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Moving to Australia from India


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Hello All


This is my first post here, I hope I shall get the answers from this group. Please direct me to the right group in case I am wrong.


Appreciating your help on this.


As Australia is a new country for me and I have no much idea about. These are what I need to know.

1) As being in IT I am planning to look in Sydney? Is that right choice. I am working with PERL and Shell scripting currently. Is it better to look for some other state in terms of Jobs?

2) How much cash I should carry before coming to Australia (Like an average). I am OK to go in Sharing accommodation initially.?

3) I have to reach Australia before Feb 2014, So what is the best time to arrive there as there will be holidays and financial year plans for companies. So wanted to come in time when generally the Job season starts?

4) In some sites I have seen people telling to take some Job oriented courses and settle down?

5) For the PR , is it easier to get Govt Jobs or I presume there is some restriction for the same.

6) I searched in some websites like seek and all but they seem to reject. Not sure because I am doing from INDIA. They haven;t mentioned any reason as of that. What is your advice on this?

7) I heard government gives some benefits for the PR initially till we get a job. Not very clear about this.


8) Is it better to bring the family along initially so that PR benefits can be claimed. Can it be claimed when I am coming alone?


9) Any cheap options to stay in Sydney in terms of Sharing accomodation,.....







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Welcome anish,

A good time to come is early in the New Year. Many people change jobs at Christmas and then take off on hols for a couple of weeks. Less people around for interviews in January and more desperate employers looking for new year staff. Sounds like you have PR- I think there is a qualifying period before you can claim benefits though. The amount of cash you bring is up to you but you probably need to cover 3 months living and renting expenses at least in case you take a while to get a job. For government jobs you sometimes have to be an Australian citizen first- not always but you should check. Good luck!

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I would have to disagree with you Starlight I think early new year is the worst time to look for a job in Oz - it is the holiday period and no-one is looking to hire anyone until summer hols are over. There is hardly anyone around job wise. I would definitely not come before say March when everyone is back on board. Oops just saw Anish needs to come in Feb 2014 - I would leave it as late as you can Anish.

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I would have to disagree with you Starlight I think early new year is the worst time to look for a job in Oz - it is the holiday period and no-one is looking to hire anyone until summer hols are over. There is hardly anyone around job wise. I would definitely not come before say March when everyone is back on board. Oops just saw Anish needs to come in Feb 2014 - I would leave it as late as you can Anish.


I'd agree with this. I arrived in Dec 2012 and didn't get a job until March 2013. December/January is totally dead, end of February onwards is better.

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Thanks starlight, blossom,dxbox, bromney for your responses. I am planning to book around February 2014 and come there. What is the best mode to search jobs there? I looked in seek from here and it looks nothing is turning up and they don't shortlist. Hoping they see Indian Address and ignore it. So I have not applied any further. Waiting for Feb and need to apply once reaching there.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Is it just me that gets frustrated reading posts like this, when you have someone coming from another country immediately looking for 'benefits'?


Winds me up!


Not at all as the poster is very very clear he wants to find a job. The questions about benefits are just to ensure he has the full information which is very sensible in my opinion.

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This isn't the place for discussing the rights and wrongs of claiming benefits when you first arrive. If you would like to do that please feel free to start a debate in the news, chat and dilemmas section.

Any more on this thread not answering the op's questions will be deleted.

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i agree with you, you need to be fully prepared for every eventuality and ensuring security of his family. The OP is actively seeking work and benefits was just one of many questions.


Anishkapillai, i am in the UK early in the process of moving there so cannot advise on the job situation or your address. However i have heard of many people overseas securing work prior to arrival, so i would continue to apply and even contact company's directly, it will do no harm. You can always follow up when you are there just ensure you state clearly you have PR.Also there are many from India that are there i do not see this as an issue personally so long as your english is of a good standard, but hopefully those living there can answer that for certain. Good luck in your search and journey x

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