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Pet Shop Puppies


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I just wanted to bring this to peoples attention who may be unaware of these practices throughout Australia. In Britain as far as I am aware the sale of puppies from pet stores is not acceptable and no longer popular, however it still happens in Australia. Ive never really thought much of it apart from feeling sorry for the poor puppies but today we popped into Pet City and I happened to ask one of the assistants where the puppies went at night. They stay here she said, I was genuinely shocked that the animals are left for 15 hours alone in the dark after having little human contact all day. Call me naive but I honestly thought they must go somewhere else..dont ask me where! When we got home my son was really quiet then burst into tears about 'the puppies'.


It prompted me to do a bit of research on where the dogs come from and how this is legal. I found out about Oscars Law, a campaign to end puppy farms and abolish the sale of dogs in pet shops. Please take the time to have a look at the website and sign the petition . Every little helps.



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Great post.


Pet shop puppies = puppy farm puppies.


Best way to buy a pup if you really want one us to research, research some more, make sure the breed is for you and will fit in with how you live your life and all to reliable reputable registered breeders. Go on a wait list for a pup if need be, gives you more time to be sure.

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Have to admit, we bought ours from a pet shop. It wasnt planned. He was a pup chihuahua, and we saw him there and thought he was lovelly. But didnt want to buy him. But, nobody else did. So, he was sat there in this little cage outside shaking away for weeks. We would walk past regularly and see him getting more and more withdrawn. So, in the end we decided we couldnt bear to see him suffering like that anymore. That was 5 years ago and he is our best friend.


He is now the most spoilt little thing in the world (last break my spending on him included a new bed for the car - he likes to travel in style, a new bed for his main bed covered after his old one fell apart, a new doggy door. Two baby gates to stop him getting out. A fur throw as he loves the one we have, but the trainer says he isnt allowed on the furniture at the moment (we are having him trained by Bark Busters as he has some bad habbits - mainly our fault) a new coat and a new set of pygames for bed time.


He is insured, but, just in case of emergency he has his own credit card (platinum of course)


He gets a two hour walk on a morning with a run on the beach and an hour on a night.


In affect, there is nothing we would not do for him.


So, while i dont agree in buying them from shops. We feel in some ways we rescued him

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Guest Guest16631

.....I too bought one from a pet shop.......

......same story as VS.........

......watched him get more and more withdrawn.....

.......drew out my holiday savings......

.......and he 's one of the motley crew.......

........no credit card though ...lol....

.........not even I have one of those......

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I agree with your sentiments VS, I would have felt the very same had I not done the bit of research I have today. It would be awesome if we could take them all home for them never to be replaced but unfortunately apparently when we buy from pet shops we perpetuate the problem. Not blaming you in any way Stormy at all. I could have taken them all home today, I saw the withdrawn ones, obviously been there a little longer, one beagle was on his own, his pal just sold as we entered the store. Poor babies. I just realised our greyhound was likely raised on a puppy farm, shes one of the lucky ones to make it onto the rescue programme. Your pooch sounds like he landed in the right place, our boy is obsessed with chihuahuas but I fear one wouldnt last long in our house with our big gangly girl. She wouldnt hurt a small dog, contrary to fellow walkers opinion, who scoop up little precious as we pass but she could trample in her excitement!

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I got two of my cats from pet shops (as the charities I approached either didn't bother to reply to emails or got snotty with me for phoning instead of emailing- which they had ignored).

The second one was unplanned, he was just so cute, purring and prutting, and all on his own. He was only $30. The woman there said that they get boxes of kittens dumped or given to them all the time. The people who dropped Boris off told her he was 8 weeks, but she said she would be surprised if he was older than 6 (the vet agreed). The $30 was just what they had spent worming, flea treating, feeding and setting him up with litter. Poor little thing.


The first kitten we got was free as someone had dumped a box of them on the doorstep of a pet and garden store. Lack of people getting their cats desexed is shocking.

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I agree with your sentiments VS, I would have felt the very same had I not done the bit of research I have today. It would be awesome if we could take them all home for them never to be replaced but unfortunately apparently when we buy from pet shops we perpetuate the problem. Not blaming you in any way Stormy at all. I could have taken them all home today, I saw the withdrawn ones, obviously been there a little longer, one beagle was on his own, his pal just sold as we entered the store. Poor babies. I just realised our greyhound was likely raised on a puppy farm, shes one of the lucky ones to make it onto the rescue programme. Your pooch sounds like he landed in the right place, our boy is obsessed with chihuahuas but I fear one wouldnt last long in our house with our big gangly girl. She wouldnt hurt a small dog, contrary to fellow walkers opinion, who scoop up little precious as we pass but she could trample in her excitement!


Oh, you would be surprised. Mine prefers to play with big dogs - his two best friends were rottys! Now it is a border collie.

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I just wanted to bring this to peoples attention who may be unaware of these practices throughout Australia. In Britain as far as I am aware the sale of puppies from pet stores is not acceptable and no longer popular, however it still happens in Australia. Ive never really thought much of it apart from feeling sorry for the poor puppies but today we popped into Pet City and I happened to ask one of the assistants where the puppies went at night. They stay here she said, I was genuinely shocked that the animals are left for 15 hours alone in the dark after having little human contact all day. Call me naive but I honestly thought they must go somewhere else..dont ask me where! When we got home my son was really quiet then burst into tears about 'the puppies'.


It prompted me to do a bit of research on where the dogs come from and how this is legal. I found out about Oscars Law, a campaign to end puppy farms and abolish the sale of dogs in pet shops. Please take the time to have a look at the website and sign the petition . Every little helps.





I've just signed the petition and liked their Facebook page.

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Guest Guest16631

..........mine are from the RSPCA........

..........a pet shop......

..........and one we took from a abusive home......

..........I would take them all.......

...........and often am asked to look after animals when owners no longer want them......

...........and there are plenty of us out there......

...........but there are plenty of unscrupulous people.....

............breeding dogs in poor conditions......

............selling them cheep ......poorly looked after from day one...

.............ensuring problems down the track......

.............they are often off the beaten track......

..............and rarely found out........

..............I agree......stop the pet shops selling them.....

.............stamp out puppy farms......

..............but......make an RSPCA animal more attractive.....

..............perhaps if these pets were more affordable......

..............and came with extras.......training for owner and pet....

..............help maintaining health.......

...............then perhaps more people would go there......

...............to me they need to compete ........

.................show their dogs are worthy of a look.....

.................come with so much more than these other places offer....

..................and then hopefully these other places will have no customers and have to close down....

.................sorry bit of a ramble but a subject I feel strongly about.......tink x

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..........mine are from the RSPCA........

..........a pet shop......

..........and one we took from a abusive home......

..........I would take them all.......

...........and often am asked to look after animals when owners no longer want them......

...........and there are plenty of us out there......

...........but there are plenty of unscrupulous people.....

............breeding dogs in poor conditions......

............selling them cheep ......poorly looked after from day one...

.............ensuring problems down the track......

.............they are often off the beaten track......

..............and rarely found out........

..............I agree......stop the pet shops selling them.....

.............stamp out puppy farms......

..............but......make an RSPCA animal more attractive.....

..............perhaps if these pets were more affordable......

..............and came with extras.......training for owner and pet....

..............help maintaining health.......

...............then perhaps more people would go there......

...............to me they need to compete ........

.................show their dogs are worthy of a look.....

.................come with so much more than these other places offer....

..................and then hopefully these other places will have no customers and have to close down....

.................sorry bit of a ramble but a subject I feel strongly about.......tink x

Agree with making the RSPCA more attractive. They were charging I think it was $250 for a cat when I was looking. We ended up with three. That would have been a lot of money when you add on jabs, desexing (I think they have you a discount on that, don't remember off hand). Just getting the cats would have cost us $750 without the extras. We ended up paying $230. With that money we managed to make our house attractive for our house cats, and build an outdoor cat run. Ohhhhh, and get them desexed!

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I think rescue dogs are a good price for what you get, a neutered, wormed, vaccinated pet in good health ( as far as can possibly be ascertained) We paid $350 for our girl, she was just 2 when we had her and still a baby really. Greyhound pups cost megabucks. I say we got a good deal and did a good turn for her. So many unwanted animals out there desperate for homes. If I win lotto I'll open a big sanctuary but it stil would just be a drop in the ocean. Compulsary neutering of non breeding animals and good regulation on pet ownership is important. Pedigrees are big business, worth a fortune, I couldnt believe the cost, we were looking into getting a doberman in the future as a watchdog and they are VERY expensive. Also struggled to find a breeder who didnt dock tails and ears which I think is very inappropriate and unecessary.

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Other side of the coin, i know i'm a responsible pet owner its part of being a grown up. Who the hell do the rspca think they are with their we'll come round and assess you then come round later after we've placed a pet with you and may take the pets back off you after a further vist. Made me not want to engage with them. Nah mine are from a pet shop and have quite a nice life (apart from the cats not being allowed off the property).

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I must say that if I was buying a pedigree pup and it was a planned purchase I would want to see the puppies with Mum and selct mine, I would want to know that they were from healthy , well cared for stock and get expert advice on follow up care from the specialised breeder. We have always had rescue dogs so far but are planning a pedigree pup for our next dog when we move. I'd have a houseful if I could. I just adore dogs, they are the best. Wouldn't be fair at the moment though, our girl does well when we're out at work, never moves, just sleeps but she's always been vey laid back. Non demanding but affectionate and playful. Such a great breed and very misunderstood.

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Does anyone know anything about Pet Barn? I did some googling because I want to do volunteer dog walking at rescue centres, and found a Petbarn in Sydney who do dog walking and 'puppy cuddling' events every Saturday. Not sure if I could get involved in something that promotes puppy farming, but surely a rescue centre would want nothing to do with it??

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I dont know why people moan about the donations that they have to give to charity, im sure it barely even covers the work they do. You get a cat or dog thats been neutered, vaccinated, vet checked microchipped and you know its been well looked after. I got my dog from a advert in the paper which i wouldnt do again although her owners seemed a nice couple. I'd go to a rescue center next time. I hate seeing some of the adverts on gumtree etc. I actually saw one being advertised in exchange for a playstation

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I don't know rspca policy but yes Stacey as far as I was aware most charities basically give them away after all the veterinary care they receive. I forgot about microchipping too. GAP, greyhounds as pets microchip, neuter, worm, flea and tick treat and provide basic training and socialisation to their dogs pre adoption through the foster carer scheme of which we were part of for a short period. I think $350 just covers their costs tbh

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I only know from this side about the SSPCA,the dogs trust and the cats protection. Im sure the sspca and dogs trust take less than £200 which is a fair amount for all the work plus your doing a good deed aswell. With the cats protection charity we used to get the cats coming into the vets i worked at and the if the cats hadnt already had their op then the charity gave the owner a voucher to give to the vet. Im sure it was free but if not then it was at least 50% off. Cant really complain about that!


So many people are breeding dogs for money without actually knowing what they are doing, just to make a quick buck. Its so sad to see so many dogs in the rescue centers

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Guest Guest26012

We bought our last dog from a pet shop. She's a lovely dog. However, my next dog is going to be a pug and I will get one from a breeder!

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Guest Guest26012
Ive just been on the shenton park dogs home website, 2 pugs on there needing a good home, need to go together though



Cant have one yet till our new house is built but thanks for that!

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