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Adelaide or perth or canberra , which one is better


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I am in process of applying state sponsorship and the states that we can apply to is sa, wa or act. I m in dilemma as to which will be better for us. I am banker and my wife is in hr occupation. we are also concerned about the job as to how long does it normally takes to get one. we are not eleigible for other states.

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I would not have thought any of those states would be particularly good for bankers, you would need Sydney or Melbourne for best options really. Presumably you need state sponsorship as the occupation is only on the CSOL?


I don't know that there is any average time that has meaning, some people find work in a week, I have seen others take over a year.

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Thanks Rupert for the reply.. we cant go sydney or melbourne as our occupation is not in their list..human resource adviser occupation(wife occupation) is available in adelaide, perth or cranberra... so we r thinkin about these 3 places... so which city would u recommend out of these three....

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All 3 have their risks TBH. WA is experiencing something of a down turn and the miners are laying people off. Canberra seems to be thriving but with a possible change of government coming up it could well see lots of PS positions cut (which you wouldn't be eligible or anyway) which would effectively flood the market. Don't know about Adelaide but its one of those neither here nor there type places and someone who does know says that the job market is slowing down (see above). So, toss a coin and see what comes up, they're all looking a bit ropey at the mo.

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I am preferring adelaide out of these as perth anyways will be too far from rest of the world and cranberra seems to be small town with no life ... Adealide seems to be beautiful city... wht u guys ve to say about dat,,, banks and hr jobs i believe will be avilable in any of these 3 cities....

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Adelaide is also small compared to the other cities in Australia.How come you're not considering any other of the cities?You need to be very careful where you choose to settle.I was only reading the Adelaide news last week,and the trend is starting to sway towards employing aussies as opposed to immigrants.Not in all cases mind you,but with some area's of emplyment opportunities drying up,can't say I really blame them for looking after their own.

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wht is on avrge monthly expenditure for a couple considering paying rent of nicely build 1 room or 2 room house near beach in adelaide and not vry far from city also...


Try this site




Look up on google maps for the suburb names as if you only put in Adelaide you get a very limited area and nothing near the beach.

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I don't think job options are particularly good here in Adelaide for banking - I changed my mobile phone the other day and was chatting to the indian guy working in Vodafone - he said he was in finance and banking before he came over and has had absolutely no success in finding anything here in the same field - and he has been here about four years, trying all that time! Have also seen a few threads on the sister site, Poms in Adelaide, about people in HR having no luck either, so do think very carefully before putting all your eggs in the Adelaide basket!

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Guest Southern Cross Personnel

We are located in Adelaide and at the moment the market has slowed down considerably. I know of several HR professionals who are struggling to find contracts at the moment and depending on what banking experience you have you might need to be prepared to take a more junior role to what you currently are. Right now it may be a better option to consolidate further finances and leave any thoughts of a move until after the federal election in September

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I have been in Adelaide 6 years now (from the UK) and HR is a difficult field to get into, although not impossible as I managed it. The Adelaide job market has slowed down considerably over the last 12 months. I do a lot of contract/project work in HR/recruitment/training and contracts are getting harder to find and there are plenty of people fighting for the roles who have Australian work experience, local knowledge and contacts who you will be competing against.

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