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Australia number one choice for Brits.

Guest The Ropey HOFF

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Australia – the top destination for emigrants

Research by Moneycorp reveals that 72% of Brits would consider moving abroad.



Australia is the favourite destination for people wanting a new start – with over a quarter (27%) of those surveyed considering a life down under. Oz is particularly popular with the middle-aged; 33% of those individuals looking to move to Australia are aged between 35 and 44. Other idyllic destinations include the USA (12%), Spain (9%), Canada (7%), France (7%) and New Zealand (4%).



For many, the British weather is the clincher, with a quarter (24%) of those who would consider emigrating citing climate as one of the reasons for going. The most popular reason is general quality of life, with over half (52%) of respondents suggesting that a lifestyle change would tempt them to move abroad. Other key factors include the UK economy (16%) and the UK political environment (12%).

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Here's another one.


Half of Brits want to emigrate; Oz is top choice

by A Place in the Sun on Sunday, April 14, 2013 8:49 PM



New research from a visa application help website in the UK has revealed - not altogether surprisingly, given the source - that almost half of Britons would like to emigrate if given the opportunity. But the top 10 destinations revealed is interesting.



The study has revealed that Australia tops the list of places Britons would most like to emigrate to if given the chance, closely followed by the US and New Zealand; with ‘weather’ being the top reason for those living in the UK wanting to move.



The poll, conducted asked ‘Would you like to emigrate?’ to which 48 per cent said that ‘yes’ they would like to live in another country.



1. Australia - 62%



2. United States - 58%



3. New Zealand - 51%



4. Canada - 36%



5. Brazil - 33%



6. Turkey - 29%



7. Spain - 25%



8. UAE/Dubai – 18%



9. Norway - 16%



10. France - 11%





Respondents were then asked why they would most like to emigrate, if they had earlier admitted that leaving the UK was something they would consider. The following reasons formed the top 10:



1. For better weather - 71%



2. In search of a better career - 64%



3. For a more laid-back lifestyle - 52%



4. Friendlier people overseas - 48%



5. Lower living costs - 44%



6. Better availability for activities - 39%



7. Lower stress levels - 32%



8. Less crowding - 27%



9. Educational standards - 25%



10. Following family - 9%



“With the winter we’ve just had it’s no surprise that ‘better weather’ came out on top of the list of reasons why people would want to leave the UK

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Have to say I don't quite 'get' the percentages - seems to add up to more than 100%. Lies, damn lies and statistics??


I think it's based on the first reason why people in the UK want to emigrate and 71% said because of the weather and then they asked what the second reason was and 64% said for a better career, probably a percentage on the second reason behind the better career choice, would have said ..... The weather. And on and on ....... Lol

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Have to say I don't quite 'get' the percentages - seems to add up to more than 100%. Lies, damn lies and statistics??


They would have been able to give more than one answer. So one person may have said the weather, less crowding and better career, while another may have said lower living costs, weather and friendlier people. They would have also been able to list more than one country that they would consider moving to. Nothing to do with twisting statistics, although you could argue about the validity of it given that most of the people questioned would probably never actually go through with it.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
They would have been able to give more than one answer. So one person may have said the weather, less crowding and better career, while another may have said lower living costs, weather and friendlier people. They would have also been able to list more than one country that they would consider moving to. Nothing to do with twisting statistics, although you could argue about the validity of it given that most of the people questioned would probably never actually go through with it.


Sounds better than my idea, lol

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Im suprised at brazil and turkey and i would of thought canada would be more popular than new zealand and usa


I'm surprised Brazil and Turkey are so high as well.


No surprise that Australia is number one though.

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I think canada is a very popular one these days, suprised it wasnt up at number 2. Definitely my second choice if i ever get to move abroad in the future

Just goes to show that we should take these silly polls with a pinch of salt. I have never met anyone who has ever been asked have you?

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
well polls are as good as anything to get an idea, but whats not surprising is nearly all, well 73% want to leave the uk.........ohhhh dear does not put england in a good light lol



Bleeding Nora ....... Expect Incoming, lol

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well polls are as good as anything to get an idea, but whats not surprising is nearly all, well 73% want to leave the uk.........ohhhh dear does not put england in a good light lol


I dont believe that either. Its full of people who just say it out of habit but wouldnt actually do it. Like my mum says "wish i could just run away somewhere new and sunny" if shes feeling fed up but she'd never move away. Met lots of people like that. Its more just a dream

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
I dont believe that either. Its full of people who just say it out of habit but wouldnt actually do it. Like my mum says "wish i could just run away somewhere new and sunny" if shes feeling fed up but she'd never move away. Met lots of people like that. Its more just a dream


You might be right for the first time I have known you.


73% does seem a bit high, it's probably nearer 70% lol

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I dont believe that either. Its full of people who just say it out of habit but wouldnt actually do it. Like my mum says "wish i could just run away somewhere new and sunny" if shes feeling fed up but she'd never move away. Met lots of people like that. Its more just a dream

Well those saying or doing it = same thing to me thoughts of UK cant be that great! i agree though many would want to but certain commitments or habits hold them back. I bet ya if they not have that they would be of..........I have to say when i have been other countries they are flying the flag and obvious other displays of of being proud of their nation, though they may move to other countries they stiill regard the native land as home.....we dont, but is that as we are more reserved mmmm not so sure on that one x

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I dont believe that either. Its full of people who just say it out of habit but wouldnt actually do it. Like my mum says "wish i could just run away somewhere new and sunny" if shes feeling fed up but she'd never move away. Met lots of people like that. Its more just a dream


If its a competition on how many people want to migrate to it the compared to the UK Australia gets a giant wooden spoon.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Lets not talk negatively about the UK, this threads about how much emigrating to Australia appeals to folk.

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Well those saying or doing it = same thing to me thoughts of UK cant be that great! i agree though many would want to but certain commitments or habits hold them back. I bet ya if they not have that they would be of..........I have to say when i have been other countries they are flying the flag and obvious other displays of of being proud of their nation, though they may move to other countries they stiill regard the native land as home.....we dont, but is that as we are more reserved mmmm not so sure on that one x


I think a lot of those people would just feel like that no matter what country they were in. Met a mixture of people who say they would love to move but then they actually wouldnt and others who say things like the spiders would stop them lol

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