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I have made my mind up!


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Well after two weeks of dithering about it- I have decided to start the application process to move to be closer to my lovely sister in Sydney (she will be sponsoring me and who I miss dearly) I have two girls (13 and 8). They are happy with the move but slightly worried about leaving friends. So here we go!! After talking at length with my girls about the pros and cons (my eldest daughter's con at the top of her list was Spiders) - we have agreed we will give it a go and if we become extremely uphappy we will return to the UK. My partner is adamant he will not be joining us :(. I was made redundant (Property manager, resi sales and lettings covering 5 employees and two offices) this month and am currently on garden leave with no job prospects in our area. (Its a very small market town with little or no work available) Larger towns are half an hour to an hour commuting distance! My girls Dad is not at all happy about our decision but he has little contact them and not a great relationship with them. I have said that if I get the girls residency then he could maybe get a visa in the future as his work (builder) is dire over here (would this be right?- am not sure if he could get a visa under those circumstances?) He seemed a bit happier about it then. Any words of advice or wisdom would be welcome or am living in a daydream world about what could be possible? Mez

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only thing I would say is commute in Australia likely to be the same as yoy quote for getting new job in uk. Australia is a strange place all the jobs in ciry centre then miles and miles and miles of suburban sprawl. best to find job then find house near job if commuting is issue for u

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have you checked which visa you would be eligible for - this of course is the most important step. Additionally though, you will need the official permission of the children's father to remove them from the country. Do a search of threads on the site to give you an idea of the issues you need to explore, & here's the DIAC website http://www.immi.gov.au/skills/skillselect

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Hi,I'm just wondering.....you mentioned the girls father hardly has any contact with them and not a good relationship either so why would you be encouraging him to apply for a visa?From my own personal experience,my girls dad is an aussie and we left him in Australia to start a new life in the UK.He also did'nt have a good relationship with them.He signed my girls british passport forms (he did'nt have to)and thats all I needed from him.

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Hi Melza- he has the girls every other weekend. But no more contact other than that. I don't want him to apply for a visa- I just do not want him to try and prevent us going. He refuses to pay any child support ( I didn't really want to say that on here) so I am just trying to make sure I have all bases covered, as I seriously would like to take the girls with his permission rather than opposition X

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The main issue is looking to see if you can get a visa. Have you checked firstly that your job is on either of the lists? If it is, then there will be an assessing body listed. You need to find out if you can pass the skills assessment. Just having a sister there is not enough. Have a check for your ex's job at the same time.

Being determined is also not all it is about. I was determined. It took me seven years to get here, and another five to get a perminent visa.


I currently commute 45 minutes to work here in oz, and an hour home (I have no idea why it takes longer in the arfternoon). And that is in Adelaide which is supposed to be one of the 'smaller' more liveable cities. To cut out commuting you would need to live quite rural.


But first things first, see IF you can get a visa.

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Hi Melza- he has the girls every other weekend. But no more contact other than that. I don't want him to apply for a visa- I just do not want him to try and prevent us going. He refuses to pay any child support ( I didn't really want to say that on here) so I am just trying to make sure I have all bases covered, as I seriously would like to take the girls with his permission rather than opposition X


Are you trying to trick him into agreeing to something then? Obviously it is a lot easier with agreement but every other weekend is hardly an absent father, if he objects you would have hurdles to jump through but in all probability you will win in the end.


Obviously not paying child support is not good, but it is a separate issue.


To save everybody from having to look up NMAEA and MARLA, could you just tell us what your occupation is and perhaps whether you have checked the SOL or CSOL already.

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Hi Rupert, my profession is a property manager (five years) and I am member of two professional bodies over here. National Association of Estate Agents and also a member of Association of Lettings agents- and it is on the list on csol. The girls Dad is a skilled carpenter. I was just looking for advice really as I would love to be able to give my daughters more opportunities than we could have here. I would never ever tear the family apart if we were not all agreed on it. I am struggling to find the correct form to apply with. My sister has offered to sponsor me but as I understand it, I also will be required to have the strong skill set as well.

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Yes, you need to research if you can pass the skills assessment. I was under the impression that to be a property manager in Australia you must have a degree in it (for everyone, not just immigrants) but that might just be ones I have spoken to trying to make themselves sound smarter. Next to your job on the csol is an assessing body. Have a look at their website and see if they have any info on skills assessments. Some list what you need, some don't. Have a search on here too to see if anyone has said anything about the skills assessment.

You also need to see how many points you would score assuming you can pass the skills assessment. You may have to do the English test to get more points.


Then have a read up on the 489 visa and see if your sister could sponsor you. I thought they had to be living somewhere classed as regional, which Sydney isn't.


You have a lot of research to do. ;-)

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Be very prepared to do 30 min plus commute here too! Distance from place to place here is on an entirely different level to the UK. A lot of people here would laugh on hearing your reluctance at travelling 30-60 min to the next larger town for work. Some people do that just for their monthly food shop here and don't think twice about it!

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I didn't think property manager was on the skills list, but somebody else has suggested that it is on the CSOL, which would mean you would need sponsorship by a state or employer. Your sister could only sponsor you if your occupation is on the SOL and if she lives in a regional area.


Also dare I say it, you might have a touch if the rose tints. There is nothing wrong with wanting to move to Australia, most of us on PIO have had the wish for one reason or another. But don't assume you will get a shorter commute and don't assume your daughters wil have better opportunities, many young Australians go to UK for the opportunities, fact is both countries have opportunities.

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Sorry- meant either Concept Australia OR Visa Bureau?

I haven't dealt with either of those, and they aren't names which people tend to recommend too often (not saying they are bad, just not as highly thought of as others). Go Matilda is recommended a lot. I personally used George Lombard as he was the only agent I contacted who hadn't given me some level of duff info. I never contacted go Matilda, probably would have by all the positive comments.


Have you had a look at the assessing bodies website to see what they want from you to get a skills assessment?

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