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4 bedroom period home for sale in Surrey, UK with land

Mrs Keeneyboy

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We are looking to sell our much treasured home before making the big move to Oz.


It sits on just over 3 acres and is accessed down an unmade track surrounded by countryside.


Just 2 miles to mainline station makes London accessible in just 35 mins.


​Please PM me if you would like details.






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Hi Quoll,


It is very much loved, we've been here 13 years. Friends & family come here to 'escape' life.


Our feeling has always been that if we were to rent it, we perhaps wouldn't engage fully in Oz life and lay down new roots.


We feel its time for a change and are really looking forward to the next chapter!


I see you are in Cambridge, are you in the process of moving to Oz or have you returned to UK?

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Just wondering what opinions people have -


For those who sold up and made the move to Oz, do you feel that it helped you to put down new roots? Have you settled or have you regretted selling your UK home?


For those that rented their homes out in the UK, are you comforted by the fact that you could return if you so wanted or does knowing you have a home in the UK make you feel less settled?


Mrs K x

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I think you need to sell to put down roots - but the exchange rate is rubbish at the moment - so if I did it now I would rent out my house and rent in Oz. Not ideal - but I'd kick myself if I got caught with rates moving the other way.


Just wondering what opinions people have -


For those who sold up and made the move to Oz, do you feel that it helped you to put down new roots? Have you settled or have you regretted selling your UK home?


For those that rented their homes out in the UK, are you comforted by the fact that you could return if you so wanted or does knowing you have a home in the UK make you feel less settled?


Mrs K x

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I had a nose just because I love houses and we are looking for a house in the UK with land (but not in Surrey!). We left a house behind in the UK not by choice but because we couldn't sell. It wasn't our family home, which we did sell, just an investment property so maybe that makes a difference but I don't think it made any difference to us settling.


We have had a long roller coaster journey and are now heading back, it was suggested by someone on here that because we had the house we had never fully commited to Australia but they didn't know the full cicumstances and that's not the case at all.


The reality is it doesn't work out for everyone - love it and having a house back in the UK will make no difference, hate it and it will be a lifeline. If you sell it and hate Australia, you'll go back anyway. Yes having a house is making it slightly easier for us but we plan to move on after 6 months anyway, we are traeting it as a rental, it's just we are the landloards :)


TBH I'd think about it like an accountant, what makes most sense financially.


We are not certain we won't return to Oz (we were 100% certain we'd never return to the UK so I've learnt my lesson on certainty!) and did discuss renting our house out for a year until we are certain but the rent wouldn't cover the mortgage so we'd have to send money to Oz each month, we built it ourselves and still have the plans so if we moved back and really wanted the same house we could build it again and the risk of us moving back is very small given we are moving back to a country we know well as opposed to moving into the unknown, my parents are in their 80s and even if I did think we'd made a mistake moving back I'd live with it rather than leaving them again.


Mind you never say never, one of our friends has opened a book on FB tonight on how long it is before we return :)


Statistically around 20% of people move back, so if you were one of them how would you feel if you had sold your house?

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Hi Jules,


Where are you looking to return to? What a shame it's not Surrey, we could've just swapped :wink:


We made the decision following a visit 2 years ago. I think like most people, we think it will bring us a different taste of life, not necessarily better just different. Since joining this forum, I have read so many threads that have been extremely thought provoking and I almost feel as though I have been there and done it without ever leaving home if you know what I mean! Some comments have helped me understand the reality and the reasons it does/doesn't work for some. I keep an open mind and feel prepared for the possible challenges that lie ahead. As for your question on 'how will I feel if I've sold my home here' I really don't know, will let you know down the line hopefully with a glass of fizz in hand and enjoying whatever Oz has to offer!

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Guest Guest26012
Hi Jules,


Where are you looking to return to? What a shame it's not Surrey, we could've just swapped :wink:


We made the decision following a visit 2 years ago. I think like most people, we think it will bring us a different taste of life, not necessarily better just different. Since joining this forum, I have read so many threads that have been extremely thought provoking and I almost feel as though I have been there and done it without ever leaving home if you know what I mean! Some comments have helped me understand the reality and the reasons it does/doesn't work for some. I keep an open mind and feel prepared for the possible challenges that lie ahead. As for your question on 'how will I feel if I've sold my home here' I really don't know, will let you know down the line hopefully with a glass of fizz in hand and enjoying whatever Oz has to offer!


Hi, lovely post, by the way! It's hard selling your home in the uk, all the emotion that goes with it. I found it hard but it was necessary to make a life here! It's swings and roundabouts I guess? Make the break or hold on just in case? I was of the mind that emigrating was for ever, and for us, it looks that way. Had we kept our house in the uk it would have been too easy, at wobbly moments, to go back! No wobbly moments now so maybe selling was the right decision? Good luck!

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Personally I don't think it makes any difference to commitment. We've not sold our place in Aus even though we are back in UK. I guess the DH might think it will ensure we return but I don't think it's made any difference to our commitment to living here. We sold our house in Bristol when we went to Aus over 30 yrs ago and I do regret that but we needed the money and had no emotional attachment to it, it would have been sensible to have treated it as an investment TBH.


I just don't get the imperative "to make it work" - if you love it then you love it. If you don't love it then you don't have to continue banging your head against the wall until you do love it (living in Australia), you take whatever steps to get a life you do love and sometimes there are things that come out of left field at you. Personally, the older I get the more conservative I get and usually try and make decisions without leaving a swathe of burned bridges in my wake! Added to that, this isn't a great time to be a) selling in UK or b) sending money from UK to Aus. The stars might be a bit more auspicious a bit further down the track.


In answer to your question I was to all intents and purposes happily settled in Australia for 32 yrs (8months and 3 days) but finally managed to escape in 2011 - despite being perfectly settled I have never felt that I belonged there and no house ownership here or there would have made me feel otherwise.


Good luck with your adventure, just think twice about setting fire to the bridges!

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Personally I don't think it makes any difference to commitment. We've not sold our place in Aus even though we are back in UK. I guess the DH might think it will ensure we return but I don't think it's made any difference to our commitment to living here. We sold our house in Bristol when we went to Aus over 30 yrs ago and I do regret that but we needed the money and had no emotional attachment to it, it would have been sensible to have treated it as an investment TBH.


I just don't get the imperative "to make it work" - if you love it then you love it. If you don't love it then you don't have to continue banging your head against the wall until you do love it (living in Australia), you take whatever steps to get a life you do love and sometimes there are things that come out of left field at you. Personally, the older I get the more conservative I get and usually try and make decisions without leaving a swathe of burned bridges in my wake! Added to that, this isn't a great time to be a) selling in UK or b) sending money from UK to Aus. The stars might be a bit more auspicious a bit further down the track.


In answer to your question I was to all intents and purposes happily settled in Australia for 32 yrs (8months and 3 days) but finally managed to escape in 2011 - despite being perfectly settled I have never felt that I belonged there and no house ownership here or there would have made me feel otherwise.


Good luck with your adventure, just think twice about setting fire to the bridges!




Wow, that's a long time to have lived over there.....


Renting our UK home offers us a very different lifestyle in Oz and not the one we would like to live, hence our reason for deciding to sell.


I guess time will tell!



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Wow, that's a long time to have lived over there.....


Renting our UK home offers us a very different lifestyle in Oz and not the one we would like to live, hence our reason for deciding to sell.


I guess time will tell!





And that is really important! No point being in Australia if you can't enjoy it, I don't know where you are heading but most of the major cities are expensive and that's part of the reason we come unstuck - our standard of living in Australia is far worse.


At the end of the day it is only a house!


The best of luck with your journey.

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I agree with Northern Bird, for one your house looks fantastic, and I too regret selling my house in Canada.


We moved back after 2 years, due to various reasons, and I truly wish I hadn't sold my house before we left.


It is the only thing I regrett doing.





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Spent the Bank Holiday weekend digging over the veg patch and planting up seedlings. Have yet to redo all the containers and change all the spring bulbs into summer bedding. Edging the grass and making perfect stripes on the lawn. Never thought I'd still be here doing it again this year after saying last year "this time next year, we'll have artificial grass!!!" Perhaps this time next year!!!!

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Guest guest74886




We are looking to sell our much treasured home before making the big move to Oz.


It sits on just over 3 acres and is accessed down an unmade track surrounded by countryside.


Just 2 miles to mainline station makes London accessible in just 35 mins.


​Please PM me if you would like details.


I really would give a thought to renting it out and renting out here, it will take time for the UK market to recover but it will do at some time.


We sold up in the UK and came out and I said much the same as you about making this the forever move and we are going back now after almost 9 years even tho on the face of it we have been successful and my other half is well established in a good job by Oz standards.


We just had no idea that we/I would get such an attack of homesickness at this stage and what would trigger it and when, it is just so unpredictable and the chances of getting a house like that again in the future will be pretty slim.


Also another factor is that the Oz dollar may weaken considerably over the next 18 months which would affect your available funds from the sale.

Whatever your decision all the best for the future.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I really would give a thought to renting it out and renting out here, it will take time for the UK market to recover but it will do at some time.


We sold up in the UK and came out and I said much the same as you about making this the forever move and we are going back now after almost 9 years even tho on the face of it we have been successful and my other half is well established in a good job by Oz standards.


We just had no idea that we/I would get such an attack of homesickness at this stage and what would trigger it and when, it is just so unpredictable and the chances of getting a house like that again in the future will be pretty slim.


Also another factor is that the Oz dollar may weaken considerably over the next 18 months which would affect your available funds from the sale.

Whatever your decision all the best for the future.


Thanks Oz to France....


We will def rent when we first arrive in Perth, we want to get a real feel for where we'd like to be and to see what happens with the £/$. Selling our home here opens up more opportunities for us and our kids over there, don't know I'd want to return to it, would feel like stepping backwards somehow but then who knows how I/we'll feel down the line! Also our kids will probably fly the nest within the next 5 years so its time to move on! Are you moving to France as your username suggests?


Mrs K x

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Guest guest74886
Thanks Oz to France....


We will def rent when we first arrive in Perth, we want to get a real feel for where we'd like to be and to see what happens with the £/$. Selling our home here opens up more opportunities for us and our kids over there, don't know I'd want to return to it, would feel like stepping backwards somehow but then who knows how I/we'll feel down the line! Also our kids will probably fly the nest within the next 5 years so its time to move on! Are you moving to France as your username suggests?


Mrs K x


Yes, trying to if we can get disentangled from my wife's job, hopefully by the end of the year.

I didn't expect the dollar to weaken so quickly, unfortunate for us ,good for you.

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