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Poor exchange rate

saunders clan

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

It's a nightmare, we are down by over $200,000 mostly because Australia has been booming for 5 years and the UK has been in recession, or flatlined, but ...... There's a glimmer of hope, the UK is starting to slightly pick up and Australia's economy looks like it might be slightly slowing down, which has already seen the dollar go up by 20 cents to the £1.

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It's a nightmare, we are down by over $200,000 mostly because Australia has been booming for 5 years and the UK has been in recession, or flatlined, but ...... There's a glimmer of hope, the UK is starting to slightly pick up and Australia's economy looks like it might be slightly slowing down, which has already seen the dollar go up by 20 cents to the £1.

what do you mean you are down by $200,00?

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Theres only one way i can look at it tbh,yes it was about 2.4 to the £ when i started the process of immigration,but i wasnt able to go then,so it is what it is,disappointing yeah,but i never had that money to lose out on exchange rate in my hands,its just one of those things,Aus isnt the financial utopia it once was,that much is obvious now,if people are migrating there now its because they want to try Aus,"not" for financial reasons like it was with some in the past.

The rate seems to be going up a bit tho,so i'll take any small increase as a bonus and box on

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Theres only one way i can look at it tbh,yes it was about 2.4 to the £ when i started the process of immigration,but i wasnt able to go then,so it is what it is,disappointing yeah,but i never had that money to lose out on exchange rate in my hands,its just one of those things,Aus isnt the financial utopia it once was,that much is obvious now,if people are migrating there now its because they want to try Aus,"not" for financial reasons like it was with some in the past.

The rate seems to be going up a bit tho,so i'll take any small increase as a bonus and box on


What happened with your visa Pablo.... Has it run out now or are you still looking to move....

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What happened with your visa Pablo.... Has it run out now or are you still looking to move....


I will have the answer to that in maybe a few weeks time mate,but yeah,still 95% want to try it,not 100% anymore,as we were going as a cpl,if i go now im going alone,with no family etc there,but still want to find out for meself,things are very complicated over the hse due to my ex partner, and chances are i will need the equity to go

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I will have the answer to that in maybe a few weeks time mate,but yeah,still 95% want to try it,not 100% anymore,as we were going as a cpl,if i go now im going alone,with no family etc there,but still want to find out for meself,things are very complicated over the hse due to my ex partner, and chances are i will need the equity to go


It seems a shame if you don't go and let the visa expire.... Do you think you will apply for another visa if it does.... Would you be eligible now....

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I will have the answer to that in maybe a few weeks time mate,but yeah,still 95% want to try it,not 100% anymore,as we were going as a cpl,if i go now im going alone,with no family etc there,but still want to find out for meself,things are very complicated over the hse due to my ex partner, and chances are i will need the equity to go

where theres a will theres a way im sure u will work out whats best for you, and hey plenty go it alone, and plenty new fresh people and faces to meet im sure....just dont let time run out on ya xx

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It's a nightmare, we are down by over $200,000 mostly because Australia has been booming for 5 years and the UK has been in recession, or flatlined, but ...... There's a glimmer of hope, the UK is starting to slightly pick up and Australia's economy looks like it might be slightly slowing down, which has already seen the dollar go up by 20 cents to the £1.

200k oooo i would luv to know what its like to even have 0's after my balance of £20 in my bank account haha..............gutted for ya though if u lost all that x

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
200k oooo i would luv to know what its like to even have 0's after my balance of £20 in my bank account haha..............gutted for ya though if u lost all that x



You will eventually you look like a young lass, me I'm in my 40s and have been lucky to have paid hoff my mortgage on my lovely 4 bedroomed detached house. I could afford a huge new state of the art house near the coast with a swimming pool and jacuzzi, but due to the pound crashing against the dollar, partly because Oz has been booming I can't do this anymore, but ...... The dollars creeping back up.

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Theres only one way i can look at it tbh,yes it was about 2.4 to the £ when i started the process of immigration,but i wasnt able to go then,so it is what it is,disappointing yeah,but i never had that money to lose out on exchange rate in my hands,its just one of those things,Aus isnt the financial utopia it once was,that much is obvious now,if people are migrating there now its because they want to try Aus,"not" for financial reasons like it was with some in the past.

The rate seems to be going up a bit tho,so i'll take any small increase as a bonus and box on


You're absolutely right - you can't look at it that way. But it's extremely hard not to remember the days of 2. something to the £!

If you want to emigrate to Australia you definitely have to do it because you want to be an Ozzie.

Sorry to hear about your bad luck recently. I hope you still manage to get over there.

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You will eventually you look like a young lass, me I'm in my 40s and have been lucky to have paid hoff my mortgage on my lovely 4 bedroomed detached house. I could afford a huge new state of the art house near the coast with a swimming pool and jacuzzi, but due to the pound crashing against the dollar, partly because Oz has been booming I can't do this any more, but ...... The dollars creeping back up.

ooo i wish lol im 39 now feel time running and many wrong decisions including a 15 marriage that ended with not getting anything out of it as he was an asshole, as it turned out. However im independent strong and hard-worker and not stupid......so eventually be where i want to be, liking your house by the beach with jacuzzi so u never know with some wise choices....:wink:

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i personally didnt wait for anything to change with the cash thing, it seems weird to wait until a country is getting poorer before you move there.

the only way this makes any sense to me is if you're moving there to retire, and keeping the index link on a uk pention.

every month you wait, you wont get back, make sure you make the most of them!

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You're absolutely right - you can't look at it that way. But it's extremely hard not to remember the days of 2. something to the £!

If you want to emigrate to Australia you definitely have to do it because you want to be an Ozzie.

Sorry to hear about your bad luck recently. I hope you still manage to get over there.


It is a pain that the rate has dropped,but i never physically had it in my hand,so i have to look at it in a pragmatic way tbh

I want to live in Aus,but i'll always be a scouser,too old in the tooth to change that now sadly lol

Thank you for your kind words,appreciate it

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
It is a pain that the rate has dropped,but i never physically had it in my hand,so i have to look at it in a pragmatic way tbh

I want to live in Aus,but i'll always be a scouser,too old in the tooth to change that now sadly lol

Thank you for your kind words,appreciate it



It dropped like a brick and has stayed there for quite awhile, once it goes down 20 to 30 cents, you hope it's going to go back up like it usually does, but not this time, it's stayed low for a long time now and when people start planning to go they work out just how much they have and in a flash it's decimated, not everyone obviously, but it effects a lot of folk. Like I say, it's creeping back up ....... Slowly.

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It dropped like a brick and has stayed there for quite awhile, once it goes down 20 to 30 cents, you hope it's going to go back up like it usually does, but not this time, it's stayed low for a long time now and when people start planning to go they work out just how much they have and in a flash it's decimated, not everyone obviously, but it effects a lot of folk. Like I say, it's creeping back up ....... Slowly.


No i know that mate,people make plans based on a certain rate,i understand,i could do with an extra few bob meself,but theres no point in me moping over something i never actually had in my hands,for me thinking of "what if's" doesnt give me a positive mindset,so i try not to

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
No i know that mate,people make plans based on a certain rate,i understand,i could do with an extra few bob meself,but theres no point in me moping over something i never actually had in my hands,for me thinking of "what if's" doesnt give me a positive mindset,so i try not to



Its different for us being less than ten years from retirement and having paid off our mortgage, we won't and can't really start again with another mortgage, especially when we didn't have to before the UK crashed in 2008 and it's starting to pick up at long last, so hopefully the dollar will creep back up to the $2 mark.

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Its different for us being less than ten years from retirement and having paid off our mortgage, we won't and can't really start again with another mortgage, especially when we didn't have to before the UK crashed in 2008 and it's starting to pick up at long last, so hopefully the dollar will creep back up to the $2 mark.


The highlighted is your dilemma Jim,do you come out of your comfort zone(which youve both worked for,i know),and try a new life with all its uncertainties ,and maybe a small mortgage in Aus,or do can you forget Aus and be content even though you do want to try living there?as i say,its your dilemma,only you will decide in the end.

To be perfectly honest,i would financially be better off staying here,im also no spring chick any more,if i go and things dont work out,i could be back here on the bones of my arse in 6 months or so,but i have to give it a go and see(if i get the opportunity,£ allowing),i dont want to be sitting here in yrs to come wondering if i'd have settled in Aus,i have to find out "if" i can,im single too now,so its easier for me i suppose,but Aus could be a very costly mistake all the same,but i still have to try mate

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
The highlighted is your dilemma Jim,do you come out of your comfort zone(which youve both worked for,i know),and try a new life with all its uncertainties ,and maybe a small mortgage in Aus,or do can you forget Aus and be content even though you do want to try living there?as i say,its your dilemma,only you will decide in the end.

To be perfectly honest,i would financially be better off staying here,im also no spring chick any more,if i go and things dont work out,i could be back here on the bones of my arse in 6 months or so,but i have to give it a go and see(if i get the opportunity,£ allowing),i dont want to be sitting here in yrs to come wondering if i'd have settled in Aus,i have to find out "if" i can,im single too now,so its easier for me i suppose,but Aus could be a very costly mistake all the same,but i still have to try mate



You are a wise ..... Oldish owl aren't you, lol


There are so many little issues, pros and cons, individual to every person, every couple and every family, which makes emigrating a really difficult decision. We are planners and not real risk takers, so it will either be planned right for us, or we won't go. We have it really good here in the UK and early retirement is a massive bonus and not to be, not seriously taken in to account.

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You are a wise ..... Oldish owl aren't you, lol


There are so many little issues, pros and cons, individual to every person, every couple and every family, which makes emigrating a really difficult decision. We are planners and not real risk takers, so it will either be planned right for us, or we won't go. We have it really good here in the UK and early retirement is a massive bonus and not to be, not seriously taken in to account.


No,i know you like your security mate,picked up on that yrs ago,youre occupations will influence your thinking as well to be fair,job for life and pension kinda thing,im different,im a bit of a chancer,i like taking risks sometimes,giving meself a bit of a dare/challenge,and domesticity bores me tbh,still think im younger than i am,then i look in the mirror :twitcy:!

I guess it boils down to having one last adventure for me mate,but as we've both said,circumstances and people are different,each to their own,no right,no wrong

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