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Even if you absolutely HATE football, watch State of Origin tonight!


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Chris Smith had Tommy Radonakous talking about Origin and he said to Tom "I am giving you a minute air time to imagine you are talking to the NSW team before the game."


Beeping beep Queensland beep beeping beep. He lives in QLD too.

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Guest GeorgeD
Typical PB arrogance


You've lost me. On several counts...


1) What does Perthbum have to do with anything?

2) If it is a reference to Pommy Barstewards...I am not a Pom, never have been and never wil be

3) I was supporting Australia. I cheered when Australia went ahead

4) I read the review of the Japan-Australia game on the ABC website this morning. In the Football section. The Origin games are covered in the NRL section.


Incidentally, Japan are the highest FIFA ranked Football team in AsiaPac, so a draw in Japan in a World Cup Qualifier is actually a really good result for Australia, and it was an entertining football spectacle for all viewers.


So yeah...I'm a bit confused why you're so upset...

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<Guilty pleasure> I quite like 9's RL commentators/pundits. Much better than Fox Sports ones </Guilty pleasure>


I don't mind them either (except Hadley), I actually really like Gould, but the cross-promotion (stay tuned for the Block where they'll be........), the odds being spruiked and the ads do my head in so I listen to the ABC.


Saying that found out how hard all that stuff is this morning. Filmed an advert that's going to be shown on Imparja and WIN during the Footy Show, Friday Night Football, Sunday Footy Show and Sunday Football for the rest of the season.


I could use the excuse that I didn't know I was going to do it, I was working all night and driving home at 0830 this morning got stopped and told "go home and get changed, we're filming down at the Oval".


But in reality I was just terrible at it. I'm not going to take the piss out of those crappy Aus ads any more.

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I stand suitably corrected and besmirched.


For a while I thought you were just being a typical arrogant PB. I forgive you for following girlyball, but only because you said such nice things about Australia.



You've lost me. On several counts...


1) What does Perthbum have to do with anything?

2) If it is a reference to Pommy Barstewards...I am not a Pom, never have been and never wil be

3) I was supporting Australia. I cheered when Australia went ahead

4) I read the review of the Japan-Australia game on the ABC website this morning. In the Football section. The Origin games are covered in the NRL section.


Incidentally, Japan are the highest FIFA ranked Football team in AsiaPac, so a draw in Japan in a World Cup Qualifier is actually a really good result for Australia, and it was an entertining football spectacle for all viewers.


So yeah...I'm a bit confused why you're so upset...

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Guest chris955
And this is why you failed in Aus, yes?


Undoubtedly yes, that and the fact I dont like Vegemite.

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It's on Channel 9 so the best thing to do is watch it on mute and listen to the ABC Radio commentary.




Are you sure there won't be time lapse like in the cricket with ABC a second or two behind? I miss Roy and HG's commentary.

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Guest chris955

But I like cricket, cold beer, meat pies and kangaroos.


Not JUST rugby league but Aussie Rules, Super Rugby, A League, cricket, cold beer, meat pies, kangaroos & Holden cars
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Guest Ptp113
At the end of the day it is just Rugby League regardless of who is playing.


Compared to what exactly?

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Whole NSW pack superb but especially Greg Bird and Luke Lewis



Ferguson and Maloney rock solid and occasionally dangerous on debut. Hayne unbelievable dynamic. Too many handling errors but no real weak links


Superb! Wish I could have been there (should have been but as per previous, gave ticket away)


I have tickets for Game 3 now though. I hope it's a dead rubber by then....

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