight. Yes they will get something on the flight, there will also be the in flight entertainment for them to watch. We have a night flight so keeping my 2 up until we fly is going to be tricky, but the excitement of the airport should help.


I also envisage worse case scenario, so it can only get better! I have flown with Qatar via Doha and had an amazing experience going out, and it was fine the first half of the flight coming back to Doha, then the London leg was awful, rude crew, rude stroppy women sat next to me.


Good Luck :)

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Thanks everyone for the helpful tips, I've taken them all on board! (excuse the pun)I especially like the tip on making friends with the grannies, Incata. Poor you, you sound like you had a terrible experience! We are on a night flight from Heathrow, hopefully the kids will do what they usually do which is sleep on the way to the airport, this then gives them enough beans to stay awake until after we've taken off. I chose to fly with Singapore airlines, they were really good with the kids last time we flew, and that way we have the long leg of the flight to Singapore on an A380 then the short leg to Perth on a smaller plane. We've got the three seats next to the window so i can sit on the aisle, and I am armed with an iPad, but will definitely also try to get kidsize headphones before we go.On the whole my kids are well behaved, I'm just hoping they don't go off on one of their mad ones, you know those times when they see a weakness in you and just go for it, knowing exactly how to press your buttons!We fly in just under three weeks too neenie, good luck to you as well!

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Hi, we flew with Singapore airlines at Xmas time with a 3 1/2 year old. There's no need to buy kids head phones, they have special kids ones plus they're different; they have 2 connectors not one so normal headphones are no good.


Definitely book children's meals; they come with a little lunch box full of snacks and juice to save for later. Also, bring plenty of your own snacks as my son ( normally a brilliant eater) refused to eat any of the plane food and on the first keg, our agent had forgotten to book a children's meal so he had to have an adults meal which were very rich and included ice cream with alcohol in. Singapore airlines were very apologetic and sorted it for the next leg right away, but there was nothing they could do at 3000fft in the air!


The entertainment was good, there was Disney Jr on on repeat and some good kids films like Cars 2, Madagascar (whatever number they're in now) and Ice Age (ditto), so your kids can be sure to find something familiar.


We were really lucky, Oli slept for almost all of the flights, he was asleep as we went down the runway at one point! But if your child does cry please don't spend hours 'shhhhhing' them at the top of your voice, it's way more annoying than a crying child! And after hours of shhhhing definitely don't start shhhhhing actual songs lol.


Oh and my best advice. Don't buy Trunkis, especially on your own with 2 children as they WILL want to ride on them all of the time, then they don't get the exercise benefit of walking a d the damn things just don't corner! They're ok when it's quiet but when there's other people around its difficult not to bash their legs.

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